And it turns out in this case, the plane is an 737-800 which uses engines from CFM International (partly French, partly US) specifically CFM56 series engines. Engines in this series are used by Boeing, Airbus and McDonnel Douglas. So don't buy American and you can still end up with an engine from the same manufacturer and series.
A plane also has a very long life and is used as much as possible during that life. This means the actual production is only a small part of the life of the plane and a lot happens after that. So until it's investigated and clear what the issue was, blaming the manufacturer of the plane seems especially far fetched. The problem could have been with the manufacturer of the engine, it could have been a mistake in maintenance or bad replacement/refurbished part, it could be lack of maintenance, improper maintenance procedures. It could als have been something ingested into the engine, which happens all the time.
The plane in question has been flying perfectly fine for over 10 years, so I doubt Boeing is at fault in this one.
It's all well and good to jump on the hype train of blaming Boeing and the US for everything. But these sorts of things happen all the time with all types of airplanes, it's a normal part of life. Boeing has made some terrible mistakes, but not all bad things that happen to Boeing planes are their fault.