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Is a used ThinkPad Carbon X1 Gen 6 worth it for $400?
  • I'm not well versed in the laptop market, so I can't tell, but ThinkPads are never a bad choice. Try to find the best specs possible for the price. Maybe a newer gen of X1?

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    Is a used ThinkPad Carbon X1 Gen 6 worth it for $400?
  • I've got the exact same model (with touchscreen) and absolutely love it!

    Except I bought it 3 years ago for ~$300. I don't think it's worth $400 nowadays

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    [Weekly thread] GNU+Linux help: ask anything!
  • A few days ago I upgraded my gpu from nvidia to amd (rx 6700) and since then once in a while (a few times a day) my entire desktop freezes for a couple of seconds. I have mesa and lib32 mesa installed. Arch + X11 + bspwm Any ideas?

  • When the bottom half of canvas is revealed, we're building a huge FUCKSPEZ in the middle.

    If my math is correct, this should be the template:


    Width: 1000px

    x: 0

    y: 500


    Tell me if it's too big, we can make it smaller

    Edit: Nevermind. Just now read that there will be no size increase. Guess I have to wait for the next year


    I tried on 2 devices with 2 different networks with and without VPN and the result's still the same

    [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Every human is an egoist. You too.

    Everything you've ever done was for your own purpose. Everything we do, we do it cause it makes or will make US happy. Even if a person is kind to others, they are because it makes THEM happy. Even ascetics do what they do, because in their mind it will grand THEM happiness in the future.

    So realize that you and everyone around you do what they do, because it makes THEM happy and live you life so it will make YOU happy

  • Today I checked DNSDumpster for my domain and realized that TXT verification records for my email are visible to everyone. Should I be worried? If yes how can I hide them?


    I have sonarr, radarr, prowlarr, jellyfin and qbittorrent-nox running on my computer. I want to move it to an sbc so it can run 24h/day and draw less power.

    All my media are on a M.2 drive so it's important to have a way to somehow connect it to that sbc.

    Fyi I also intend to run AdGuard

    What sbc do you recommend for such a setup? Do I have to wait for RPi 5 or are there better alternatives? Of course the best value for money
