Someone said Jaden Smith had a punchable face, wgich is true. So who else do you think qualifies? (Only face is to be considered not their actions or who they are)
Someone can have a punchable face without having a punchable personality.
IMO, he just looks dumb and kind of confused all the time - I can see why people would say that. Couple it with shit like "how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real" and you've got a recipe for backpfeifengesicht
Also, After Earth was just a cinematic atrocity, but that's really his dad's fault lol
What worries me most is that he plays smart, yet he doesn't even know how to properly feed himself. Whenever I see a supposedly smart fat guy, I cringe. Some base intelligence and lots of luck, sure. Smart? Nah.
Same with any rich guy or politician who is out of shape or voluntarily sick. Not worth following, lacking a basic sense of reality.
Trump's is definitely the most deserving to be punched face but, in actuality, it's The Slappable Jerk - a man who has built a brand off his shit eating grin.
Seth MacFarlane. I feel pretty neutral towards him (it’s been a while since I found family guy funny, but it’s whatever), but good god does his face look punchable
I legit loved him in Barbie. Not even kidding. Like, the guy has made an entire career out of playing the forgettable Everyman, and he just lampshaded the fuck out of it. Low key hilarious.