Being courteous [Off the Mark]
Being courteous [Off the Mark]
That was an irrational decision.
59ReplyDon't be nice when it comes to the Rules of the Road, be rational.
52ReplyBe predictable more so
Only one problem. By the time this occurred, every road everywhere was already full of pi. Poor sharon is just one digit in a long line that covers their world. Hallucinating being an independent numeral.
31ReplyThat is if you assume a finite world
9ReplyThis is math.
6Reply 5Reply
Sharon is secretly trailing an infinite line of zeroes, they are just ignored by everyone.
5ReplyI mean, to be fair, both of them also have an infinite number of preceding zeros.
2ReplyPfft, zeroes don't count ;)
TIL a 6 is a "Sharon"
28Reply5 is a Karen
5ReplyDo you think there's only one 6?
Wait, do all 6s look alike to you? Are you a number racist? Gosh!
1ReplyA lot of them are actually 9s just trying to pass and avoid getting eaten by 7.
This one is actually good.
10ReplyShowed this to my partner. They have 2 more college degrees than I do. Their response...
"I don't get it. Is the last digit 6 or something."
Rural public schools are a fucking joke.
9ReplyWe are sorry, this road is blocked indefinitely.