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Palworld faces the difficult choice of whether to become a live-service game or stay buy-to-play, PocketPair’s CEO says
  • Its honestly such a dead game at the moment, as in the world feels super empty and uninteresting. The pathing for the Pals is really bad too - trying to build a multistorey building is basically a nonstarter as they can't really navigate up stairs.

    Based on that you can get costumes/skins for your Pals, I'm pretty sure they'll go live service with those as micro transactions.

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    Anyone has been using Wayland with zero issues?
  • Have not touched X11 since the proper Wayland support in the Nvidia drivers and Plasma 6. Its been super solid.

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    When is the best take to take supplements/protein?
  • Optimal creatine use is generally what's on the label. Sometimes there are cycles and loading phases. The cycle would be something along the lines of taking it for 4 weeks, stopping it for a week, then starting again (as an example). The loading phase will be something like double the intake for a week then back off to normal levels afterwards.

    Loading phases are generally unnecessary as you'll get the same benefit in the long run. However if the label tells you to follow cycles, then its for good reason.

    Personally, I just mix the creatine in with the protein shake in the morning and then after the session in the evening (as per the label).

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • Its an option in Lutris to automatically create a shortcut in your Steam game library for a "Non-Steam game". But yes, I think you're right - that's probably what is happening

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • It works when I launch through Lutris, but yea - using the Steam shortcut it doesn't work. I'm sure it all used to work on my old system, but not sure if I've tried it since moving to Wayland

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    Controller isn't working when using Lutris through Steam
  • It's definitely something like this - from what I can tell the controller hasn't moved "focus" to the game as I can still hear the Steam Big Picture menu making noise etc.

  • Hi all, I tried creating a Steam shortcut through lutris but my controller isn't detected -I'm trying to play it via Steam Link.

    Normal Steam games appear to work fine, and from everything I've seen online it should just work.

    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • You've proven my initial comment. The term is misused and then people like yourself come along and perpetuate it's misuse.

    Going from mucking around to abuse like there's not a hundred other perspectives and factors at play.

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    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • You're a fucking idiot

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    This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down”
  • I really should have read the documentation... Whoops. That's on me. Ha ha

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    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • I think this one just morphed over time to be misused to excuse poor behavior. I always took as like boys rough housing each other and mucking about or eating dirt etc.

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    This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down”
  • I recently started using Nobara and notices that I can't update the system with Discover. Is that by design or do I need to configure it. I noticed it had settings for flatpak and stuff but couldn't see any Nobara/Fedora stuff in there.

    I'm sure it was working to update Arch when I had a go if it a while ago.

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    I asked him why he's not using his bed.
  • Oh man, those car beds are sweet though. Silly cats.

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    GitHub is down
  • Oh, that ones easy. The developers for Stalker 2 are in Ukraine.

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    Epoch fail!!!
  • For those wanting to know why, its called Two's complement

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    Industrial Annihilation on Steam
  • As a TA veteran, I could never get into Planetary Annihilation. Supreme Commander 1 & 2 were pretty good, got lots of hours in those.

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    Unattended install script
  • Awesome, love to hear it. Good luck

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    Unattended install script
  • Good question. I suppose the advantage is it's small scope, and it's bash only so it's just using the same commands you'd use if you were to manually be installing Arch. Whether or not you find that an advantage or not is up to you really. The idea behind it was to put minimal thought into the install process and just have a lazy installation script. I found it super handy when spinning up VMs for instance.

  • GitHub - matty-r/Lazy-Arch: Bash only script for installing Arch Linux using the vanilla Arch ISO. Configuration and install all done from adding a few details, all the rest is done for you.

    Bash only script for installing Arch Linux using the vanilla Arch ISO. Configuration and install all done from adding a few details, all the rest is done for you. - matty-r/Lazy-Arch

    Hey all,

    Just thought I'd share my kinda unattended installer. I know there are a number of scripts out there, but thought others might be interested in this style of installer.

    Boot into the official Arch Linux ISO then download the script.

    There is an installation config file where you choose which bundles you want installed, and things like the root drive and username etc.

    The install will ask for the root password and your user password and that should be it. The rest of the script will go through and automatically install all your selected packages (plus further config if needed), do the regional stuff for timezones etc

    I haven't updated the script in a while and it hasn't been tested by many others so your mileage may vary. But here it is, warts and all.

    Braid: Anniversary Edition "sold like dog s***", says creator Jonathan Blow
  • Sometimes writing the game engine is just more fun than making the game itself, ok...

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    Buy 7 Days to Die at your own risk
  • For this type of game, performance is really inconsistent. Without even building a mega base etc, sometimes it'll decide to just start moving as a slide show at like 20 fps. When I first load it it runs nicely at 100fps (with some tuning of the graphics).

