Man... Screw CSS... I already know how to make everything be how and where I want it with HTML alone and I still just don't want a way to make it simpler or better...
Designer probably got a dimension wrong on the drawing, and the pavers went "Alright, we'll do it exactly as you say. Teach you to proofread next time..."
As a builder, I can't even begin to tell you how often I'll come across something like that and ask the question only to get some ego driven response that you can tell they didn't even review the situation.
'as per the drawings boys' can be a gratifying direction to give when you have the appropriate responses to CYA.
I feel like there may be a reason to this. It looks like the flowers got recently moved. Maybe it was in the way of the main footpath that sees the most traffic? I can see it getting moved if people repeatedly tripped over it at night or when drunk.
Pretty sure that's not a movable planter. It's literally a circle of bricks around a hole in the paving so you can plant flowers in the soil underneath. It's not something you can push around. They built it like this, on purpose.
There is 100% a reason for this. Because it takes days, if not weeks, to build out a feature like this. And even the most autopilot zero shits given county worker will realize something is "off". And, more importantly, realize that someone is likely to see it before they finish and insist they do it again.
I don't buy the "in the way of the footpath" since that seems to be where a lot of paths converge.
If you protect the drunks you also protect the visually impaired, those with lacking motor skills, the chronically absent-minded, and Smombies.
I do hope we protect the drunks.