Is it possible to disable/remove the speech-to-text button on Android in the address bar?
Is it possible to disable/remove the speech-to-text button on Android in the address bar?
I keep accidentally tapping it when trying to tap at the end of the address to edit it. Currently this is my biggest struggle with Firefox.
Was just having this issue.
Go to settings> search> at the bottom should be "address bar preference" where you'll find the "show voice search" toggle.
101ReplyThat was it, thank you so much!
I recommend Mull, btw Google gboard is reading everything you type, I recommend Futo Keyboard, Heliboard or Florisboard
20ReplyFuto keyboard is nice, thanks for the recommendation!
10Reply+1 for Florisboard
7ReplyI use Florisboard myself, for its action bar and the priceless clipboard menu (also very secure as it is not shared with the system clipboard).
But Heliboard and Futo Keyboard have autocorrect, and Futo keyboard also voice input, really cool.
I just started using FUTO, text to speech is a bit slower than g board but works about as well.
Swipe and word prediction seems to work just about the same as Gboard
I've configured mine to look so similar it looks almost the same (amoled dark theme, number row, symbol hints, reduce press delay to 150ms)
Biggest thing I miss is gif search, I switch to gboard for that then switch back.
4ReplyAbout as well? Futo is running locally, i.e. on your smartphone, as opposed to getting uploaded to Google and then processed there.
Heliboard with FUTO voice is the one
4ReplyYou dont need Futo voice, Futo keyboard has a worse UI but allows to import the same models (the biggest one is the only one that has good results) externally.
5ReplyI use HeliBoard with Sayboard, don't want to support a company like FUTO that isn't properly FOSS
It depends. For example on an OS without GSF and without giving GBoard internet connection access it should be fine
Gboard settings -> voice typing should turn it off for you
8ReplyWeird, mine doesn't have this
6ReplyIt depends on the keyboard I guess
That's a keyboard option. You can use something like Heliboard and it's optional there.
3ReplyHeliboard is top, it has everything, you can even add gestures. And it's FOSS without google spying.
Check in the settings, it's there.
3ReplyIf I'm not wrong, Fennec (Firefox android fork) doesn't have that.