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Developing a new Lemmy mobile client!

After using Apollo for years, yesterday I decided to completely stop using Reddit for obvious reasons.

I found Lemmy to be a very competent alternative, but the only catch is the mobile situation: it seems that there aren't many good mobile clients for Lemmy.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands and develop a new mobile client for Lemmy.

After a couple hours, I have a good looking and working subscription feed; super glad to see that the API is easy to use :)

What do you think about the look of the app? Any suggestions?

  • I personally don’t like Material design in general, and if I had a choice I’d pick something with Apple’s design principles.

    With that said, the more the merrier so I’m definitely rooting for the app. Don’t mean to sound discouraging. It’s just a preference, but I would definitely try it out at least.

  • @jesusrp98 I would LOVE for the ability to somehow connect/log in with my Mastodon account so I can comment on posts with it. Even if the subscriptions are managed by the main Lemmy account, the ability to comment via Masto is pretty crucial for me

  • No apple devices here, but still...

    • AMOLED friendly black theme

    • easily accessed donation for the instance host and lemmy devs, maybe even include the option to monitor individual user load on the various server instances the user has posted on

    • integrate, suggest, and/or streamline 3rd party image hosting options. Maybe set a target file size and quality with a jpeg converter to get any images posted as small as useful by default, even prompting a cropping tool initially as a path of least resistance for optimization.

    • build in a converter for MP4 to GIF to WEBP with a small size and maximum size optimization/compression. Like, for technical utility it can be important to show video, but mp4/gifs are not currently supported but animated webp is and can be uploaded directly/embedded in posts

    • mod sub activity monitoring separate from other feeds with options to notify by new posts, comments, reports, user, etc.

    • Great suggestions there (AMOLED fan here, it will happen).

      A feature that I think it's very important is the ability to donate super easily to lemmy instances. I wouldn't be able to write this comment if not for the support of the rest of the community ❤️

  • Looks nice, but I wonder if the upvote and comment icons aren’t a bit too small/compact for touch.

    Also a question: what do you intend to do differently than the Mlem app?

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