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more perfect union finds that uber drivers are paid differently for the same rides
  • I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!


    It disappoints me that the level of regulatory capture prevents these companies from being held to account.

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    Intel: Laptop Processors, Future Chips Not Affected by CPU Bug
  • I've got one of those laptop chips and I feel exactly the same. I'm going to be watching my temps very closely. My trust is absolutely gone

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • 1 year in and this job still seems just as cryptic and difficult. Very little documentation about the systems here and the imposter syndrome is feeling more like a reality than a pathology.

    I'm about to look into different work.

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    Tax the land
  • I like this very much! I'll bring this up to my mayor next time I see him. Big thank.

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    Alec Baldwin today after his involuntary manslaughter case was dismissed
  • If you have time, please let us know how the police and DA fucked up. Even in brief, it'd be helpful.

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    Anyone Else Noticing Increasingly Conservative Commentary from Outside Instances?
  • Maybe it's appropriate and not just coincidence that I saw this post so close to yours. Maybe it's an explanation for what you think maybe it's not who am I to know

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    Goose - Thatch - 6/5/24 St. Louis, MO
  • Thanks for the introduction

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    Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help
  • Wow. That's really awful! I definitely feel some kind of way about not being surprised about that too.

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    Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help
  • My wife stopped wearing a pentagram and we took down our love your neighbor sign, you know the one that has that same phrase and several different languages...

    Turns out the Christians are too unlike their Christ.

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    ASML and TSMC Can Remotely Disable Chip Machines If China Invades Taiwan
  • But if China sees chip making as a state asset, I wonder if, knowing this, they may now be able to prevent it.


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    Maven Is a New Social Network That Eliminates Followers—and Hopefully Stress
  • They were exceptionally difficult to find to install the app. That alone will keep them from being successful. Add to that that the app is not particularly impressive... I'm not sure if their chances.

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    Winamp is going open source
  • This news really whips the Llama's ass.

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    Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking
  • Biggest difference in my eyes is that with a layoff you at least get to choose who leaves but in this case you only lose the best and most qualified.

    Nice work Dell.

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    House passes Ukraine / Israel aid package
  • You're right. ITT I complained about lost nuance LOL.

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    House passes Ukraine / Israel aid package
  • I found on the internet it helps to be explicit because nuance is difficult for some.

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    House passes Ukraine / Israel aid package
  • What an interesting thing to say. Why would you think that I'm not?

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    Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • Yeah. It's pretty rad. I've been playing with it all day.

    If I set my watch and airplane mode it also immediately locks the phone, but it also does that when it goes out of range. It looks like the app should work with any Bluetooth device so any wearable should work just fine or even earphones if you really wanted.

  • New Vatican document lists ‘grave violations’ of human dignity - Vatican News

    The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s new document 'Dignitas infinita' took five years to complete, and builds on the papal magisterium of the ...

    This transphobic, anti-gender theory, anti-abortion doctrine of theirs has me completely done with them.

    I'm not a rageaholic, but you wouldn't know it when I heard this story come on my news feed. Profanities that came out of me were full-throated, long-winded, and unbecoming.

    I was raised Catholic and for a long time since they decided to bless same-sex marriages I was okay with the Catholic Church but what do you know? Just like that. Now I'm anti-Catholic.

    They're basically saying that everyone is made perfect in God's image and that by changing your sex your violating that perfection and somehow violating your own dignity? Like, they're trying to say that changing your gender is separating yourself from your soul somehow? I'm done with these people.

    Here is a link to the actual document that they produced. Would you believe it took him 5 years to come up with this garbage?

    Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this.

    https:// /entry/bc-us-election-2024-trump-second-term_n_65513c02e4b0c9f24660aa6e

    So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I'm not surprised. I am concerned.

    Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

    120 Joe :fedora: :debian: :ferris: (

    Today I found out that google docs infects html exports with spyware, no scripts, but links in your document are replaced with invisible google tracking redirects. I was using their software because a friend wanted me to work with him on a google doc, he is a pretty big fan of their software, but we...

    Title says it all. Somewhat interesting if true. I wouldn't be surprised either way.


    China accused the US of infiltrating Huawei Technologies Co. servers beginning in 2009, part of a broad-based effort to steal data that culminated in tens of thousands of cyber-attacks against Chinese targets last year.

    The Tailored Access Operations unit of the National Security Agency carried out the attacks in 2009, which then continuously monitored the servers, China’s Ministry of State Security said in a post on its official WeChat account on Wednesday. It didn’t provide details of attacks since 2009.

    Cyberattacks are a point of tension between Washington and Beijing, which has accused its political rival of orchestrating attacks against Chinese targets ever since Edward Snowden made explosive allegations about US spying. Washington and cybersecurity researchers have said the Asian country has sponsored attacks against the West.

    The ministry’s accusations emerged as the two countries battle for technological supremacy. Huawei in particular has spurred alarm in Washington since the telecom leader unveiled a smartphone powered by an advanced chip it designed, which was made by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. That’s in spite of years-long US sanctions intended to cut Huawei off from the American technology it needs to design sophisticated chips and phones.

