This target has always been a goal of mine since starting in this hobby. While the Flying Nebula (aka Sh2-129, all the red stuff), the Squid Nebula (aka OU4, the blue stuff) was only discovered in 2011. It's stupidly faint. Because of this, and my horrible light pollution, I had to get a ton of exposure time to bring it out, and ended up getting 110 hours total time on it. This is a combination of images taken through hydrogen-alpha and oxygen-iii filters for the nebulosity, plus RGB filters for true-color stars (the nebulosity is kinda close to true color). I have no clue why the Ha region is called 'the flying bat', but the Oiii structure sure looks like a squid alright.
Captured over a shitload of nights from September to December, 2023. Broadband data from a Bortle 9 zone.
duplicated each image and removed stars via StarXterminator. Ran DBE with a shitload of points to generate background model. model subtracted from original pic using the following PixelMath (math courtesy of /u/jimmythechicken1)
$T * med(model) / model
**Narrowband Linear:
Honestly just StarXterminator and EZ soft stretch to bring them nonlinear.
Duplicated the Oiii before stretching to be used for advanced narrowband combination: