Drugs leverage the flesh to influence the soul. Meditation flexes the soul directly.
Drugs leverage the flesh to influence the soul. Meditation flexes the soul directly.
Drugs leverage the flesh to influence the soul. Meditation flexes the soul directly.
Don’t got a soul. I am a blob of electrified fat piloting a meat mech
What do you mean by soul?
Look into the differences between altered states versus altered traits for a scientific perspective on this.
Soul? That's just an excuse to justify not doing a damn thing for an extended period of time.
What do you mean by soul?
You probably don't mean what I mean. I mean, there's some overlap, but not precisely. It's vague.
Surely some discussion is called for before condemning the whole concept.
If anything, I think "mind" might be what you're looking for. Why complicate things with an indefinable term like soul?