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๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท energy futures up 20x compared to past decade's average


Bro I don't even know how I'll be able to use my PC let alone heat my house this winter lol

  • "Russian energy weapon"? Oh do go fuck yourself, Javier. Your government refuses to pay for energy to its largest supplier. That's capitalism for you.

    • If Russia did invent tesla weapons from red alert now, it would be not only physical but also psychological weapon.

  • How prominent are communist organizations (or just general anti-imperialist ones) in the various European countries? If people riot, I hope it won't be an unorganized mess

    • Can't speak for other European countries, but in Germany not present at all. The DKP (German Communist Party) is so small it's almost irrelevant. The Left has some communist and anti-imperialist factions, but the party at large is getting pummeled in elections atm and as it's doing so, it is moving even further to the right. Only hope is the very large (non-revolutionary) union movement. Other than that it's an unorganized mess or one that's organized/coopted by the right. Mainstream politicians already going ahead preemptively labeling protesters as far-right certainly doesn't help either.

      • but the party at large is getting pummeled in elections atm and as itโ€™s doing so, it is moving even further to the right.

        This is the thing i will never understand. From what i seen every reformist party, even when they win the elections, lose support because it is not radical enough. And every time it happens, instead of the obvious conclusion "we fucked up, betten not cater to libs but try to get our own electorate back" they move further right losing more and more until oblivion.

    • Poland. Our best and biggest (because it is the only one) communist party was last seen on street over a year ago in hand's numbers.

      Anarchists, trots etc. can do few hundred but as you can expect it's hard to organise.

      Succdems are inert, for years they only either go with libs or organize picnics that can't even be named protests.

      Libs can mobilise quite numbers, but only for special cases, like the effective abortion ban (of course it was unsuccessful). I don't think they would do it here, even as a surefire method of getting popular support against PiS, because as all libs ever they fear organised working class way more than they fear conservatists.

      Unions and peasants have a bit of power left, but they are unwilling to rise in a serious protest and are easily distracted and disorganised by empty promises, crumbs and by the solidarnoล›ฤ‡ scabs.

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