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  • If I was to say that I'm the emperor because some underpaid and overworked employee lobbed a foam claymore at me, they'd put me away!

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    TIL Cigarette butts are the most common form of plastic pollution
  • If we were serious about getting people to quit, it would be better to force producers to slowly decrease the nicotine content, and the other addictive additives used in cigarettes

    Or better yet: do both. We can walk and chew nicotine gum at the same time, you know 😉

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    the amount of slop saying "wait till the end" is too damn high
  • Yup! That's in fact what I myself don't do.

    I cross posted this post from another to MildlyInfuriating because it's the kind of content this community is for. Not because I myself was soliciting advice.

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    TIL Cigarette butts are the most common form of plastic pollution
  • They absolutely harm the environment more than help

    I highly doubt it, but go ahead and prove your claim.

    Again smokers know the risk when they started smoking.

    Far from all. That's a very privileged assumption. Countries in the global south don't generally get all the public health information we take for granted, and there's significant correlation between countries with the most new smokers and countries with the least successful public health authorities.

    That goes for impoverished and otherwise dysfunctional parts of the global North too, btw, in case you don't think you'd be killing a lot of West Virginians who don't deserve it.

    They don't get to mitigate that risk by poisoning the environment with their trapped tar filters that they flick everywhere with out a care for themselves or nonsmokers or the environment.

    Holy stereotype bigotry, Batman!

    Speaking as an ex-smoker who didn't match the caricature you have in your head at all, I'm glad that you didn't get to decide anything. Otherwise, I might not have survived long enough to quit five years ago.

    You're wrong on this one

    That's a negative. People don't deserve to be victims of social murder just because they made the mistake of developing a bad habit and you have prejudices against everyone who shares that habit.

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    TIL Cigarette butts are the most common form of plastic pollution
  • any real harm reduction beyond trapping a little bit of tar

    Yeah, just reducing the amount of TAR in your lungs!

    Because that's not at all harmful, nuh-uh! It's not like emphysema or lung cancer ever harmed anyone! 🤦

    They seem to do more harm than good

    Objectively false to a ridiculous degree.

    From my pov, keeping them around is needlessly cruel and results in no benefit whatsoever

    Except for the aforementioned decrease in emphysema and lung cancer, sure 🙄

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    TIL Cigarette butts are the most common form of plastic pollution
  • Any smoker already knows they're killing themselves

    Which is one of many reasons why the vast majority of smokers are trying to quit. I've never known anyone who's become addicted to nicotine who DIDN'T eventually want to stop.

    Why not get rid of the filter?

    Because it would increase the harm to both smokers and victims of passive tobacco inhalation immensely, which would in turn increase the already outsized strain on healthcare systems around the world, leading to a spiral of compounded misery throughout society.

    It would be needlessly cruel while resulting in little to no benefit.

    A better solution would be to ban the hundreds of different additives in cigarettes that make them more toxic and addictive than the tobacco itself already is.

    That and roll back the bans of flavored e-juice while actively promoting the most effective smoking cessation method, adult vaping.

    Refillable ones only, of course. Disposable vapes are an environmental scourge and also generally much less effective than the good ones.

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    TIL Cigarette butts are the most common form of plastic pollution
  • Yeah, let's make the number one lifestyle cause of death, a highly addictive group of substances, even more deadly! That'll show those no-good addicts!

    Just like any other addiction, you don't cure tobacco smoking (or lessen the burden on society at large) by killing people faster.

    Addiction treatment and other harm reduction, on the other hand..

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