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I refuse to believe you all would really let your players bully you into running only d&d
  • If they don't want to play it, running it isn't gonna be that fun. That's why I haven't ran the Shadowrun campaign I made for my group. Nobody other than my sister wants to play SR. :/

    I like SR way more than D&D, personally.

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    Friend was asked to draw a hand turkey.
  • Must've been hard tracing all those different hands.

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    Anon has a special request
  • What if I put it in my will that I want my skeleton turned into a kick ass statue in a WH40K style marine suit?

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    Series: What are your ADHD Tools of Thumb?
  • Alarms on my phone to snap me out of hyperfixating on things to the point where time becomes meaningless.

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    Hotdog rule
  • Perfect gift for docking enthusiasts. Put your weiner in this weiner.

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    Speaking of manly ways to eat food...
  • "You know how many foods are dick-shaped? The best kind!"

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    Hey Look, It's Me!
  • Cute; but not a meme or marked as NSFW.

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    What's a recent personal accomplishment of yours that you are proud of and why are you proud of it?
  • I got the platinum trophy in Armored Core 6. Only 6% of players have done that. Though it's interesting that 0.2% more players have the S Rank all missions trophy and that's the hardest one to get. The "all trophies" trophy should be a cake walk if you've already S ranked everything.

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    "Modding is pretty big" says Baldur's Gate 3 director as over 1m mods are installed in less than 24 hours
  • At least 1. And it's compatible with the big race mod that adds basically every single race that ever existed in D&D to the game.

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    Clueless about Biology
  • Choogana goona, youwanna wonga. Ah ha ha ha!

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    How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death?
  • How much time do I have to prepare for the fight?

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    Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game?
  • Remaking them in the same tired-ass engine would only make them worse and it's not likely they will ever give up their Frankenstein's monster of GameBryo in favor of something that isn't a pile of dogshit.

    The last few re-releases of Skyrim where they updated some visual features and added new content (most of which they didn't make) is as close to a remaster or remake they will actually do.

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    Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words?
  • It's the same thing. The difference is origin. Disk is American. Disc is British. Usually the only time "disc" is used in the US, is to refer to something round. A CD could go either way, depending on the writer.

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    What is your favourite board game?
  • Cameroon. It's like a mix of air hockey and pool.

    I wish I had an actual board still... I only have it via 52 Clubhouse Games on switch. I find it much more fun when you're actually flicking the pieces with your finger.

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    The Big One
  • Big Beanis

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    Kamala mistreats her staff /s
  • "We can't just bullshit her into doing what we want. It sucks!"

  • I'm not sure if this is a Lemmy issue, an instance issue or a Jerboa issue but occasionally when I hit the button to reply specifically to the main post and make a top-level comment, it instead replies to one of the already existing top level comments.

    I don't know how long this has been happening; I only just now noticed it wasn't me accidentally clicking the wrong reply button when it happened twice in a row and I was making absolute sure I hit the right button the second time.


    I have 1 last achievement to get and it didn't seem like it would be that hard since I already got S rank without even trying on all the high payout missions when I was grinding cash for all the parts.

    However, a few seem to be completely arbitrary and not simply about speed and efficiency. Or maybe I am just not fast enough? I have to actually use a stop watch because the game doesn't actually tell you the mission time...

    Anyway I have literally 2 left that I can't get above A rank on and I don't know why.

    First is Stop The Data Breach. I zip through the level as fast as I can destroying the hacking nodes, and even take out the tetrapod in the hallway while waiting for the dialogue to continue and give me access to the last door leading to Iguazu. I know from watching a video of someone getting S rank that the damage and ammo costs I end up with are good (even lower) so it's gotta be the time it takes to do the final fight. But that dumbass Iguazu heals like 4 times every time he's down to nothing which makes it take way longer than it should. I can kill him faster but that would cost more in the ammo cost, assuming it even hits because the weapons that would allow near instant death are also super slow and he constantly dodged all over the place.

