You're putting a lot of effort into defending a shitty source.
Nope. I'm defending the ARTICLE, which has nothing to do with the more reasonable reasons to distrust Mintpress
To be clear, I DON'T CARE who wrote the article.
You REALLY should. Sometimes great journalists don't have the luxury of being picky about who publishes their work.
The post is about the article and, other than not fawning over Israel, the article doesn't exemplify any of the "offenses" MBFC accuses it of.
Shitty sources don't deserve the traffic.
Great articles do. If anything, limiting access to the good things an otherwise questionable publisher posts reduces their incentive to publish more of that kind and less clickbaity mis/disinformation.
It could be a nobel prize winner, if it's on a questionable source, it's getting removed
That's 100% grade A horseshit and against the REASON to have the rule in the first place. It would behoove you to reconsider such an arbitrarily rigid approach.
Put on your big boy pants and find a better source.
Take off your scolding cap and stop censoring good articles for arbitrary reasons.
Edit If you CAN'T find a better source on the same story, it's an opportunity to step back ask ask why...
If it had been an opinion piece or breaking news making questionable claims, sure. This is neither of that and well-sourced, though, so would be more akin to dismissing a movie for being an exclusive of a streaming service you don't like.