Being “gifted”, only makes you wish you weren’t sometimes
Being “gifted”, only makes you wish you weren’t sometimes

Being “gifted”, only makes you wish you weren’t sometimes
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Being gifted only refers to intelligence most of the time. But intelligence alone won't make a person excel at their field. You can be among the most intelligent people but still stay in the blue zone.
I think excellence comes to be when intelligence meets motivation, purpose, creativity, social skills or other factors.
And when it comes to the blue zone resilience would be a key factor. If one is intelligent of course you realize your faults quicker as well. However it takes resilience to keep going in the face of your own doubt.
That's why in the real world people who are very convinced of themselves and their own ideas will get far even if not gifted at all.
Agreed with most of your post but uhhhhhhh
That’s why in the real world people who are very convinced of themselves and their own ideas will get far even if not gifted at all
Confidence isn't as good for finding the truth or good solutions as it is for tricking other people's brains into thinking that you're a reputable source of information. If you mean "will get very far" as in "capable of raising through the ranks of a hierarchy, regardless of what they actually do with their position later" or "capable of establishing their own little flat-earth cult", then sure, a confident dumb person can achieve that. Not sure that's something to be celebrated though.
Absolutely agree. I meant exactly what you said.
This just reads like a post about how you should be a good little capitalist slave.
They don't mention a job once. "Field" can refer to study, or anything else.
Imagine how mediocre you'd have to be to reply like that.
You don't think weren't "gifted, motivated" people in Soviet communist Russia?
Sooo mediocre. That's why it reads like a dumb capitalist plug.
In Soviet Russia everyone is excellent
Or you could read it as critical of capitalism.
"motivation, purpose, social skills, creativity" arguably all valued more under socialism/communism (admittedly there's a lot of semantics going on under the hood here). Which is why so much tallent goes to waste as grist in the capitalist mill.
Holy shit guys, I get the anti work rhetoric, but you're essentially saying "don't work hard for anything, just live by coasting". I really hope this pendulum stops swinging and finds a happy medium
Yeah, I don't really give a shit anymore. After covid, and seeing how my country treated it as political, and how people are disposable, why would I want to try? I have a job, they think I'm good at it, and it keeps a roof over my head.
I've been making other people large piles of money off of my work my entire adult life and I just don't care anymore.
I've had jobs where I didn't try before, and I just got super bored. My above comment isn't even necessarily regarding jobs, it's regarding putting in effort in life. It applies to personal projects etc too. I have an issue with procrastination because of my childhood, and I find it really satisfying when I can actually focus and get a project done.
If you get enjoyment out of doing fuck all, then more power to you, but myself and many others actually enjoy doing things.