    Its especially bad if you go into a new town. Sometimes it'll go fine, but chances are it'll run like shit until you close the game and reopen it.

    (3070ti, 5800X, 32gb ram, nvme drive)

  • Hey all, not sure how I managed this, but over the years I somehow managed to configure different paths which are listed in kf5-config. The for instance the cache path should be /home/matt/.cache, but kf5-config lists it in /mnt/data/matt/home/.cache. I'm sure this was intentional at one point but now i'm trying to fix up my partitions.

    So my question is - how do I change the paths listed in kf5-config to where it should be on the root partition (/home/matt/...)?. I'll move the actual data from where it is onto the root partition, I just need to know how to change that paths are configured in kf5-config.


    kf5-config paths: cache: /mnt/data/matt/home/.cache/ config: /mnt/data/matt/home/.config/:/mnt/data/matt/home/.config/kdedefaults/:/etc/xdg/ data: /mnt/data/matt/home/.local/share/:/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/ emoticons: /mnt/data/matt/home/.local/share/emoticons/:/usr/share/emoticons/ exe: /usr/lib/libexec/:/usr/bin/ html: /mnt/data/matt/home/.local/share/doc/HTML/:/usr/share/doc/HTML/ etc.. etc..

    Edit: I just wanted to add that these paths are different from what is listed in qtpaths:

    $ qtpaths --paths CacheLocation /home/matt/.cache/<APPNAME> $ qtpaths --paths ConfigLocation /home/matt/.config:/home/matt/.config/kdedefaults:/etc/xdg


    Turns out that it expands symlinked directories.


    Hey all, I have a Samsung S22 and got an update this morning which has forced on the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Disabling the new circle to search didn't make a difference.

    I heard it can be disabled through GoodLock but I'm not installing that. Maybe it can be disabled via adb or something?



    Hey all I'm looking for recommendations for a video doorbell that doesn't need an internet connection.

    Preferably something that is WiFi and would work with Frigate?


    Hey all,

    I'm going to be moving on to my next project and have been thinking about doing an email client. I like Thunderbird, but the search is terrible, and I also want to tackle something that needs pretty high performance for processing emails etc.

    Any suggestions or considerations I should think about?

    I'll focus on just getting SMTP going in a CLI then I'll introduce some sort of frontend using Qt.


    Since the update, if I snap Firefox to the top the mouse seems to be offset a number of pixels compared to where the actual cursor is. It also affects the content in sites, not just stuff in Firefox.

    Edit: Looks like it's not just when it's snapped, but as soon as it passes about the top 90% of the screen. Just took a screenshot, where you can see the cursor is hovering over Other Bookmarks, but it's activating the menu above it.

    9 Release v0.6.0 · matty-r/urChat

    What's Changed Improved updateStyles performance Moved the Interface options panel to it's own InterfacePanel class. Rename Panels to URPanels. Move ProfilePanel and MainOptionsPanel from componen...

    Hey all,

    Another update/release of urChat (Java IRC Client). This release had a lot of focus on general usability and backend cleaning up. Performance for updating the styles has been improved and i've also moved some of the major panels into their own classes to make it easier to add more options/panels at a future date. In doing this, there is less effort needed when adding more options as the this is all handled when using addToPanel() method:

    For Instance, i've added an option to toggle the tab icons, after creating the new JCheckBox showTabIcons, all that's needed to have it save to the preferences correctly is:

    java URPanels.addToPanel(this, showTabIcons, null, Placement.DEFAULT, null, Constants.KEY_SHOW_TAB_ICON); This adds it to the current JPanel (In this case the InterfacePanel), places it after the previous Component and then associates that with the KEY_SHOW_TAB_ICON Preference key. Much easier than before.

    Support for HTTP proxies has also been added, so we've now got both SOCKS and HTTP proxies as an option. There is now better disconnection handling, it will automatically reconnect if it disconnects unexpectedly (after some time), and it will also rejoin all of the previously connected channels.

    I've also added in LOG4J2 for logging. At the moment there is a log4j2.xml config file included in the release JAR, but eventually i'll allow custom config files. I'm not 100% sure how I feel about it yet as it increased my release JAR file size from 247 KB to 2.47 MB which is quite a significant jump.

    Anyway, thanks everybody for your support and interest. Feel free to join the #urchat channel at to discuss improvements etc. :) Onwards and upwards to version 0.7.0!

    GitHub Link


    Hey all, I've been trying to figure out why enabling IPS kills my network. I have some services I host and would like to get some sort of IPS running. I used to have Snort running through pfSense and didn't experience issues like this.

    Edit: as an update to this, I resolved it by installing the realtek plugin.


    Hey all, recent convert from pfSense. I'm trying to make sure only the DNS servers I've defined are being used for lookups? I'm using Unbound and noticing a lot of traffic on port 53 to destinations other than the ones I've put in.

