What are your must-have packages?
What are your must-have packages?
I’ll start:
- Tmux
- vim
- ghidra
- okteta (hex editor)
- speedcrunch (calculator with bit manipulation)
- python3 with IPython for nice reply and embed(), pwntools
40Reply- ZSH (Shell)
- Ripgrep (alternative for grep)
- Bat (alternative for cat)
- Exa (alternative for ls)
- Fd (alternative for find)
- Fzf (fuzzy finder)
- Micro (editor)
- VS Code (editor)
- Jq (sed for JSON data)
- Mercurial (version control system)
- TortoiseHG (graphical interface for Mercurial)
- Terminator (terminal emulator)
- KeepassXC (password manager)
- CopyQ (clipboard manager)
- Vivaldi (browser)
- SchildiChat (matrix client)
- RSS Guard (feed reader)
- FileZilla (FTP / FTPS / SFTP client)
- Double Commander (file manager)
- Hugo (generator for static websites)
- DBeaver (database tool)
- And maybe a few others that I can't think of right now.
31ReplyI see a lot of the good ones are already mentioned. But I can't use a linux system for more than an hour without 'thefuck' installed
26ReplyDepends on what the machine is for.
13ReplyFor everything:
- vi/vim
- ssh & sshd
For everything except firewalls:
- C, C++, Perl, Common Lisp, Scheme programming tools
- lynx
- wget/curl
- git
- ksh (on *BSD)
- telnet (yeah, there's equipment that still uses telnet out there)
For a desktop:
- Emacs
- xterm
- GNU plotutils
- TeXlive
- X11 utilities (xcalc, editres, etc.)
- Atmel and Arduino toolchains
- xpdf
- KiCad
- Inkscape
- Firefox
- Chromium
- Kerbal Space Program
10Reply• git
• vim
• openssh
• openssl
• fail2ban
• curl
• byobu
• webmin (to give limited access to non-Linux help desk technicians) 10Reply- Kitty
- fish + all the shell builtins
- LunarVim (Neovim)
- git + lazygit
- openssh
- npm
- cargo
- docker
- wget
- httpie
- tar & (un)zip
9ReplyAm I really the first.
9Reply- htop
- docker
- zsh
- tmux
- ssh
- git
- rsync
- curl
- dnsutils
- jq
- nodejs (managed via fnm)
8Reply- jq
- vim
- ag (silver searcher)
- kubectl
- k9s
- oh-my-zsh
- go
- xclip
- openssl
- tcpdump
8ReplyAs boring as it is, gcc.
7Reply- docker (What, you never wanted to use a optimized version of cmatrix that uses only 512KiB of ram while barely scratching your CPU?)
- foot
- brave
- (on docker) btop, cmatrix, lynx
7Reply- neovim
- alacritty
- zsh
- oh my zsh
- starship (promp)
- zellij
- btop | htop
- ripgrep
- fd-find
- exa
- fnm (nvm alternative, since nvm starts too slow for me)
- yt-dlp
- bat (batcat)
- the usual base-devel / build-essential
7ReplyOne that I didn't see on here that I've added to my list
- tldr
- simplified man pages with common example commands.-
If on desktop
- distro-box
- yakuake
7Reply- tldr
7Reply- exa
- ripgrep
- tree
- difftastic
- fzf
- git
- neovim
- zsh
- starship
- direnv
- bat
6Reply- zsh+ohmyzsh
- tilix
- neovim
- fzf
- exa
- pv
- htop+iotop+nethogs
- iperf3
- nc
- socat
- nmap
- python3
- ansible
- lolcat
6ReplyEvery time I setup a new system, I always install these:
- vim
- zsh
- git
- rsync
- tmux
- mosh
- btop
- autossh
- mc
- direnv
- asdf-vm
If the system is a desktop/laptop for personal use, then I'll install these too:
- virt-manager
- vscode
- firefox
- filezilla
- mpv
- yt-dlp
- kdeconnect
- onlyoffice
- distrobox
- brave
- flatpak
- neovim
- nix
- fish
- tmux
5Reply- neovim
- fzf
- ripgrep
- Firefox
- git
- lazygit
- wezterm
- zsh
5ReplyTo add to all great comments here I have one that I’ve used for ages and not seen mentioned here: lftp
It supports many protocols for ftp like over ssh and allows for shaky connections with resume and back in the days when this was more common I used to just run it in the background to download huge files that took days to download and it would gracefully just reconnect/resume/retry until done.
5Reply- Tmux
- NeoVim
- Git
- Fish
- ssh Lots of others, but these are the day-to-day
5ReplyA few from the top of my head:
- git
- neovim
- nix (package manager)
- mpv + yt-dlp (stream music from yt with
argument) - unbound
- caddy (quickly spin up local web servers with https)
Edit: almost forgot, I've been using zsh + znap package manager and loving it.
