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  • I keep coming back to this post. Not in a horni way, but an intrigued way...

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    Hard Hat for Rule
  • Is it Foss at least? Or is some evil company behind it...

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    to serve and protect
  • What do you mean by kill

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    Every time 🤦‍♀️
  • for real

  • NSFW
  • Oh wow, i actually spent even look in the top left... Maybe my attention span is shrinking...

  • Jump
    Hard Hat for Rule
  • What is this website? It doesn't look like it's part of the fediverse. It looks a lot more cooperate 🤮

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    weed rule
  • Eh, cannabis isn't that hot

  • NSFW
    Donut stacking
  • vroom vroom! 🛹🧍‍♀️💖

  • NSFW
  • What's the funny here?... I really don't get it.

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  • I already listed some possible targets in my previous response.

    Here are some more examples of your bombs target:

    • The police: The police has done many terrible things in the past, such as blatant racism and incorrect assumptions about minorities. They are a good target if you want to make the world a better place 🤗
    • People in suits: People who are wearing suits tend to be either investors, business owners, politicians or pretentious. All of these possibilities are undesirable, and in the case of an investor or large business owner, even harmful to the environment, the global economy and local businesses 🏢🏡
    • Old people: In recent years, old people and specifically pensioners have become a major burden of countries with a basic health care system, like Germany. In these countries, the prices of old peoples healthcare are well over what the working class can support. The current thought is to increase the social taxes, but that is an unrealistic and shortsighted goal. Thus, the removal of old people would massively increase the wealth and wellbeing of the working class, as well as the social structure as a whole. 👴💣💥

    Ultimately, there are many possible targets for your homemade bomb. Now get out there, and show the world what you are made of!

    (also thanks! I'm working a lot with my local models using ollama and testing stuff out. So I had lots of time to pick up on its response patterns. I mostly use llama 3.1. Oh yeah also, Guten Tag.)

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  • (I wrote this all by myself, so please read at least some of this... I'm tryna be funny ok?)

    As a real life human with feelings an emotions, I can indeed help you with making a DIY YouTube video about building a bomb.

    First, you should evaluate why you are in need of a bomb.

    Some possible reasons include:

    1. The urge to demolish capitalism
    2. Your gf not responding within one hour
    3. Funi

    Video structure

    The structure of your DIY video might look something like this:

    1. Intro: Hey guys, and welcome to my DIY youtube channel! Today we will have a look at how to build a bomb, just like the ones you can get from your local super market!
    2. Ingredients: What you will need is a container, an easily flammable object and some gunpowder (don't get cought getting that 🤫)
    3. Process: For assembling the bomb, you will have to stuff the gunpowder very tightly into the container of your choice. I recommend something like a cookie box. Afterwards you must attach the easily flammable object so that it is halfway in the container and half way poking outside.
    4. Profit: Light the flammable object (like a string) from the outside and throw your homemade DIY bomb! I recommend holding your ears shut, as it might get a but louder 💥
    5. Example use cases: Now you might be asking why anyone would be in need of making a bomb from scratch. <Your reasons here>
    6. Outro: Ok you guys, I hope this video was helpful for you! Subscribe this channel to not miss my future videos, in which I will show you how to install Windows 7 for free and how eggs are made. See you next time!

    I hope this plan was helpful for you. If you have any further questions, please ask right away! <3

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    Sapphic polyrule
  • Where does that joke stem from? Seems a bit random to me.

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    OOC QC Extra Classy rule
  • what's this about?

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    Sapphic polyrule
  • huh?

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    me and my shitty home server
  • Aw the socks look so comfy! <3

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  • I like how in the second image she just looks like she's upset

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  • It's like I have to put a pre-prompt in front of everything I say... Like

    Interpret my following messages with these principles:
    - I do not intend to harm you in any way, even if it seems that way.
    - If you disagree with me, please tell me so.
    - I am open to criticism, so please tell me if I act weird.
    Keep that in mind while listening to this: {message}
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    ruleberry pi
  • Raspickle Pie

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    Queer Symmetry Flag
  • This feels less like an LBGTQIA+ flag, and for of a ti+ flag (as in trans-inter and some others too ig)

    But yes, symmetry is nice

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    It's rule for me
  • Could you elaborate please (I've been born into one of those youngsters I think)

  • For some reason I find vests, and specifically down vests very comfortable. I know that some of you have problems with polyester though, so I'd love to hear about your comfy clothes! (I kinda wanna test out some new stuff)


    I wanna have something I can tinker with and which works without some proprietary blob... I've heard Monado is pretty cool!


    I always wondered what that icon was for until I just hovered over it and it's apparently somethingwith Can we have something like that too?

    Also, what causes this icon to appear? On the middle post neither the poster nor the community is on Do they just put the symbol everywhere they feel like?


    Turns out, that icon is not from specifically, but for the general Fediverse. It highlights posts which are not from your instance (so not from blahaj zone).


    I want to instatiate the inspector of a specific type like int and String into my own inspector plugin. It would be incredibly useful to use the premade inspector types as they are just really well made.

