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How is the country going right now?

I've seen some random videos of Tucker saying that suicides are way up, economy is way down, addiction and crime are rampant and the cost of living is insanity where nobody can really thrive in this environment.

On the otherside, inflation is slowing, people are working and it feels we're slowly getting back to some normalcy.

What's your personal perspective on how life is right now/since 2020? Is that the biggest factor for determining who you will vote for in 2024?

  • I’ve seen some random videos of Tucker saying

    On the otherside

    That's sort of like saying "I've seen some random flat Earth videos... but on the otherside..."

    The biggest factor in determining who I'll vote for in 2024 is which candidate is less likely to try to overturn an election again.

  • Which country? Theres like 193 of those things.

  • From my vantage point, things in the US are much as they have been since roughly October, 11th 2001: SNAFU.

    Consider the following:

    • For the last 30 years, we as a nation have tried all we could to force every child into college, resulting in insufficient numbers of tradesmen/women, huge debt loads on people who are unable to find work that pays sufficiently to pay off that debt, and are all too frequently no smarter than they would have been had they not attended collage. Simply more sure of themselves.
    • We have, for the last 20 years engaged in mid-scale expeditionary warfare, to no known profit, resulting in large numbers of returning combat veterans, who, do to a skills mismatch, largely seem to have ended up in police and armed security, increasing the average aggressiveness of these forces.
    • Despite the large numbers of collage graduates, there are an insufficient number of doctors, nurses, and mental health professionals at a time when they are needed.
    • Due in part to a lack of tradesmen/women, we now face a housing shortage, resulting a significant increase of homeless people who have good paying jobs, but are unable afford a roof over their heads.
    • An increase in general fear in the general population has led to an escalation in gun ownership, increased violence, and the increased militarization of police forces, creating a feedback loop.
    • The gap between the wealthy and the poor has been expanding at an exponential pace. Put another way, The poor get poorer, the rich are getting richer, and the middle class is shrinking.
    • Average pay over the last 80 years has not kept pace with inflation. In the 1980's, an average truck driver made $135,000 (inflation adjusted) while in 2022 the average driver made roughly $55,000. The same has occurred through out the rest of the economy, though not quite to such an extreme.
    • A loud minority of the American population is attempting to force their religious beliefs upon the rest of the population, most of whom do not share the same moral framework.
    • We have now had a President who has, in my opinion, actively incited an insurrection against the US Constitution and continues to do so.

    I now face a decision on whether to vote for a series of political candidates whose policies may result in the destruction of my nation in 10 years. Or a series of political candidates whose policies may destroy the nation in 100 years. Some choice.

  • addiction and crime are way up where I live, in a big way. not sure about suicides - maybe the OD's are intentional? dont care much if brainsick folks want to off themselves, doesnt affect me at all - well, the ambulances sometimes delay traffic, but thats about it. the crime does though - lot of shootings and arsons in my area - a house on my block was set on fire midsummer of last year. my car was stolen from right outside of my house in December, local police told me flat out "we're understaffed, there's nothing we can do, here's your case #". we need way more police officers that we have, most of the experienced ones left when defunding became politically acceptable during the last local election cycle. but at least Big Daddy Inslee isnt forcing us to wear masks everywhere any more, not that they ever did any good.

    for me, life has gotten somewhat better since 2020, excepting the crime issues - stable job (I worked all through the pandemic, mostly at home). inflation made it expensive to buy groceries so I changed my diet, lost a bit of weight. I personally am not registered to vote in the state I live in - registering to vote comes with a lot of downsides that I dont wish to subject myself to - and I'm in a "vote blue no matter who" state, so there really isnt anyone to vote for. electoral college decides the presidential race so I dont bother with that either. fun to argue about it with folks though.

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