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  • True. Let them cry.

  • So, what's wrong with Dresden?

  • The label "Nazi" is thrown a lot around lately whichever side it is, most probably to lose its meaning & the use of it as a slur only creates more trauma & disarray, hence making sure no consensus can be reached.
    Now what kind of precedent does that invite makes you wonder?!
    Obviously you're a fool if not deliberate for reinforcing that narrative.

    And disagree with your resolution "Fighting fire with fire", you're just then another hegemonic/genocidal oppressor who's trying to convince the rest that he's different & that's just another scapegoat for more chaos.

    Like who are you, just another one paid by corrupt institutions & industries, most likely the military for starters with the desperate attempt to justify the unjustifiable & since you're enticing wars?


    • Made it more clear & concise.
    • From the looks of it, I raffled some feathers with the downvote.
      Threatened by someone who's powerless, sweetheart they're just words far from me building a movement.
    • Nazi, fascist, etc.

      These words are losing their meaning more and more each passing day.

      • are you only allowed to call ideas or people fascist once it's too late? I agree to the extent that people with the unfortunate ideology of "anti-fascism" throw the word around a lot, but often they are right (in exposing/labeling those tendencies and their modern derivatives)