4ReplyAdding to that:
- neovim for workstations
- curl
- wget
- zsh
Edit: So essentially for me, I forgot to include it: vim, my beloved, always and for ever
4ReplyPermanently Deleted
3ReplyIn order of use:
- Firefox
- Nvim (with a slightly modified kickstart.nvim)
- Minicom
- Python3
- Git
- CopyQ
- Curl
- Wget
- Tmux
3ReplyI don't see enough of these here:
- fzf
- z (or zoxide)
Check them out
3ReplyStuff that I insist on regardless of platform (that is, I install these even onto Windows systems if I'm forced to use them):
- Pale Moon (web browser)
- Claws Mail
- vbindiff (command-line hex editor + diff utility for binary files)
- mercurial
- perl
Stuff that I require only on Linux systems for desktop use:
- Pan (yes, really, I still use a Usenet newsreader on a daily basis)
- qemu
- conky
- Aqualung (music player—I like odd software)
- Inkscape
- Scribus
- PySol ;)
- rdesktop (less a favourite than a regrettable necessity)
- various TDE built-ins: konqueror (as file manager only), kedit, kate, konsole, ark
3Reply- tmux
- screen
- autossh
- mosh
- rsync
3Reply- ardour
- kdenlive
- vscode
- kdenlive
- gnome
- xmrig
- fish
- element
- telegram
3Reply- vim
- git
- rust (via rustup)
- codium
- pycharm ce
- nu (shell)
- starship (shell prompt)
- firefox
- sway
- alacritty
- python
- iproute (or whatever package has ip in distro)
- keepassxc
- gcc/g++
- make
- podman (or docker)
3ReplyI always made sure my laptops had tlp installed. Now it seems openSUSE has cpu power profiles daemon or something by default, which it says conflicts with tlp when I tried to install it. So, I'm giving that a shot.
3ReplyThe first 3 things I always add after a fresh install: aptitude emacs (-nox for servers) tree
Then it depends what the machine is for.
2ReplyLets make a list!
- zsh
- tmux
- htop
- ranger
- helix (if i can get it)
- fzf
- fd-find
- python-pip
2ReplyFirefox, only office and spotify. That's all I need.
2Reply- asciiquarium
- cowsay
- tty-clock
- mc
- nano
- btop
- htop
- vscode
- vivaldi
- mariadb
- apache
- php
- python3
2Reply- alacritty
- neovim
- tmux
- vifm - terminal file manager with vi keybindings.
- zathura - pdf reader with vi keybindings.
- inxi - prints information about your hardware.
- tldr - cheat sheet for common commands
- qalculate - the most powerful calculator I've seen. There are qt, gtk and cli versions of it.
- moreutils - collection of tools. My favourite is vidir, it opens directory structure in your terminal text editor, so that you can rename multiple files easily.
2ReplyMust have p7zip and p7zip-gui
2ReplyPermanently Deleted
2Reply- tmux
- emacs
- okular
- pipx
- calibre
- lutris
- hakuneko
- yt-dlp
- git
2ReplyMcFly, can't live without it anymore.
2ReplySince I'm not sure where to ask what is probably a basic question, what's a Linux package?
2Reply- vim
- bashtop
- cmus
- ghidra
- jq (pretty print Json)
- screen
- hexedit
- python3 with pwntools
- GCC, g++, make & libc6-dev
- gdb with pwndbg
- alacritty
2Reply- socat
- ngrep
- vim
- pv
- htop
- jq
Generally, everything else I need is there by default depending on the distro.
Home workstation-wise.. maybe:
- meld
- kdenlive
- openscad
- Qtvlm, zygrib and OpenCPN
- gimp extras
- golang
- Inkscape
- Wireshark
- audacity
1Reply- ranger
- openssl
- aria2
- fzf
- nitrogen
- w3m
1Reply- fzf
- git + lazygit
- neovim
- ranger
- cargo
- btm
- starship
- tmux
- fish
1ReplySuicide linux
1ReplyNot to duplicate some of the entries, I will keep it short
LF file manager (seen ranger mentioned but no lf)
Ytfzf for finding yt videos and playing them in MPV without the need of web browser
1Replyneovim, zsh, firefox, vlc, mpv, zsh plugins for autocomplete, ripgrep, zerotier vpn,fzf, pip3, htop, i am not sure what else
1Reply- OpenDoas
- Emacs
- Git
1ReplyPermanently Deleted
1Replytmux kak / vim ssh gcc python3 curl nc
'taint much, but I get by
1ReplyIn addition to what was already mentioned: reptyr
1ReplyNone of those are must-haves...
Shouldn't you have posted this to /c/archlinux or other meme-distro communities?