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our girl is growing up.

Sesame, our chicken, is spoiled rotten.

I usually chill with her in the mornings, then walk with her in the evening while I'm pretending to do yard work. She follows me around, I drop the occasional peanut, she drops the occasional chicken refuse.

Well, my family has been giving her mealworms this week while I was handling other things, so this afternoon, I paid her a visit with sone peanuts thinking we would just hunker down and bake in the southern heat together, avoiding the sun under some trees.

I walk out the door and got greeted with the most furious t-rex scolding I have ever heard.

I sit my chair down and shes just a squalling and squawking at me. I hold out a peanut, and she gives me that side-eye go to hell look and flips the thing out of my hand, then stomps around me looking at the cup we measure out treats in.

This little monster kept up a nigh constant scolding that I did not have worms for her. She finally settled down enough to catch this pic, but hopped up on my foot and glared at me right after.

She has us trained now.