    The other is Destroy the Refuelling base. I've zipped straight to the main objective and killed the ACs at the end in under 2 minutes and got A rank. I've gone and blown up all the fuel dumps then the main objective and killed the ACs in just a few seconds more; still A. The fuck does it expect me to do? Finish in 30 seconds? I can use the fastest possible mech build and it still takes like a minute just to reach the objective going in as straight a line to it as you can.

    The lack of clear objectives listed for these arbitrary requirements is driving me crazy. I've looked for answers online, of course, but every answer is different. Some people got S rank doing this, others got it doing something else. Neither method worked for me, so it just feels like random.


    Playing Ghost of Tsushima and just trying to get the best settings for my machine and was suggested to use high preset with resolution scaling off and frame Gen on.

    It certainly makes the FPS counter say it's 60fps now when it would constantly dip to 40, but it doesn't feel or look smooth at all. I can get 60fps without frame Gen in much of the game, and turning it off in those areas looks smoother and feels nicer.

    I've never used frame generation in anything else before so I don't know if this is normal or what's going on. Would it feel better if I uncapped the frame rate and turned off vsync?


    Just thinking about how I've read that humans are the only animals on the planet that can throw objects with a degree of accuracy. But could a dog or other animal be taught, and trained to throw things to hit a target? I mean, it's not like a human can throw well without guidance and practice, either.


    Like "radio" or "fantasy" or "game..." They're basically the same in Japanese (radjio, fantaji, gaamu) so if I just said them in English pronunciation, would someone with no experience in English still be able to tell what I'm saying?


    Just curious if anyone else with a Quest 3 (or even 2 I guess) is having this issue. Seems to have only started after v68 dropped. Is there a fix? The patch notes said I should be able to handle the connection from the system menu, but there's nothing to force them back on or turn them off; it's the same shit that's been in there since I got the thing.


    Just as the title says: Have you ever clicked on an ad, knowing it was an ad, on purpose? What ad was it? Why did you click it?

    Curious because I realized I have not once in my life clicked on an ad shown online on purpose. Accidentally, and being tricked into clicking the wrong thing sure; never with intent though.


    Think of the universe as a painting. There's the image made in paint, and the surface it was painted on. The canvas.

    The stars, the planets, the gasses, the matter and energy and even the space between are the paint. What's the canvas? Is there a canvas? Would the canvas follow the same rules as the paint?


    There's a few for me. Yamok sauce. Various synthohols. The desserts Troi's always eating (or being). But most especially gagh. I wouldn't let the fact it's some kind of living worm distract me from the way all the cool people describe it. If Riker likes it, I think I would too and I certainly wouldn't want to look like a p'taQ in front of Riker.


    Half-Baked. Happy Gilmore. Billy Madison. Grandma's Boy. Dude, Where's My Car? Where have the movies like this gone? Clerks 3 was, I think, the last good one I've ever seen (and even they got too real and too sad so I don't even know if I ever want to see it again as a comedy). There's gotta be some good, funny shit that's even funnier when stoned out of your mind that's more recent than that, right?


    Why not periods? Why doesn't every sentence in Spanish that isn't a question or exclamation start with a period floating in the sky?


    One of the stepper motors' switch things (the metal part that hits the bar to tell the motor it's at one end of the track) came out and it's either bent too much or snapped off (it's so small I can't really tell) and it doesn't go back in place, which means I can't use the printer because the motor with the head on it doesn't know when it has reached the end of the track and just tries to keep going if I don't stop it.

    My first thought was to print a new piece but... That won't work when I have to use the printer to do that. The motor itself is great. It's just that stupid little metal triangle thing used to give the teeny tiny switch some more surface area to be pressed.


    Just had this thought while running with my dog and getting fatigued. Why does it feel like that? What is going on in the tissue to make it "burn?"


    Just saw a thing about Minnesota's flag contest and some joker suggested using California's flag which I started overthinking about which leads us here. If Minnesota actually changed their state flag to California's state flag, could California sue Minnesota? 🤔
