All the movie stars, famous musicians, politicians and renowned scientists, yes, those are all regular guys too. They eat, shit and fall asleep on a pillow every night or about as much as regular people do and usually not all at once.
2 arms 2 legs 1 head and so. Mostly. A bit above average perhaps, but generally they have a regular number of limbs.
Mark likely does all those regular things just as well as regular guys.
However.. Someone who goes on a live stream to introduce his new cutting edge technology by staring into a camera without blinking for 45 minutes endlessly mumbling about smoked meats while rocking a caesarian haircut. That's also perfectly regular.... for a lizard.
Think circumstances, achievements, influence. About their status, wealth, talents, impact.
Basic human functions: “normal” (except for the maid cleaning their skid marks off the bowl, the million thread count pillowcase).
Almost anything else: distinctly unique. When he gets sad or injured, his care’s different. When he fights with his wife, their opportunities for mediation are different. His most basic human needs can be met lavishly. He is capable of having needs we can only dream of.
The fact a billionaire poops is kinda the least interesting or perhaps relevant thing I can think of, but maybe I’m missing a part of the perspective.