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Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • There's certainly room to grow with regard to workers' rights. I think you could probably solve at least a few of them if they were covered by a union, and publishers who hire them would have to bargain for good development contract terms.

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    AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • That's true. The mistakes actually make learning possible!

    Man, designing CS curriculum will be easy in future. Just ask it to do something simple, and ask your CS students to correct the code.

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    AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • Wow, the text generator that doesn't actually understand what it's "writing" is making mistakes? Who could have seen that coming?

    I once asked one to write a basic 50-line Python program (just to flesh things out), and it made so many basic errors that any first-year CS student could catch. Nobody should trust LLMs with anything related to security, FFS.

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • And I'll add on to that, even if every GPU company stops innovating, we'll still have older cards and hardware to choose from, and the games industry isn't going to target hardware nobody is buying (effectively pricing themselves out of the market). Indie devs especially tend to have lower hardware requirements for their games, so it's not like anyone will run out of games to play.

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    Wtf is this bullshit? Why can't i update to ios16 on my iPhone 7+? Now how will i buy my french fries at a discount price?
  • And continuing that thought, OP can just contact the app maintainer and request lowering the minimum version.

    I know it's an odd recommendation when we're so used to taking what we get from companies, but sometimes they respond to requests like that.

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • I'm a PC gamer, and it looks like things are stagnating massively in our space.

    I would like to introduce you to the indie game scene. Where AAA is faltering, indie has never been in a better place.

    Overall, I don't see things the way you see them. I recommend taking a break from social media, go for a walk, play games you like, and fuck the trajectory of tech companies.

    Live your life, and take a break from the doomsaying.

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    Piracy advice
  • That's kind of my thought as well. It's certainly possible someone might go through the effort to find a single pirate downloading The Lion King, but that's a lot of effort (read: money) to find just one person.

    There's certainly the possibility that an ISP could note that you connected to a VPN, but given that it's not a remarkable event, since people connect to VPNs for all kinds of legal reasons, they aren't likely to track your particular IP's connection to a VPN apart from a court ordering them to care. They get paid their monthly internet plan price whether someone pirates or checks their email.

    If someone was running the Pirate Bay from their home servers, however, more parties would likely be interested in finding that person, and that person's threat model probably exceeds just using a logless VPN.

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    [SOLVED] Segfaults, segfaults everywhere
  • It might not be a memory thing. If you run out of options and are down to trying memory again, take a look at the MemTestHelper test recommendations. You shouldn't have to run tests for more than ≈0.5–1.5 hours at a time (the 8hr+ testing regimen is pointless). OC

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    [SOLVED] Segfaults, segfaults everywhere
  • Which memtests have you tried? They all function a little differently, and passing one doesn't mean it will pass another. My rig passed OCCT and TM5 with flying colors, but it would fail every time on prime95 (until I eventually got it stable).

  • Wasp-inspired setup 3D-prints complete homes for $1,000

    The Crane WASP, also known as "the infinity 3D printer," uses locally sourced clay, mud or cement to 3D-print affordable homes. It can even use agricultural waste as aggregate. The system is now being used to build much-needed housing in Colombia.


    I've been thinking about getting a couple of Yubikeys for a partner and myself, but we share certain accounts. While I would love to have the Yubikey 5 that can store TOTP, that seems like it could be problematic for shared accounts.

    Would using the cheaper Yubico Security Keys to unlock Bitwarden Premium vaults, that use a Shared Organization, be a better/more sane option than trying to sync up TOTP secrets every time a new shared account gets added? Any other critiques or suggestions?

    15 Queer students look for alternatives after Texas A&M ends transgender health care services

    The students saw the move as part of a political environment that has become increasingly hostile against LGBTQ+ people in Texas.

    >In response to questions about why A&M discontinued the medical care, a university spokesperson said its growing student population and the resulting strain on the A.P. Beutel Health Center require officials to continuously review the services they offer and how they use the center’s resources. The spokesperson noted that the university has invested more in mental health care following a national rise in college students seeking it out. > >Transgender and queer students are skeptical of that explanation and believe the university acted in response to pressure from conservative groups. They say the move shows the university is not willing to support them equally. > >“It just seems that they don't take the same level of care to address concerns of the queer community as they would other communities,” Klatt said. > >Students saw the move as part of a political environment that has become increasingly hostile against LGBTQ+ people in Texas. And it comes as the state’s public universities face top-down pressure to appease Republican leaders — or risk incurring their wrath during next year’s legislative session.

