Same here. Never found a 3d tool that went right. But openscad is straightforward. Zero to printable thing in an hour.
Code is a little weird but I'm getting a feel for it. That would be an interesting project, to make a better openscad code.

openscad is pretty great
It's software cad. You write code that makes the 3d model. And then you print the 3d model.
The last "official release" was 2 years ago. But development (and community) is active. You gotta get the nightly builds.
A skull, with sharp pointy teeth, chewing on a baby

That's the first counterargument on my mind too.

We're anonymous here because we're all afraid of each other. And that's a lot of fear.
It's absurd that they send their top executives on away missions. He's a desk officer. He should never hold a gun.
Whether it was or wasn't, we definitely got the propaganda avalanche.
It buzzed in my ear.
Eggs and larva is my fear.
Now there's an itching.
The hatching is near.
I think you replied to the wrong person.
Years of propaganda telling us that the flu is the apocalypse. Can you blame him?
Wear a big roll. It promises hot action forthcoming.
You can carry a bigger roll if you hang it from your neck .
Poverty is my shield.
Me too. It's called drafts. First draft, second draft, etc. It's only natural that you will find bugs, think of better ways to say stuff, realize stuff. It's organic and proper.
It's more common than you might think.
I'm only making one simple point. It ain't complicated.
Don't read into it any more than that one point. It ain't complicated.
Consider the ramifications of an argument where both sides haven't a leg to stand on.
That's rather beside my point.
I'm highlighting the common ground between theists and atheists.

Poor epistemology. A common problem.
Most modern, right-thinking, science-believers don't actually do science and wouldn't recognize the scientific method if it bit them on the butt.
Most religious people never meditated, never had a vision, wouldn't recognize elevated consciousness if it bit them on the butt.
Most of us just swallow the official narrative of our tribe and trust what the authorities say.
Which is of course a terrible way to acquire quality knowledge.
And he's the moderator of "atheism". Where's the interest in the subject?

Drugs leverage the flesh to influence the soul. Meditation flexes the soul directly.

A song. Take away the tune and the lyrics. What's left, the part that really matters, is a pattern of vibes. What do you call that "pattern of vibes"?
Poetry energy?
A pattern of notes is a tune. A pattern of words is a poem. A pattern of vibes is a ... what?

Law is a maximally complex representation of reality manifested by anxiety.

MENTALLUSIONS: Radical Eclectic Films of Benjamin Meade (2012)
Have you seen it? How can I get it? Even via nautical avenues I have met with zero luck. It's like it disappeared.

What's your method for getting stuff?
My method goes like this :
I get pretty high using my favorite meditation technique (Shikantaza) and then I make my request (Verbally. Briefly). It works good.
What's your's?