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  • I'm an unwashed Mint peasant. Tell me how inadequate I am.

    • There is nothing wrong with Mint EZ mode. I got a computer illiterate buddy with a 8 year old shittop running it like its new.

    • Mint is about as uncontroversial as its popularity allows lol

    • You're completely adequate as you are my minty friend!

    • I love Mint, it has become my workhorse distro. I use LMDE on my personal business laptop. I switched my parents from Windows 10 to Mint earlier this year, and it's been great on their very old and low power desktop.

      Cinnamon is not the prettiest or slickest DE, but damn if it ain't the most stable DE I've used.

      I'm a KDE fanboi myself, but when I spin up a machine that I need to just work in a super dependable way and is no muss, no fuss, I usually choose Mint with Cinnamon.