    Don't you just love that "small government?" FFS, y'all. Please vote like people's futures depend upon it.


    cross-posted from:

    > So, a couple years ago, somebody published the 2017 free desktop client of SketchUp on the chocolatey repos, and I managed to snag it before it got taken down. I use it primarily to make woodworking plans. > > I'm wrapping up my transition plan to Linux, but I'm not really up to date on SketchUp alternatives. The only ones I know of are Blender (afaik more for animation and 3D printing) and FreeCAD (CAD seems like overkill, since I'm just doing simple cuts and joinery). > > Are there good Linux/FOSS alternatives to SketchUp that have similar features, or is the web client the only reasonable option?


    So, a couple years ago, somebody published the 2017 free desktop client of SketchUp on the chocolatey repos, and I managed to snag it before it got taken down. I use it primarily to make woodworking plans.

    I'm wrapping up my transition plan to Linux, but I'm not really up to date on SketchUp alternatives. The only ones I know of are Blender (afaik more for animation and 3D printing) and FreeCAD (CAD seems like overkill, since I'm just doing simple cuts and joinery).

    Are there good Linux/FOSS alternatives to SketchUp that have similar features, or is the web client the only reasonable option?


    This isn't a joke, though it almost seems like one. It uses Llama 3.1, and supposedly the conversation data stays on the device and gets forgotten over time (through what the founder calls a rolling "context window").

    The implementation is interesting, and you can see the founder talking about earlier prototypes and project goals in interviews from several months ago.

    iOS only, for now.

    Edit: Apparently, you can build your own for around $50 that runs on ChatGPT instead of Llama. I'm sure you could also figure out how to switch it to the LLM of your choice.

    22 5th Circuit court upends FCC Universal Service Fund, ruling it an illegal tax

    Court says Universal Service fee is "misbegotten tax" that violates Constitution.

    >A US appeals court ruled that the Federal Communications Commission's Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional, finding Universal Service fees on phone bills to be a "misbegotten tax." If not overturned, the ruling would upend the $8 billion-a-year system that is used to expand telecom networks and make access more affordable through programs such as Lifeline discounts and deployment grants for Internet service providers. > >But the FCC program could survive in the end as the case appears ripe for Supreme Court review, with yesterday's ruling creating a circuit split. The ruling against the FCC was issued by the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, which is generally considered one of the most conservative appeals courts. > >The FCC previously prevailed in the 6th and 11th circuit appeals courts, which both rejected claims that the Universal Service Fund is unconstitutional. All three cases against the FCC were filed by Consumers' Research, a nonprofit that fights "woke corporations," and a mobile virtual network operator called Cause Based Commerce, which offers wireless service to "values-based consumers who want alternatives to the many companies and providers that support causes and positions contrary to their beliefs."

    Everyone's favorite, Texas-based, Conservative rubber stamp strikes again. This may be a federal court, but don't forget that these people represent Texas every time they issue a bad ruling.


    I'm working through some necessary issues in VMs as I work towards dropping Windows, but it occurred to me that I should pick a distro my non-techy partner could use in the event that something catastrophic happens to me. I really like the declarative/immutable distros, but perhaps something more traditional with btrfs snapshots would be better suited to such a use case...?

    It's no secret that NixOS has a steep learning curve, but do any of you share a NixOS PC with family/partners/etc.? If so, what has that experience been like? Could they take over admin if you were incapacitated?


    cross-posted from:

    > I have a VPN daemon that needs to run before the client will work. Normally, this would have been set up automatically by its install script, but the system is immutable. > > I've created the systemd service via sysyemctl edit --force --full daemon.service with the following parameters: > > > [Unit] > Description=Blah > > > [Service] > User=root > Group=root > ExecStart=/usr/bin/env /path/to/daemon > > [Install] > > > > I've verified that the daemon is actually executable, and it runs fine when I manually call it via sudo daemon. When I try to run it with sudo systemctl enable --now daemon.service, it exits with error code 126. > > What am I missing?

    Edit: Typo, and added the relevant user and group to the Service section. Still throwing a 126.

    Solution: the system wanted /usr/bin/env in ExecStart to launch the binary. The .service file above has been edited to show the working solution.


