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Palestine Has Exposed How Our Governments Work for Their Own Interests, Not Ours. Palestine Has Exposed How Our Governments Work for Their Own Interests, Not Ours

We cannot rely on political bodies whose material interests are at odds with revolution.

  • What an idiotic take on this situation.

    Western governments understand that the choice isn't genocide vs no genocide, it's just which side is being genocided. Iran would happily take the opportunity a lack of support for Israel would provide to attack them.

    This is a proxy war, not some sort of civil problem.

  • I don't understand this article or it's author. In my mind, the reaction to 9/11, the search for weapons of mass destruction, The quick disappearance in silencing of the occupy Wall Street movement, the quick disappearance and silencing of the Black lives matter movement....

    Hell, let's go further back... The Vietnam war!

    Sweet summer child... how are they just now figuring this out?

    Not that I'm against the US action world war II, but even then the American populace needed some very strong convincing to become involved. Nobody wanted to touch it. The sentiment of the people then was that it was unimportant and distant and had no impact on the US.

    I remember a history teacher pointing out that it was just a little bit odd, just a little bit unusual, that during such political unrest in the world that so many ships would be drydocked at Pearl harbor, just lined up all pretty.

    To be clear, that war was a fully righteous cause but how we got there was... well, let's just say there's a lot of gray area.

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