Just turn on Fox News, OAN, or your favorite "alternative facts" "news" channel and every time they make a statement, just say "april fools!" in your head.
Like it isn't hard enough to determine what is real or not on the Internet already. The only April fools things I see are from companies these days. It's boring.
A someone who moved to a country where it's largely not a thing: absolutely not. It's really weird trying to figure out WTF is going on with news/events starting in my nighttime on the 1st until I remember that it's a thing and then it is just a pain in my ass until the next day some time.
I did enjoy LivestreamFail on the other site being Northernlion-only for a day as April Fools this year. However, harmless, fun and wholesome April Fool's are so few and far between.
We struggle with misinformation in our society already, and on a smaller, more personal scale I always found April Fools to be an extremely mean-spirited tradition purely existing to promote and encourage having fun at the expense of others. I never enjoyed humiliating others, and I don't enjoy being pointed and laughed at either.