    [Solved] How can I make a custom .service run as root?

    I have a VPN daemon that needs to run before the client will work. Normally, this would have been set up automatically by its install script, but the system is immutable.

    I've created the systemd service via sysyemctl edit --force --full daemon.service with the following parameters:

    ``` [Unit] Description=Blah

    [Service] User=root Group=root ExecStart=/usr/bin/env /path/to/daemon

    [Install] ```

    I've verified that the daemon is actually executable, and it runs fine when I manually call it via sudo daemon. When I try to run it with sudo systemctl enable --now daemon.service, it exits with error code 126.

    What am I missing?

    Edit: typo

    Edit 2: Added script modifications. Daemon appears to be some kind of pre-compiled binary.

    Solution: ExecStart wanted /usr/bin/env to launch the binary. The service file above has been edited to reflect the correct solution. See this post for further discussion.


    I'm working on my transition plan away from Windows and testing out various things in VMs as I do so, and one big hurdle is making sure the VPN client my work requires can connect. Bazzite is my target distro (primarily gaming, work less frequently), though other more traditionally structured ones like Pop!_OS and Garuda are possibilities.

    I'm currently trying and failing to get the VPN client working in a distrobox (throws an error during connection saying PPP isn't installed or supported by the kernel). However, I can successfully get the VPN connected if I overlay the client and its dependencies via rpm-ostree install, but I read somewhere that Bazzite's philosophy is to use rpm-ostree as sparingly as possible for installing software to preserve as much containerization as possible.

    Since I can get it working outside of a container, am I overthinking it? Should I just accept that this might be one of the "sparing" cases? Is Bazzite perhaps a poor fit for my use case? I've been trying to make sense of this guide, but I'm having trouble understanding how to apply it to my situation, since I'm not that familiar with Docker or Podman.


    For example, I saw a post the other day detailing how to set up a Brother laser printer on Kinoite. That's not something I would have initially considered a potential problem to be solved. Another I ran into some years ago had to do with an Edimax WiFi dongle that used some weirdly specific Realtek 8812 radio, for which you had to set up the driver via dkms. A little prep and knowledge in advance would have saved days of searching online.

    I've started a personal to-do list of things to research and make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I make the full-time switch on my main desktop, so besides the usual "back up your files" advice, I'm hoping y'all can point out some QoL things I and others may often miss!


    First, let me be clear up front that I'm not promoting the idea that there should be one "universal" Linux distro. With all the various distros out there for consumers, there's lots of discussion about Arch, Debian, and Fedora (and their various descendant projects), but I rarely see much talk about openSUSE.

    Why might somebody choose that one over the others? What features or vision distinguishes it from the others?

    Edit: I love all the answers! Great stuff. Thanks to everyone!


    Now that late spring/early summer is upon us, there's increasingly more headlines about less rain in various places (recent floods notwithstanding). I'm assuming that's because water is evaporating and not returning to those places, but where is it going?

    Is it arriving, now, in these bursty flash floods? Is it staying longer in the atmosphere and moving to new locations? Is more of it just staying in the atmosphere period?

    9 HoloCure - Save the Fans! on Steam

    Play as your favorite Vtubers from Hololive! Fight, explore, and clear your way through armies of fans and save them from their mind-control in this unofficial free fan-game.

    9 Public school tried to ban student’s lesbian art work because it’s “offensive” to Christians

    Her piece was about religious trauma that LGBTQ+ people deal with, and it apparently struck a nerve.

    Communicating trauma through art is fine, as long as you don't remind the Christian fundies that their beliefs and practices are a prime source of religious trauma for lots of people.

    https:// /news/texas-republicans-call-for-execution-of-women-who-receive-abortions-ivf-in-horrifying-video

    Y'all, this is why you need to vote, including your local races. All an ideology like this needs to grow is fertile ground, a propaganda apparatus to spread it, and a willing legislature.

    Vote like your lives depend on it, vote like your families' and friends' lives depend on it, because it very well might.


    What are some good games you play that you think are good for extended travel (i.e. battery friendly)? Emulation and TDP-adjusted options count!

    40 5 years later Valve finally gives Windows compatibility tool Proton a logo

    Can you believe it? Proton, the compatibility layer that allows Windows games to run on Steam Deck / Linux PCs didn't actually have a proper logo for over 5 years.

    cross-posted from:

    > !
