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Atypical tips to quit smoking?

I know it's gross, unhealthy, a stupid habit, makes no sense.

Trouble quitting cuz it's something to do with hands, fidgety, restless, oral fixation I think, and it gets me out of the house. Can't find a habit to replace it with.

  • This is going to be really atypical: smoke cigars.

    I never really smoked cigarettes so I never had an addiction with them. But I do like cigars. I smoke them occasionally, as do most people with few exceptions. I've heard, though, from some former cigarette smokers that switching to cigars helped them mostly painlessly stop their addiction to constantly smoking cigarettes by instead just having an occasional, even maybe weekly, cigar. Cigars may be more intense but also don't have all the chemicals and crap that some cigarettes have, and cigars even intentionally remove some of the chemicals that cigarettes may add, like ammonia.

    • goddammit that is so stupid it might actually work! I don't have a problem with quitting, did it dozens of times, but sooner or later always had the famous "only one cig".

      gonna go for a cigar when that happens next time 👌

      • Try it, man.

        If you need any recommendations, please ask!

    • This is how I quit smoking actually. Now I haven't even smoked a cigar in years

  • my mother went cold turkey on quitting, with the motivation of buying (leasing?) a new car.

    she knew, that if she continues to smoke, she won't be able to pay the debt.

    now, she's completely cigarette free, for almost 15 years or more. the whole process took around less than a year.

    (granted, had to replace some furniture at the beginning, because she smashed them, but this anger management problem got better rather fast)

  • Not sure if it's atypical, but you could try reading "Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" and "The Freedom Model of Addictions". The basic premise of the books is, that if you really want to quit, you will quit easily, and that in order to really want to quit you need to reevaluate the reward value of your habit instead of focusing on the negatives. You smoke because you find it pleasurable. The books guide you to better understand what part of your habit you find pleasurable exactly. Is it the nicotine rush? Or maybe the you like the social aspect of it? After finding out what exactly you find pleasurable about your habit, the books will give you pointers on how to reevaluate if the pleasure you derive from it is really all that great compared to other activities or whether it really solves the problem that you set out to solve with your habit.

  • Smoker for 35 years... This might not help you directly, but I went to Australia for 3 months where cigarettes are USD$50 per pack. At that price I'm not buying. Went cold turkey and it's been 6 months and still not purchased a pack, even though I'm now in another country where a pack is just USD$2.

  • There's a movie with a sure-fire method, Stephen King's Cat's Eye. Just find someone willing to "help you" like Quitters Inc.

  • My Dad quit after almost dying from lung infections. So maybe see if you can get yourself one of those every year for a decade to where you're hospitalized for a few weeks at the end and the doctor says the next time you leave in a body bag.

  • Reduce first but have attainable goals. Go easy and steady.

    For some folks cold Turkey works best but it might not be for you.

    Most importantly, find a reason that's really important to you.

    Maybe try sports - something measurable. It easier to tell yourself no after a cardio as you realise how it ruins what you just achieved.

    1. Get a dry herb vaporizer like the arizer air max as the smoke all be much cleaner for you
    2. Buy some cheap hemp flower or pot and mix it with the tobacco, slowly skew the ratio towards hemp flower/pot over time. Throw a little dried lavendar in there too if you have access to the plant
    3. Micro dose on magic mushrooms daily, not enough to trip just enough to feel good, for some reason I hate smoking anything while on mushroom trips and have heard personal stories of people quitting cold turkey
  • I've been using a Dynavap with CBD (hemp) and it's worked great: Very similar to smoking a cigarette but it's a dry herb vaporizer. The main downside is, there's a decent learning curve to using it well.

  • I got up to a pack a day when I decided to quit. The biggest thing that helped me quit was getting an app on my phone which tracked the cost and how many you're smoking. When you start reducing the amount smoked etc it tracked how much money you've saved, how much healthier your lungs are (lung capacity etc), how much more time you've added to your life expectency, all that sorta stuff.

    Having numbers and stats to track, made it feel more tangible and felt like I was making actual progress towards something.

    Its worth a shot.

  • I'm not a smoker, but have a few friends that struggled to quit, the ones that succeeded went cold turkey with meds for the cravings.

    Go see your doctor!