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What do you think about MX Linux
  • Yea, I'd like to know as well. I've used both Debian and MX. Other than the control panel thing MX has I can't really think of any discernible differences.

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    Flexible hours, sick pay and meals: British workers get a better deal
  • I think this article is aimed at Americans who generally have a shitter deal than we do here when in a minimum wage job. But yea, still not good enough.

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    You can’t get rid of it, you can only hide it: Microsoft imposes controversial Windows Backup on users
  • Lol, the thread below this one starts with "So? Sure you can't get rid of it but also you don't have to use it."

    This is like if you're renting an apartment and your landlord shows up to clear a clogged drain and whilst they're in there they install a laundry chute to a room you don't have access to.

    You don't pay for that room because you have no need for it and probably wouldn't use it, but could if you want to. Or you can just deal with it being there. Or you can put something in front of the chute to hide it. But it's an inconvenience having to do that and it wasn't there when you moved in so you weren't planning on having to deal with it.

    Also, you've got no way of knowing if your landlord is in that room with their ear up to the bottom of the chute, listening to your conversations.

    Yea, Windows users act like it's some kind of immovable object that you just have to deal with and that they're so smart because they spend hours applying some dodgy hack by wading through that god awful registry editor rather than just editing config files and having full control over their system. Oh no but then they'd have to open the terminal which is such a problem for them.

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    France to quit making cigarettes as last factory prepares to close
  • Damn dude. Your response was far more eloquent than what I was cooking up. Thank you.

    First time I've been sad that Lemmy doesn't have karma like "the other place" used to.

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    Not today, sorry.
  • Yea, I meant we don't tip in Britain as a matter of course but sure if I've received excellent service I might. I am a bit of a tight-arse though, not going to lie, so it's rare.
