[INSPO] What would you call this style?
[INSPO] What would you call this style?

[INSPO] What would you call this style?
Emo Mime
Best answer so far 🤣
Hot topic, circa 2005
2005 Mexican skate park style
Standard issue 14 year-old
Reminds me of the naughties era emos
Unicorn Goth.
"Trying to be edgy" lmao. Good fit tho overall.
“slacker chic”
Why do you care? Just wear what you like :)
Just trying to liven up this community.
Fair enough :)
This is what skatboarders and the skateboarder-adjacent used to wear when I was young.
Baby Persona 3 Reload
Grunge Goth, but needs more flannel
Awesome. I wish I was this stylish!
What's stopping you?
Style: "Gaslighted"