Even EU Shocked by Canada’s Bold Move to Replace the U.S. with EU in Oil Export
Even EU Shocked by Canada’s Bold Move to Replace the U.S. with EU in Oil Export
Even EU Shocked by Canada’s Bold Move to Replace the U.S. with EU in Oil Export
So Canada solves 2 problems with 1 move. They get to sell to a partner not keen on fucking them and EU gets oil to replace the Russian supply.
Watch Trump end sanctions on Russa to buy russian oil.
at a premium price, no doubt, too.
He already did. Most likely this is what the new usa-russia economic partnership is all about. Krasnov is betting papa putin will save him once again.
Russian oil wouldn't replace the gap. It's not the right type of oil for our refineries. It's much more likely we start pumping it from federal land reserves in Alaska at double the pace.
I dont want to watch the YouTube video. Does anyone have a link to a news article that covers this?
Fuck the AI "boom", but this is the best legitimate use of it around, summarizing annoying videos or long documents. Here's an AI summary.
Here is a summary of the video:
Yeah AI is great for this kinda stuff. My personal favorite use is "make is concise"
Canada is shifting its energy exports away from the U.S. toward European and Asian markets due to American protectionist tariffs. This strategic diversification of Canadian oil, gas, and minerals could weaken U.S. energy security and global influence while raising American energy costs. Canada's resources currently benefit the U.S. by supporting reserves, lowering costs, and enabling exports. As Canada develops more capacity to supply global allies directly, particularly with electricity that could power America's growing AI sector, this reorientation may significantly alter global energy geopolitics.
What model did you use to generate this summary?
Frackin' methane, eh?
Very good. This is the start of a very desirable NATO sans US - or whatever it should be renamed - and it's high time. In a way, Trump's idiocy may have precipitated a very healthy redefinition of transatlantic relationships.
why rename it? it's a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation with or without the US
The same reason IG Farben was renamed BASF after the war: there was nothing wrong with the name and it was the same company core (minus a few bits) but IG Farben was a bit too associated with Zyklon B.
NATO is intimately associated with the US for historical reasons. A new name would signal a willingness to put down the historical baggage and start afresh.
Except the US is in NATO, so there's no NATO without the US unless they leave.
True. But we're dealing with a toddler to the south. A move like this, as good as it is, is going to antagonize his annexation talk to the point where he might actually try something.
This is going to get worse before it gets better. But yes, I think we'll come out the other side a far better world without the U.S. as a superpower.
On the one hand, this is going to hurt working class. A lot. Most of the US has no good mass transit. No car means no paycheck.
On the other hand, stellar power move. Impressive.
Most of the US has no good mass transit. No car means no paycheck.
That undecided bloc should've voted then. They can make it up for it by protesting against the tariffs.
You say "on one hand... on the other hand" as if both things aren't good.
The American working class -- and I say this as a member of it -- needs to be hurt in order to find the motivation to depose its dictator.
They should voted then and not wait til now to protest.
70+ million of us bothered to vote no. We did the reading and even though we didn’t fail the test, we failed the test anyway.
Good, let the working class feel the self inflicted pain. - a frustrated American
Who did this Working class vote for? Or did it vote at all?
I voted against it.
This is actually really bad as far as emissions are concerned. The emissions from transportation of oil alone are massive, outweighing all other emissions from overseas transport.
Countries have largely abandoned the climate change initiative for a while, a video by sabin explains it well
I'm not sure what value this comment adds to the conversation.
it should balance out somewhat--the u.s. exports are roughly the same as its canadian imports; unless they do something really stupid like increasing what's already historic production levels to make up for the loss of canadian imports.
Container ships lower earth average temperature by 0.3 °C via SO2 emissions. That's why the IMO limiting sulphur content of bunker fuel was a bad move, which could catapult us above 2 °C.
Really interesting, thanks for the read.
This speakers grammar based intonation and sentence structure is weird.
King Faisal watching Canadians hit America with another oil crisis:
Blame Trump for slapping a 10% tariff without thinking about his actions.
without thinking about his actions.
[citation needed]
When it comes to Trump, people really need to quit attributing to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.
The tarrifs are way less worrisome than the make Canada join USA through economic war effort.
My worries: This is going to impact US energy security prices. The US invaded for less.
Canadians gotta learn from their predecessors how to handle US tyranny. Here's an example from the 1973 oil crisis:
Kissinger stated in a private state department meeting that it's “ridiculous that the civilized world is held up by 8 million savages... Can’t we overthrow one of the sheikhs just to show that we can do it?” They formed a plan to invade Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.[60][61] Kissinger publicly threatened "countermeasures" in a Nov 21st, 1973 press conference if the embargo was not lifted, and the Saudis responded with threatening further oil cuts and to burn their oil fields if the US military invaded. After the CIA confirmed these threats, Kissinger gave up military intervention and decided that dealing with Israel's troop withdrawals and settled on diplomatic solutions to the oil embargo.