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Housing Costs Are So High That Divorced Couples Are Still Living Together Housing Costs Are So High That Divorced Couples Are Still Living Together

High mortgage rates and housing costs are creating new problems for couples who are splitting up.

  • Paywall.

    But going on what little I can read, I'm going to speculate that the author is conflating "divorced and separated" with "hostile divorce/separation." Not every divorce is hostile, so if people are able to live together afterwards, that might be a good sign that people are getting the psychological help they need.

    Housing costs are indeed too high, but the fact that divorced couples are still living together afterwards is correlative.

    • Definitely one of the takes of all time. Have you ever been divorced? I've watched my friends who were functionally separated from their partners but still live together slide into deep depression, drug abuse, alcoholism. I lived with my ex wife for a while after we separated and it was extremely confusing and traumatic. At the time I was "just trying to keep it together" but both me and my ex made terrible decisions while stuck together. We didn't even know how toxic our relationship had become, we didn't realize how much we were hurting each other. I've known a lot of people in a lot of situations and these separated but living together arrangements are just awful for everyone involved.

      Life is complicated and everyone is different but i would never advise someone stay living with their ex. If people can't leave their partner (some of which may be stuck with an abuser or bully, or someone who just ignores them) because of financial reasons, that's a form of systematic abuse and trauma. Regardless of what people say or think, a very small percentage of couples would be okay with an arrangement like this. If you or anyone ever find yourself in a similar situation, get out of the house and sign the friggin papers ASAP. Don't do apologism for a broken ass system, help us fix it, or at least show some humanity ("correlative," jfc.)

      • I've watched my friends who were functionally separated from their partners but still live together slide into deep depression, drug abuse, alcoholism. I lived with my ex wife for a while after we separated and it was extremely confusing and traumatic... I've known a lot of people in a lot of situations and these separated but living together arrangements are just awful for everyone involved.

        Translation: "I have anecdotal stories that confirm my bias."

        This is not how you assess reality. Following the data is. Domestic abuse and substance abuse (24% and 34%, respectively) are much lower on the scale of reasons people divorce.

        Prove that couples are staying together because of housing prices and that this is something universally bad. Are some divorced couples living together? Yes. Is it at least sometimes because of housing prices? Possibly. It's this second one that is the correlation, because there may be other factors that go into that decision. It may even be strongly correlated, but I doubt it is the sole cause of it.

        Life is complicated and everyone is different but i would never advise someone stay living with their ex.

        Neither would I. That has nothing to do with what this article is ostensibly talking about, and it has nothing to do with why people are deciding to live together after divorce.

        Regardless of what people say or think, a very small percentage of couples would be okay with an arrangement like this.

        You may be right, but citation needed. I'm not going to base my assessment of reality on your assertion that it's true.

        If you or anyone ever find yourself in a similar situation, get out of the house and sign the friggin papers ASAP.

        Agreed. If you are in a situation of abuse, you don't deserve it, get away from them, and figure it out afterwards. There's resources to help in between.

        Don't do apologism for a broken ass system, help us fix it, or at least show some humanity ("correlative," jfc.)

        Housing prices are fucked up, people are in terrible relationships, but let's not give into pseudoscience to fix it. That's a good way to "fix" a problem that doesn't exist and to miss the one you actually need to address.

        From your tone, it sounds like you are an abuse survivor. So am I. That doesn't mean we need to lash out and presume divorce = abuse.
