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  • I don't think he knows about 17-bean soup Pip

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    Trudeau says government will not intervene in Air Canada dispute with pilots
  • I just wanted something to show for my time at the end of lockdown. The first month of lockdown was a lovely staycation, but by month two I was ready to do something. People were picking up hobbies and getting I to exercise and whatnow, but I wanted a significant accomplishment, I wanted to get my life together. I was still living at home (24 but couldn't afford my own place) with my mother, I'd struggled with school before, never being much of an academic success.

    But it wasn't lost on me that for the first and basically only time in my life I could go to school, get paid while doing so (Say what you will, CERB was huge for peace of mind), and I could be utterly ironclad I wasn't missing out on anything while working on my classes. I felt I couldn't waste the opportunity. I guess something about the change in circumstances worked because i did better than ever before grades wise.

    I always think about this when people say Universal Basic Income wouldn't work, because people are naturally driven to do things and want better for themselves. We had only a glimmer of it, but it was enough to transform my life forever.

    Anyways, ramble over. I'm glad my story could help brighten your day :)

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    Trudeau says government will not intervene in Air Canada dispute with pilots
  • Another good thing that came out of covid: yours truly got laid off from retail/sales/customer service after ten years, giving him the first time off in ages to reflect on how long he'd been doing it and that he was still getting paid minimum wage. His time, experience and work was worthless. So he went back to college, worked hard on an IT degree and now a little under a year after graduation he's got a great job in cybersecurity for municipal government.

    It might not mean anything to you it its a big silver lining to having basically completely missed 3 years of my life thanks to covid. But yeah, fuck covid.

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    One big happy family.
  • Fuck it, I'm switching to TempleOS

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    They can't resist...
  • Ouiiji board: We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty

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    Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?
  • Hi, great write up with good info. I'd recommend some formatting though as without breaks it's just a massive wall of text. Thanks for contributing to the discussion with such valuable insights!

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    Physical Examination of the Shoulder
  • Get this man a medical license!

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    Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • I actually found it pretty soon after it went free to play, I thought I'd check it out and then BAM I've completed all class stories, maxed levels, got into housing decoration, and even have an unhealthy number of alts I'll definitely get around to playing through again someday.

    I remember being so happy it was on steam largely for the auto updates. Seems it's been a very healthy success since then.

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    I am not a bot.
  • Hello world

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    Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • That's awesome! Thanks for making an MMO I personally have 500 hours in on steam. It's actually the MMO that made me open to playing MMOs, I hated the genre before because all I knew was WoW and Korean stuff that's all walls of bland text and dull repetitive tasks that don't respect your time.

    The stories of SWTOR and full voice acting were something else entirely. I really enjoyed it and have some very fond memories of my first time playing it as a teen years and years ago, it basically absorbed my holiday vacation that year as I found a guild, made friends, got into some RP, and really just found some cool experiences. In a market starving for anything halfway decent that's star wars I'm glad we have it.

    I request lightsaber pictures!

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    Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • You helped develop it?

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    Concord is going offline beginning September 6th
  • Out of curiosity, what are the good MMOs?

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    Scam speeding ticket
  • "One dollar, Bob!"

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    Durex India data breach leaks sensitive details of customers
  • I love these kinds of articles almost more for the weird art choices than the news

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    Daily Screenshot Drop - Trooper at Imperial Checkpoint (Star Wars: Outlaws)
  • Outlaws, the out of focus lady in the center with her hands in/near her jacket pockets is the main character

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    Don't believe what you read. Fmovies is absolutely fine.
  • Thanks, I didn't actually have any of these but I love how ineffectual this highly publicized "raid" was

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women are the pets and I am immune

    I can only assume my phone got very confused about the slang pussy

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    Most Hinged Mastodon.Social user
  • Grew up in Winnipeg, moved away a year or two ago: Yep, that's home.

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    It looks like 2007's surprisingly alright The Sims spin-off MySims is heading to Switch
  • Don't worry, they'll port it and charge 20$ more than it releases for on switch

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    Splitgate 2 Alpha is available (got to request access)
  • Logan Paul lookin' character on the cover

  • Come one, come all! Got a game that's not AAA (or god forbid AAAA) but you loved anyhow? Welcome to show and tell. Talk about your favorite, why people should play it, and what you love most about it. And yes, I'm aware this may just be end up being 25 comments about stardew valley.

    I want to start by recommending Kingdom, a series with relatively simple (but elegant) graphics and side scrolling tower defence style gameplay. It doesn't sound like much but the presentation encourages this beautiful sense of exploration of mechanics. Amos Roddy did the music, which tells you just how much I love the soundtrack I didn't even have to look up his name. There are a few games, but I specifically recommend Kingdom: Two Crowns as it includes co-op and has some nice style options (European, Japanese, and more comprehensive Norse DLC that changes more than looks)

    If that's not your speed maybe you'd the better known Stanley Parable. I won't say much on it as it's a fantastically written experience I'd recommend to anyone with a pulse. The less you know going into it the better, and it's very accessible in terms of design because it's largely a (hilarious and witty) walking simulator.

    Finally, I'd recommend the Mount and Blade series. Bannerlord is the most recent but it's predecessor, Warband is a very loved game too. Essentially this series drops you into a grounded medieval sandbox world as a character you define, then you just go play. Want to be a merchant and make all the money managing a bunch of stores and contending with the unrest and banditry caused by warring kingdom? You can do that. Want to /be/ that bandit raiding caravans? You can. How about the classic Lancelot experience of being a tournament fighting, seige winning, lady wooing, knightly machine? Absolutely. And better yet, when the king shafts you of that territory you really wanted to be granted you can just rebel and become a king in your own right (long term results and stability of your kingdom may vary by circumstance). It's definitely worth a peek if you haven't looked at any of the games in the series.