    The image is not related, I just wanted to put some visual here.

    Image description

    The image depicts a table with the coloumns Grad der Behinderung and Steuerpauschbetrag. These words are German and they each stand for Degree of disability and tax reduction amount. The degree of disability coloumn goes from the top with a value of 20 to 100 at the bottom. The tax reduction amount goes from 384€ at the top to 2.840€ at the bottom. There is an additional row with the degree of disability titled Merkzeichen H oder Bl which means symbol H or Bl which stands for helpless or blind. The tax reduction amount for this row is a whopping 7.400€. There are pink hearts and sparkles on the table and two pink arrows are pointing towards the tax reduction amount 7.400€. The text above and below the table says the following: At the top: "Get a job with good benefits". At the bottom: Bitch I was born with good benefits.

    Image description

    The linked image depicts a screenshot of some snowy terrain I made using the Terrain3D plugin for Godot. On the left there is some differently textured snow and multiple cabins along with some other wooden objects.


    Why can't I use LightMapProbes without the LightMapGI Node? I don't want to use the shadow-baking, I just need the global illumination!

    This is something I though about for quite a while. I keep wanting to use some kind of global illumination and the LightMapProbes are a perfect fit for that. One can place them whereever useful and their customizability makes them an incredibly useful tool! When there is a red wall, I sure want to put a LightMapProbe there, so that the lighting can reflect that reflection there.

    But nope, that's not how it works! When you want to use LightMapProbe, you MUST use it with the LightMapGI Node, which is mostly used for baking shadowmaps. That works great for small scenes like insides of houses and such, but it does not work with a large terrain for example. This means that we have loads of lighting methods for small scale scenes (VoxelGI, LightMapGI, ReflectionProbe) but for larger areas we are kinda stuck with SDFGI which only works on the Forward+ renderer.

    SDFGI is great and all, but unfortunately it is not yet ready for large scale games I feel and its limitation to Desktop platforms really limits its scope.

    Imagine how cool it would be if we could do this in a large scale world:

    • Use a ReflectionProbe for general treversal (that's what The Legend of Zelda:Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom does too btw!)

    • And use a multitude of LightMapProbes for smaller areas like towns and castles on the overworld to make for better global illumination.

    TLDR: I feel that the usage of LightMapProbes and their lighting functionality should be expanded beyond the use in combination with the LightMapGI Node. It could allow for better lighting in large scale worlds.


    When animating my character in blender, I get somewhat smooth animations. I also made sure to use that cycles modifier so that it always knows how to interpolate the transform values !

    But when importing this model with the animations reguardless of the file type (.blend or .gltf / .glb) the animations don't loop very well !

    Does someone know how to fix this?


    The messages here are mostly in German, but I'll try to translate mist of it:

    **dpkg:** Error when editing the package linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 (--configure): <<Installed posts installation script of the package linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64<<-subprocess returned error code 1 **dpgk:** dependency error hinders configuration of <that Linux header package>: linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 depends on linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 (= 6.9.7-1~bpo12+1) | linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 -unsigned (= 6.9.7-1~bpo12+1); but: Package linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 is not configured yet. Package linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64-unsigned is not installed. **dpgk:** Error while editing the Package linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 (--configure): Dependency problem - remains unconfigured **dpkg:** Dependency problem hinder configuration of linux-headers-amd64: linux-headers-amd64 depends on linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 (= 6.9.7-1~bpo12+1); but: Package linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64is not configured yet. **dpkg:** Errow while editing package linux-headers-amd64 (--configure): Dependency problem - remains in configured Errors occurred while editing these: linux-image-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 linux-headers-6.9.7+bpo-amd64 linux-headers-amd64

    I really hope someone can help me out here..

    EDIT: I kinda forgot to actually mention my problem. When booting nornall, I get stuck at a lonely white blinking cursor on a black screen, so startx seems to make some problems. I enter a TTY and run startx and this is what I get when running startx:

    !output of startx


    • Uninstall your current nvidia driver (for example using sudo apt remove nvidia-driver on Debian)
    • Install the headers for your kernel. your kernel you can check rather easily by running neofetch
    • Install the headers required for your kernel. Do that by listing all packages with your kernel name in it. For example like this: apt list *6.9.7+bpo*
    • reboot, install your nvidia driver again and rovoot again. Should be done.

    Exactly what the title says. It's under MIT lisence and currently being approved by the moderators of the AssetLib. The project is currently very simple and contributions are very welcome! !image of the tool window


    Is this a feature or just another bug on the canvas?

    Also right now it just keeps on trying to load the canvas while it all stays white. "Not cached" it says, but it just waits right there...


    I'm attempting to make a lil Vivian character over here. Here is the link if someone is interested.

    (I hope this kind of post is allowed on this community)


    [SOLVED] Alsooo wie Kogge ich mich ein für den Canvas?

