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Adding more members to the march of the dead
  • I actually did this. 3 players have accepted dark gifts and come back to life. I'm also using Lunch Break Heroes suggestions, and making it so that each time they use their gift they loose a bit of their soul. If they keep using it, eventually they'll loose it entirely and their souless body will start trying to go to the amber temple.

  • Lawful good myself. Where do you (or your dm) lie?

    The true BBEG
  • It is. I've played and DM'd on the site before. Honestly really great experience, and it was worth the price when I played. The average price it a little higher now though. When I was on there it was usually $10-$20 a session. Now it looks more like $20-30. I'd be willing to assume that allows for more time from the DM's to focus on their games though.

    Actually thinking about getting back into it myself. I LOVE running games, and putting the work in to add all the bells and whistles, especially for a party that's invested in the game (players are less distracted if they're paying). So I'd love to make decent money doing it too.

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    The true BBEG
  • There's a community here (without any posts yet) at !

    Theres one on reddit as well...

    If you're not opposed to paid games (which are actually wonderful if you can afford them) check out

  • The true BBEG

    Who really tracks all that?
  • I've done this as well. With most casters starting with a spellcasting focus though, we usually ignore the pouches too. I'm too nice of a DM to take the focus away.
