Abby was a smart gal
Abby was a smart gal

Abby was a smart gal
It’s remarkable how often people assumed she was a good Christian woman instead of just a wonderful person who happened to be a Jewish lady
Tired: beating wives
Wired: beating children
Yeah, that last sentence gave me pause, too. Inflicting pain as punishment is okay for children, but illegal for adults. How does that make any sense?
Unless its you kink, that's treating your wife like a kid,do those dudes wanna fuck kids?
There are two possibilities:
Is this real?
I don't think it's real. Nobody has ever found the original publication of it.
San Francisco chronical
August 25, 1969
As a non American can someone explain what Planned Parenthood is?
It's a healthcare place that focuses on sex education and related health. That includes birth control, pregnancy care, STDs, and abortions.
The reason conservatives think it's evil is the fact that they provide abortions.
Well... Conservatives also think sex education is wrong, birth control is nearly as bad as abortion, and STDs are what you get for having sex, so it's a lot more than the abortions they hate. Really, what don't they hate?
That's a standard family planning appointment in my country, by the NHS, for free.
HRT too, in some places!
Damn Abby, save some for the rest of us.
It's depressingly hilarious to see religious people and their idea of dunking on someone. By the time they start forming a thought, we are already on not only different pages but different books.
Most religious peoples arguments heavily rely on their own scripture, not realizing that same scripture carries no weight with other people
Totally based.