    Read more: US Probes Made-in-China Chip as Tensions Flare Over Technology

    The US has been “over-stretching” the concept of national security with its clampdown on Chinese enterprises, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning told reporters at a regular press briefing in Beijing on Wednesday.

    “What we want to tell the US is that suppression and containing of China will not stop China’s development. It will only make us more resolved in our development,” Mao said.

    On Tuesday, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said she was “upset” when Huawei released the Mate 60 Pro during her visit to China last month, but noted the US has no evidence the Asian nation can make the advanced semiconductors powering the handset “at scale.”


    What's the deal with all these links? All they do is send me to infinite capcha loops. I don't get it.


    I've had this feeling that since there are forces that do not want us to have free speech, and that the destruction of Reddit and Twitter does this effectively, creating a chilling effect, destroying social links and communities. Might it not be an intentional effort to stifle the ability of the downtrodden to organize and fight the power?

    There are so many other ways things are engineered to benefit the minority and prevent the majority from gaining power, why not this too?

    Just a thought rattling around in my head.

    56 I'm a millennial real-estate agent here to tell you that long-term homeownership is not the best way to build wealth. Here's why.

    David Ravitz is selling his South Florida home just two years after buying it to reap the gains from a renovation and regional price increases.

    In this recent Business Insider article, millennial real estate agent David Ravitz presented his case against long-term homeownership. It's crucial, though, to critically examine the underlying messages and implications of this piece. In what may seem like an innocuous lifestyle feature on the surface, Business Insider has, perhaps unwittingly, amplified the voice of the wealthy, casting a shadow over the economic realities faced by the average American.

    Ravitz’s story is not your usual rags-to-riches tale. The Boca Raton-based agent is advocating for a model where one simply purchases a $960,000 home, renovates it for an additional $500,000, and then flips it on the market for an exorbitant profit. Although it may seem like a savvy investment strategy, it's not one that an average American can afford to take up. It is an insight into the mindset of a certain privileged class and how it perceives the path to wealth.

    By giving this narrative a platform, Business Insider seems to be operating less as a news outlet and more as a propaganda mouthpiece for the well-off. It is a reflection of the widening income gap, a glaring issue that many in positions of power and influence continue to overlook. It also hints at a disturbing trend of media outlets perpetuating the narratives of the rich and powerful while underrepresenting the struggles of those in less privileged circumstances.

    In a climate where the fight for economic equity, equality, and justice is more urgent than ever, this article seems tone-deaf. Instead of providing a balanced view of the housing market or economic realities, it presents a skewed picture where success is just a few home renovations away. However, the reality for many Americans is a struggle to keep a roof over their heads, let alone purchase a near-million-dollar property.

    The key takeaway here is that articles such as this one do more than just highlight a unique approach to wealth accumulation. They showcase the thinking of a class of people who view financial success as a game in which the ability to participate is inherently unequal. For those of us seeking to challenge this status quo, understanding this mindset is crucial. It's a clear illustration of the political and economic opponent we face in our quest for a more equitable and just society.

    The portrayal of this exclusive path to wealth accumulation as the 'new American dream' is a stark reminder that the struggle for fairness and equality is not just about economics, but also about controlling the narrative. It's important that media outlets remember their responsibility to represent all demographics and not just those who can afford $960,000 starter homes.

    As an aside the kitchen seems a testament to the color white.. Ah yes, the color white, the epitome of purity, innocence, and everything good in the world, right? So naturally, nothing quite says "I've reached peak good taste and cleanliness" like transforming your average, everyday kitchen into a blinding winter wonderland of the brightest, most painfully white marble you've ever laid eyes on. Because who doesn't want to slice tomatoes on a countertop that looks like it was chiseled from a polar bear's dreams? That sparkling surface, when hit by the gentlest ray of sunlight, won't just light up the room - it'll practically send SOS signals to space. Oh, the glory of dining in a place that's so sterile, it makes you question whether it's a kitchen or an operating room. Nothing quite like the veins of that frozen-marble look to remind you of a tranquil river... or was it the varicose veins on the legs of the Statue of David? But, hey, that’s art and purity for you. Truly, a testament to the eternal human quest for cleanliness, brightness, and subtly blinding your guests with your immaculate taste.

    47 SERIES: What the media won't tell you about . . . U.S. heat waves

    Let's take a look at what the IPCC and official data really say

    This article/blog concerns me for a number of reasons.

    • First, if the right sees this, they're just going to use this as a talking point to disprove global warming.
    • Second, it illustrates that the media is playing us, yet again, to serve it's own intre$ts, and that's disheartening.
    • Finally, people (in general) are unable to process nuance and will not understand that there's definitely worse to come and that we're unprepared for the heat waves that we have now, which I believe the author shows are not as relatively severe as they were in the 30s and will be more severe in the coming years with the impacts of global warming.

    I think maybe I need to read my news rss feed less.
