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  • I threw up my own Pixelfed instance. It was awful. I'm much happier with GoToSocial.

    Plus I'm yet to run into a single person I actually know IRL on the fedi.

    • Plus I'm yet to run into a single person I actually know IRL on the fedi.

      Is that a normal metric for monolithic social media?

      • monolithic social media

        I...don't know what that means?

        Lemmy is optimal for chatting with random people. If I want to share personal things, I prefer to do that with people I actually know.

    • I mean, you could mention the fediverse to people you know IRL and get them to join.

      But I've only done that a handful of times, quite ineffectively, so I can't presume to judge you.

      • I've only done that a handful of times, quite ineffectively


  • Looks pretty normal. Pixelfed has been hyped. So a bunch of people try it out for a short while, but leave again. some stay.

  • As expected, after growing and plateauing, pixelfed's number of Monthly Active Users is now ebbing. If I understand the MAU stat correctly, this is because

    • users who posted/liked/commented over a month ago haven't done so since (retention)
    • new users haven't been checking it out as much -- a month ago this was driven by external events (mostly Zuck turning pro-Trump, I think.)

    As far as retention, I'm rooting for 200K+ but it looks like it might be around 150K. If I understand the Monthly Active User stat correctly, the line's going down because (a) new users have stopped joining as much and (b) people who posted/liked/commented over a month ago haven't done so since. I'm guessing that people who do this professionally have some kind of data-driven model that compares the ebb rate with the earlier decline growth rate, and has sample curves from previous social media growth periods. Just by eyeballing it, looks like over the last week pixelfed has lost like 10-20k users per day, whereas the month before the growth rate was around 40k per day.

    As far as external events, John Oliver briefly flashed the Pixelfed logo on screen this Sunday, maybe that's why the ebb was only 7k yesterday (a day or two to download and check things out before interacting?) Hey, people like 50501 are promoting boycotts of Amazon, Target, etc. maybe we should suggest boycotts of corporate social media? 50501 is organizing on r$ddit so I doubt they'd go for a complete boycott, but maybe it could be an "explore alternatives" or "bug out plan for social media" day or something.

  • I am not gonna lie, I tried two or three separate times and was never able to get a sign up email to go through from multiple instances. I don't know if Gmail has been black-holing them all to protect their interests or not, but I pretty much gave up.