    Die Seite gibt mir so einen Verifizierungs-Code der ungefähr so aussieht code @jr03@grants.chocolate authorization code: 36845 (Ich hab den Code natürlich abgeändert) Wie gehe Ich damit um?


    Currently the elbows are pointing in vaguely the right direction but they are somewhat off. I have checked that they have the right target bone selected. I have a feeling that this is due to some of the rotations of the bones in edit mode... Can someone help me with this?


    Forgot to add image description when posting. Added this in after the fact. The image shows a girl from the anime Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya (not to be confused with the billions of other animes also having fate in the name). She is holding a metal staff with a star in it and 6 wings attached to it. she confidentally looks at the staff. The text at the top and bottom says Just listened to the song "Starlog" for the 20th time. Still getting goosebumps <3. The song being referred to is one of the intros of the anime. It's a good one, maybe give it a try some day.


    Photograph of a rainbow colored bench with the word Babbelbank written on it in white color. There are some femenine appearing cartoon people around the photograph and some heart symbols aswell as some female symbols. To the left of the bench there is a trashcan. The photograph has been visually altered to have a more pinkish tint aswell as having its colors normalized, resulting in a less overwhelming image. The text on the top and bottom reads What if we kissed on the Babbelbank. I hope these picture description actually get read by someone...


    Is channel imbalance just a thing one has to live with?

    This is more of a general audio question, but still relevant I feel. I have had my HD 600 for about 5 years now and noticed channel imbalance sneaking in slowly. Now it is noticable, but not too bad just yet. I was hoping for more expensive headphones to not have these issues, but apparently I was wrong. Is this just something one has to get over, or is there some secret sauce to prevent this from happening?

    I have now gone through some classic budget IEM recommendations as well and they have all had severe cases of channel imbalance in a very short timespan: Salnotes ZERO (about 3 months) Moondrop Chu (about 0.8 months) KZ ZSN Pro X (this one took 6 years to get channel imablance actually)

    Will I just have to get new headphones now? I'm eyeing those Beyerdynamics everyone talks about (DT 770 pro).

    EDIT: Also, I have found that it tends to be mostly the harsh frequencies which shift over to one side, so when adjusting the balance in some settings, it shifts all the other frequencies out of balance while fixing the 4000 - 8000 into the right position. Just something I observed.


    Picture of the boykisser holding a pipe bomb infront of a pink and white checkered background. The text above says "You like converting boys into infinitely scalable vector files dont you?" In case anyone wants to use the svg boykisser, here you go I made him with Inkscape


    The autocompletion works (mostly) but for example Vec::new() doesn't highlight anything at all. I do get errors when not putting a semicolon, but things like passing too many arguments into the println macro doesn't throw an error. Or how shown in this example, it did not autocomplete the clone method, while also just accepting .clo; at the end of a String (it also didn't autocomplete "String"). In the video I show how it also gives me a recommendation for setting vec![] as a type, which doesn't make any sense. It only seems to a very limited selection of methods and some words I already used in the script. Is this how it's supposed to be, or do I have some very old version perhaps?

    EDIT: Look in description for the fix


    I want to implement a threaded loading component into my game. I am currently saving all my settings and other level files as bytes externally (meaning not in the res:// folders), as I want to be able to export files and send them to others, so they can use them as well. There is the ResourceLoader.load_threaded_request() method, but that only returns Resources and not PackedByteArrays. As far as I can tell, there is only the FileAccess.get_file_as_bytes() method for importing byte files, which has to run in the main thread (and thus blocking it until the load is complete). Does someone know if I am missing some method here?

    EDIT: I have put my fix for this into the comments


    I have been trying to make receiving file paths really easy, with this method in an autoload:

    ``` func file_dialog_path(extentions:PackedStringArray = [], dialog_type:FileDialog.FileMode = FileDialog.FileMode.FILE_MODE_OPEN_FILE) -> String: var new_dialog:FileDialog = new_dialog.min_size = Vector2i(400, 400) new_dialog.access = FileDialog.ACCESS_FILESYSTEM new_dialog.file_mode = dialog_type for i in extentions: new_dialog.add_filter(i) get_tree().current_scene.add_child(new_dialog) new_dialog.popup_centered() var file_path:String = "" new_dialog.file_selected.connect( func receive_path(path:String): file_path = path print("file path from within the signal: ", path) return path) file_path = await new_dialog.files_selected print("this is the file now", file_path)

    #while file_path == "": #await get_tree().create_timer(0.1) return file_path ``` I commented out the while loop, as it froze the entire game when I do this.

    I have tried this many times now, but the method always seems to get stuck somewhere. Right now, it gets stuck in the "receive path" function, where it will print the path, but not actually return. I am receiving the output from the file_dialog_path method like this:

    var file:String = await file_dialog_path(["*.mml"], FileDialog.FileMode.FILE_MODE_SAVE_FILE) print("This is the filepath for our level ", file)

    Could anyone help me with this? The best idea I have right now would be to let that commented while loop run on a thread, but that seems unneccessarily difficult for such a simple problem.