    4 GitHub - matty-r/urChat: urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and minimal resource impact on your system.

    urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and minimal resource impact on your system. - GitHub - matty-r/urChat: urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and...

    Version 0.5.1 of my IRC Client has been released. This time around it was mostly focussed around bug fixes largely to do with updating the styles. But I also added a couple of features. This was a shorter release from 0.4.0 as the changes weren't as significant.

    Profile Handling

    I wanted a way to easily manage profiles, especially during development. With this release i've added a Profiles page, which allows you to Create new profiles, clone an existing profile, rename, and delete profiles. You can also set a profile as the default to be used when loading the app.

    A majority of the effort went into keeping the Profile Picker (the combobox that changes the active profile) and the profiles page in sync which was done using listeners. New listeners were created for DELETE,CREATE, and CHANGE events as other components needed to add their own listeners to the queue to make sure they were also kept in sync, but also to update styles etc when the profile changes.


    public static void fireListeners (EventType eventType) { if(!listenerLists.containsKey(eventType)) listenerLists.put(eventType, new EventListenerList());

    Object[] listeners = listenerLists.get(eventType).getListenerList();

    // Reverse order for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (listeners[i] == ActionListener.class) { if (actionEvent == null) { actionEvent = new ActionEvent(listeners, i, null); }

    ((ActionListener) listeners[i + 1]).actionPerformed(actionEvent); } } }


    All of this profile work was also used to centralise the loading and saving of profile information through the URProfileUtil helper class. This should hopefully help down the track.

    !Profiles Page

    Custom Nick Format

    This was similarly difficult to when I implemented the custom Date formatting. At least this time around I had an idea of how it might be implemented. However the difference was that I couldn't treat the resultant String as a whole, for example setting the Date format to [HHmm] i'd just return [0652] then insert that into the document, I had to contend with nick styles as well.

    In the end I settled with splitting whatever was placed into the Nick format field into three parts (Prefix, nick, Suffix). If you want something just on the right side of the nick, you put nick in the Nick format field, then whatever you want next to that. When placing the nick in the document, I set the attributes according to which part and then use this when updating the styles etc.

    !Custom Nick format


    Hi all,

    Just wondering how progress is on eGPU docks? I want to upgrade my GPU at some point and thought it might be cool to put it in a dock and connect it to a laptop. The laptop has a couple thunderbolt ports.

    How's compatibility these days?

    20 GitHub - matty-r/urChat: urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and minimal resource impact on your system.

    urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and minimal resource impact on your system. - GitHub - matty-r/urChat: urChat is a Java based IRC Client designed around simplicity and...

    Hello all,

    I'm here with an update to my IRC Client, now at version 0.4.0 (urChat Github Link). I decided to revive this project a few months ago because there was a few things that I wanted to finish, as well as wanting to get back into Java. All my previous posts are on Reddit (My IRC Client.. 9 years later.).

    This version was mostly concerned with customising the colours used for the various styles in the chat windows. The most difficult part was trying to find a balance with the defaults, but also making sure it wasn't a huge pain to try and get the colours and fonts just the way you want them.

    My first hurdle, really, was not having a gigantic list of Styles and I wanted something a bit more intuitive. What I landed on was a little preview window where you can right-click on each of the Styles, and customise it from there:

    • Font Preview

    !Font Preview

    The next feature, I wanted to be able to customise the displayed time format. This was particularly challenging because I needed a way to track the date/time of all previous sent messages, update the style which could be shorter or longer than the previous style, then put it all back inline without breaking the other formatting.

    • Custom timestamp format

    !Custom timestamp format

    This is using the Java DateTimeFormatter to display the timestamp.

    Another challenge was updating the styles smoothly. (There is a bug at the moment where it's not updating in all of the connected channels). This meant tracking what styles are used throughout your channels, then updating the style in-place. I wanted to make sure that you could customise, say, just the foreground without it also saving the background, because if you change the foreground to yellow on a dark theme it would save the dark background, then subsequently changing the theme would also keep dark background.

    • Changing the urlStyle to yellow

    !Changing the urlStyle to yellow

    • then changing to a light theme

    !changing to a dark theme

    Obviously, yellow on a light background isn't great. So there is a reset button you can press which will set it back to the defaults.

    If you'd like to try it out, there is a jar you can download from the GitHub releases page. Thanks for reading. I've still got a lot of work to do on it, i'm currently working towards the next release which will mostly focus around the usability side of things as well as the usual bug fixes.


    I can search for it and it opens fine, but it results in 404 community not found when opening it under my subscriptions list.

    I notice it doesn't have the instance name like others do, which might another symptom of the underlying issue.


    Any chance we could get an option to show our profile icon on the bottom navigation bar please?

    This would make it easier to identify which profile is being used at a glance.
