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China's air force 'burned missile fuel to make hotpot': ex-officer
  • The article says the source has been in the USA for 8 years so even ignoring the fact he has an incentive to lie, given he now works for the US, this is at best a decade old as news.

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    After all of This Time Searching for Aliens, is it The Zoo Hypothesis or Nothing?
  • My personal take is that there’s some kind of anthropomorphic fallacy in thinking life should tend towards “civilization”.

    Life will tend towards reproductive success and it seems entirely plausible to me that reproductive success doesn’t at all imply the use of radio waves.

    The dinosaurs were a very intelligent life form that never tended towards civilization and some of their bird ancestors can be smarter than most mammals etc. Expecting the trait of civilization to emerge seems unfounded and against available evidence.

    Space travel seems impossible. I realize you can back of the envelope it in a way that makes it seem within grasp but there’s no economic benefit in colonizing another star and only some marginal mining benefit in even visiting the nearby planets so I don’t think it will ever happen.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Think about what you just said for a second.

    If the price doubles and the profit margin remains the same, that exactly means that the price is inelastic.

    Which is directly synonymous with saying the price is not subject to supply and demand pressure because that would imply elasticity.

    You pointed to price inelasticity as proof of price elasticity. God fucking damn.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • It makes the already-wealthy owners of the extraction license wealthier and nothing more than that you [edit personal insult removed because I didn’t realize this wasn’t Hexbear, disculpe]

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    CNN Runs Gaza Coverage Past Jerusalem Team Subject to IDF Censor
  • From Ancient Greece and the Roman republic to the modern USA and the hereditary monarchy of the UK, democracy is a facade to whitewash the raw power of monopolizing finance.

    The only true democracy that ever existed was the USSR. Bottom up democracy made it real. Top down democracy is a facade and has been for millennia.

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    Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine.
  • Yeah ok that’s fair, even in a transformed world there is still a need for some cars you’re right.

    My point was more that a world in which we simply exchange fords for Tesla’s is still a fucked world but you make a fair counter point.

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    Electric cars: The equivalent of switching from binge drinking whiskey to binge drinking wine.
  • Not really. At all. Like they’re barely even a bandaid.

    The issue is a car weighs a couple of tons and it’s being used to move a person who weighs around 100kg.

    It’s massively inefficient use of energy.

    Even in some fantasy world where the energy used to charge the batteries is all renewable - not even close to reality but let’s pretend - all that lithium and other precious earths are still an environmental disaster.

    The answer is mass transit and lower mass vehicles. A lifestyle change is actually required and the thing is it wouldn’t even make people less happy, just that change is so fucking scary for some reason.

    Walkable cities are a dream lifestyle and an electric scooter in a walkable city is outstanding. Fuck urban sprawl.

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    Fellow atheists: How do you know your senses and reasoning are reliable and valid? How do you know that you know anything? Solipsism vs Nihilism
  • I think the idea of "truth" and "reality" is being reified here, and by reifying the concept of reality you divorce it from reality. Like, you create this abstract notion of what reality is, you put it on another plane, a kind of Platonic concept of what reality is. And at that point it's no longer reality that you're actually talking about because you've separated the concept of reality from reality.

    Reality is what it is and it exists outside the mind since the mind experiences reality, and knowing is an abstracted model of reality. The abstracted model is not reality itself but a model of reality, and that model of reality contains the concept of reality which is what you're talking about here but that concept of reality is not reality.

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    Ukraine war: At least 30 killed in biggest Russian bombardment yet
  • None of you NAFOs ever stop to consider the right of self-determination that belongs to the people who live in the eastern provinces.

    It’s pretty clear that the people of Donbas, Crimea, etc, do not want to be ruled by this Ukrainian government.

    A sustainable peace deal would be Ukraine agreeing to not cooperate or be supplied by NATO, agreeing to respect the rights of ethnic minorities, and giving up the provinces that do not want to be part of Ukraine.

    Why is it worth sending tens or hundreds of thousands more to their deaths over that?

    It’s an extremely reasonable peace and this is what they turned down at the start of the war when Boris Johnson derailed the initial peace effort. If the west wasn’t so war-thirsty then this war would have been over in a week, or wouldn’t have happened at all so cut out the pointless rhetoric about “we need to teach Putler a lesson” because you’re being blind to some basic facts about how this war could have and was attempted to be prevented when you recite that mantra.

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    Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over
  • Lmao the Taliban have practically eliminated the opium production in Afghanistan. Just like they did before the US invasion.

    It was under US rule that opium production returned and surged.

    So you’re talking made up bullshit.
