Honk motherfucker
Honk motherfucker

Honk motherfucker
The real question is who won? Maybe this will tell us the future
Goose held its own. Eagle gave up and fucked of after 20 min of trying
Bald Eagles are particularly lazy and will usually just try to steal from more capable hunters or just eat carrion. 😂
Geese also don't take shit from anyone, so it was a long shot for the eagle.
Any confirmation about the veracity of this image?
Certified by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
I'm a birdologist and I can confirm that these are indeed birds of some sort.
The thought is nice but I get the feeling that a Goose wouldn't fair well in this literal non-metaphorical bird-battle.
The eagle is the more powerful bird but bald eagles aren’t especially aggressive when confronted with something that is.
The goose would get fucked up but chances are the eagle would fuck off instead.
According to the article, that's exactly what happened
That's our plan!
Have you ever met a Canada goose up close? Those things are the literal spawn of Satan.
The campus of my Alma mater is home to a very large flock that has abandoned their annual migrations in favour of bedding down in the snow like a bunch of Sasquatches. Every spring they lay a million eggs and hatch countless fuzzy babies which immediately begin to feast on the grass and poop everywhere.
All the students try to take selfies with them, only to get hissed at and even swooped by the 14 lb birds. Several of my friends nearly had their heads taken off by the beasts!
Sure cool cool, are they apex predators with a 50 mile territory radius who evolved their face and toes into blades to the extent that their only defense against one another is to lock feet to avoid being taloned to shreds?
If you got a problem with Canada Gooses then you got a problem with me, and you should let that one marinate!