Mine is this cheeseburger quesadilla with cherry hots. I used to force myself to always eat different things and vegetables etc etc but it's been really nice this past year to give myself permission to let go of some of that and let myself off the hook to eat what I want without judgment
Before I had a wife (who actually cares about me). I would make a casserole with wide egg noodles, chicken, peas, maybe another veg, mixed with a combo of cream of mushroom soup, couple eggs, and topped with a generous layer of cheddar..
I’m told this is not good for you, but it is delicious and has enough variety that I can eat it every day.
I think it sounds hearty and nutritious. Usually when people say "not good for you" it's because they're scared of fat. Ultimately, you could argue either way but I'm on the side of you eating something that feels good to you. Back when I was trying to be super fit and slim I was miserable most of the time and it didn't even really work. Granted, if you start to have health issues you could maybe try to substitute elements of it but I think it sounds like a really good choice
Popcorn, the cooking process of getting the corn seeds and throwing then in a pot, and just taking a moment to my self to think as I make em. Then I go back to whatever I was doing but now with popcorn :D