    And that's what I've got today. Hope you guys have some fun recommendations, stories and anecdotes for trade!


    As a beloved cult classic franchise, XCOM has been around a long time and seen many forms of gameplay. While I eagerly await XCOM3 with a fervor that would put half-life 3 to shame, I'd love to hear your thoughts, stories and future hopes for the franchise. Spoiler warning, obviously.

    My personal favorite is probably XCOM2, if only for the sheer number of mods that allow me to customize a single character for hours (only for them to die on their first mission) and completely overhaul the challenges and theme of the game.

    I started with the XCOM reboot, which was such a delightfully crunchy little game full of steroid abusers wearing armor made out of hastily repurposed fridges. I would later look at a retrospective of the series and appreciate that the reboot simplified inventory management and condensed the base building down to just one base, which meant you could enjoy the strategy side of things without it wearing out its welcome. Just a fondly remembered game experience all around.

    The DLC for XCOM was very welcome as well, adding new toys to play with but only letting you have them if you got off your ass and stopped over watching every turn. It was a good change that forced me to be aggressive in order to get a giant stompy mechsuit or a team full of go-go-gadget soldiers. It definitely refreshed the game for a playthrough or three.

    Then came XCOM2, which turned the formula on its head and left me stunned that I canonically lost the last game. This inversion of not responding to random strikes all over the globe but /being the one doing them?/ I was SO in. Even on launch the game was a blast but they came out with some seriously solid DLC.

    War of the Chosen is the closest I've seen to the universally praised (and regrettably copyrighted) Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor since that game came out, and they adapted it quite well to the style of the game. It rebalanced a few things, added new toys to play with, and gave you just another chance to have a massive wrench thrown into your plans to train up your all-rookie backup squad.

    XCOM 2.5 episode 1 Chimera squad. Honestly? I liked it. I think it should stay a side project, a spin-off I can happily say is part of the XCOM family but it isn't required reading to understand the rest of the franchise nor is it a massive experience you can't miss on its own merit. It's good for when you're itching for a change but still want some XCOM. Can't complain.

    I love this series, one day I'll go back and try the OG if I can ever get over the controls. Until then I'll just stay here enjoying good company. So, what are your thoughts and experiences with the franchise (pre or post reboot)? Any legendary tales to share?


    Hidden Movement Games

    I just discovered Beast and City of the Great Machine thanks to Shut Up And Sit Down and I'm pretty jazzed to try out Beast this weekend with some friends via Tabletop Simulator. I've never actually gotten to play a hidden movement game before, so this should inform my tastes quite nicely. I'll be sure to update with some impressions/stories when that's done.

    If you haven't seen it yet, Beast is a all-vs-one hidden movement game that's conceptually very similar to the defunct video game Evolve. Players take on the role of hunters trying to track, trap and kill a monster played by another player before it can grow too powerful. With various monsters that all play differently I can anticipate a good deal of replayability, and with video games suddenly deciding 90$ is the new average price, Beast can be found for 65$. As a nice plus, it's got an expansion coming to crowdfunding soon so if I like it I can deep dive even harder!

    That said, I'm curious what others in this hidden movement niche I might be missing that people enjoy. If you've got a notable example let me know!


    What are some of your favorites?

    Lets kick this community off with some of the good stuff. I'll go first:

    1. Stars without Number - The first of many Kevin Crawford games I love, it's got excellent mechanics that can be easily extracted from the lore for homebrew purposes, but the lore is still pretty cool too.
    2. Godbound - Probably the most absurd-in-scope RPG i've ever run. Turns out that when your players are heroes of steel in a world of glass you can teach them valuable lessons about the unintended consequences of taking the easy way out.
    3. Star Wars FFG - Hard to run at first, it still has a certain appeal to me for the way it handles success and failure.
    4. Lancer: Crunchy mechs and a strategy layer that's quite fun to play. The non-combat stuff is relatively freeform too which encourages RP.
    5. Mutants and Masterminds - Last but not least, M&M comes with some caveats: Superheros are so much fun to make. Sure it takes a couple hours, but conceptualizing and building these characters mechanically is actually a ton of fun (protip: use herolab classic to build, its muuuuuuuch easier) The GM guide has some really solid advice on running hero stories of gold, silver, iron, and four color genres. What's more, the mechanics encourage acting like a comic book hero, so players /want/ to save the civilians even if the bad guy escapes because the game rewards them for it!

    I could talk a lot more about these games, but this post is already looking pretty long. Tell me about some of your experiences and favorites!


    What are some of your all time favorite games?

    I’m just curious what games keep you coming back, but I’ll go first (in no particular order)

    Twilight Imperium - excellent for when you want to give your brain a real workout and enjoy some cutthroat strategy. Munchkin - It’s not a masterpiece or anything, but it’s a blast with friends Red Dragon Inn - Not dissimilar to Munchkin for the high quality evening with friends potential. Expansions are endless, but almost always worth the change of pace. Does suffer from a little power creep between the OG box and the stuff released after it. Xia Legends of a drift system - Best played on Tabletop Sim, but this sci-fi game about being a starship captain creates some great stories with friends. Space Base - You might be seeing a bit of a theme here, but really they’re just really good games. Space Base is a pretty refined worker placement game, and it doesn’t take 9 hours like some of the games on this list. Sheriff of Nottingham - Social deduction, pettiness, and silly voices, what’s not to love? The King’s Dilemma - Okay this one is a bit of a cheaty one, it’s a legacy game but with the right crew who like to get in character it’s a fantastic experience.

    Alright, your turn!
