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GTK 4.16.0 released, now defaults to Vulkan renderer on Wayland
  • QtWidgets uses software rendering. It's completely fine on my 4K display except for a single application, KOrganizer, where it actually takes a while to redraw the UI. You can implement hardware rendering badly too (see QtQuick which is noticeably less responsive than QtWidgets)

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    I just started caring about my own privacy. What apps should i get rid of, why and what can i replace it with?
  • Not an app, but one thing I can recommend that is pretty much "for free" is to turn on iCloud Advanced Data Protection, that gets you end-to-end encryption for pretty much all iCloud storage (photos and so on).

    Everything else I would recommend is probably not going to happen (such as deleting Discord) or of questionable benefits (such as using the web version of Discord instead of what is probably the app) :^)

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    Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • I'm in a similar situation. Before I had to move all was fine, I had a single ethernet port I plugged my router into. It even had a static IPv4 (even though no IPv6 but I could just use tunnelbroker). Literally perfect.

    After I moved I'm now stuck in this horribly designed network that has a stupid internet cafe tier login portal even for wired devices, unencrypted wifi, seemingly every single device from every student on the same network (I am getting blasted with other people's broadcast packets and I'm pretty sure the network congestion from that is where my weird intermittent packet loss comes from). And now I don't have any public IP address at all.

    Whoever they hired to set this up is an absolute moron who has no idea about network security or how to make an efficient network and considering the internet cafe login portal probably likes to cause as much suffering as possible. (Not saying I'm necessarily qualified but the fact alone that I can connect to other people's AirPlay devices means they failed at both.)

    And the reason all of this is a problem is that they also don't allow putting a router/firewall in front so I can get a sane network. Had to tear down pretty much all the infrastructure I set up in the old place because a lot of it was relying on me having control over the network. Of course, I knew none of this before I moved in, I was explicitly looking for internet shenanigans in the contract.

    I now have a janky Wireguard mesh network setup with one of the machines being the IPv6 gateway. Awful but at least I have public addresses and IPv6 (and with that a bit of my own network space) again.

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    "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"
  • People paid for that original game too, it wasn’t free. I don’t assume they got refunded. It was basically a massive bait and switch.

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    Linux: I'm not asking
  • Looking it up, seems like it's something you will only find on original UNIX. So probably nothing you have to worry about in reality tbh.

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    Anyone with problems with duckdns DynDNS?
  • Registrars (or DNS providers if you don't use the one that comes with your registrar) worth using have an API to manage DNS entries. That's basically all there is to DynDNS.

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    File Sorting by Last Two Chracters of File Name
  • It's very unlikely there's a GUI tool that will do this unless you write one yourself, that sounds like a very uhhh, unique naming scheme. You can sort them using a shell script:

    for file in *; do
      suffix="${name: -2}"
      printf '%s\t%s\n' "$suffix" "$file"
    done | sort

    Alternatively, modify this so that it will create symlinks in a new folder that have names that will get sorted correctly in whatever GUI tool.

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    "Deploying" images rather than installing from the official ISO?
  • This is designed for Gentoo but I've used it for Ubuntu before:

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    This company sells real human skulls. It claims all of its skulls are ethically sourced. How do you ethically source a human skull for sale to a random buyer?
  • Same same same. I would love to have one, and I would absolutely be down to have mine preserved.

    Also I study CS which is funny considering the "he works in IT" from the OP

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    Linux: I'm not asking
  • Keep in mind that some killall implementations do not take arguments and instead literally kills all processes. You might want to use pkill instead.

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    Whats your go-to naming convention?
  • I don’t use a computer from the 90s. It can handle it.

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    Whats your go-to naming convention?
  • For files? I like title case (like in article headlines). For example, I have a "Shell Tricks.txt". I'm not really consistent though, sometimes it's all lowercase or whatever really.

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    The NFL wants to use facial recognition at games. Police say it's a bad idea
  • Are they implying the police are accountable for anything?

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    Remember Cutefish? Pretty sure it's dead
  • I agree about Sourceforge but there isn’t really anything better than Bugzilla still, at least not that I’ve seen anyone use.

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    I use Qobuz for music. Recommendations don't exist. What are the best sources for creating playlists with suggestions?
  • I don’t know about playlists specifically (do you mean something like Spotify’s Discovery playlist?) but I think has recommendations.

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    Debian Orphans Bcachefs-Tools: "Impossible To Maintain In Debian Stable"
  • Well, it's now an issue with Rust since Cargo makes it a pain in the ass to do. It's one of the big things that makes me very reluctant to write any sort of system tools in Rust despite being a big fan of the language itself.

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    Has anyone used nsjail? Any thoughts?
  • Ah, yeah openrc is nice and I used it for a long time with gentoo, but it does lack a lot of the useful features like this one.

  • I wanted something like GIMP for iOS with which I can stitch together/overlay/crop images, add text, blank out parts, draw on the image, and so on. Nothing in the app store looked appealing, most of what I could find seems to be geared towards photo post processing, so I had the idea of trying Freeform for this, because well, it lets you place various objects on a canvas. And it works pretty well!

    Create a new board with the image inside, set it to no rounded corners and no shadow, and then do whatever you want to it with Freeform’s tools.

    Then, when you’re done, select Export to PDF and convert it to an image. You can use this share sheet shortcut which I made which makes an image out of it and also cuts away the white frame it generates around the PDF:

    There you go, straight forward basic image editing with a free stock app.

    It unfortunately doesn’t preserve the original resolution of the image but it’s definitely good enough for me.


    I'm looking for something like GitHub's user activity indicator that gathers information from a list of git repositories regardless of where they are hosted (as long as they are public), that I can put on my webpage, kind of as a thing to show what I'm working on at the moment.

    Is this a thing that already exists? I'd started writing one a while ago but instead of reviving that it would be great if there's something that already exists and I can just use :\^)

    8 Introducing the DreamBerd Vision Pro · TodePond DreamBerd · Discussion #580

    Today we're proud to announce the DreamBerd Vision Pro. It's not AR or VR. It's spatial computing. And Lu Wilson has done a FULL COMPREHENSIVE VIDEO REVIEW that's completely unbiased and unsponsore...


    According to this Phoronix article, Linux should support the birth time attribute in the NFS server since 5.18. However, it doesn't show up in the stat output when looking at the file through the NFS mount, or elsewhere (at least, the Dolphin file browser and also a macOS client):

    % stat file File: file Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file Device: 0,70 Inode: 103416894 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1000/ saiko) Gid: ( 100/ users) Access: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Modify: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Change: 2023-12-17 03:22:45.368950609 +0100 Birth: -

    What gives? Running stat on the server directly, it shows the attribute. The backing file system is ext4, kernel 6.5.12. The client is using kernel 6.1.63.
