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  • Doesn't massive investment into the military present generate an enormous, but false, short-term economic boost that quickly dissipates as the military has very little economic follow-through?

    • It doesn't have to be, military factories that produce military equipment can be converted into civilian factories that produce civilian commodities.

    • The argument that Russian economy is primarily growing due to military spending doesn't really have any basis in reality.

      • But you post this as a source, which quite literally states that the growth is coming from oil exports, and increasingly high levels of government spending (One can only wonder towards what). So is the source wrong?

        If you go the IMF source this is drawing from, along with the Carniege Endowment shudder, both those sources that the BBC are drawing from describe the increase as coming from surging prices in oil and government investment into the MIC.

        This increase also follows nearly a year of negative GDP growth in 2022, so if anything, Russia is simply regaining already lost ground.
