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What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?
  • I'm Italian. School explains all there is to know about sex and stuff, so I never needed the "talk" with my parents. I also had a bigger brother that would tell me everything way before the time lol

    About drugs, I think I already got everything from TV? I certainly didn't need my parents explaining to me that drugs are bad.

    EDIT: For those curious about how/when SexEd is taught in school in Italy: I had SexEd in my 5th year of elementary school (10yo), 3rd year of middle school (13 yo) and again in high school (I think it was the second year, so 15 yo, and then in my fourth year as well, when I was 17 yo). My parents were required to consent to the school teaching us SexEd only in elementary school; no consent form was required from middle school onwards, it was mandatory.

    And I think that drugs were discussed in school as well. I think in middle and high school, around the same time as SexEd.

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    Microsoft Layoffs Hit Call of Duty Warzone Mobile, Which ‘Didn't Hit as Big as Hoped’
  • Phil Spencer underperformed for 10+ years and yet he's still there.

    Must be nice having the peace of mind that no matter how you fuck up, other people will pay in your stead.

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    People seem to really dislike Destiny 2. Why haven't they ended it yet?
  • And most of those people keep playing anyway lol

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    Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • I got the Resident Evil bundle from Humble and decided to finally give RE2make and RE3make a go. But before that, I replayed the original games on my PS1. The last time was quite a few years back... I remember learning English by playing RE3, lol.

    Short review of each under spoiler (although they are very much spoiler-free)


    RE2 was a lot more... Boring than I remembered. Rooms are static, encounters are scripted, zombies are not really aggressive, and ammo is everywhere. I remembered pretty much nothing of the game outside of the main gist of the story and a few puzzle solutions, so it was an almost blind run. However, I still finished all scenarios with the item box overflowing with ammo and herbs, and I only died once at the beginning of the first scenario while I was still getting accustomed to the controls.

    Despite the criticisms, it was still fun. The story was better than I remembered! At least Claire A + Leon B, which is more intertwined and definitely better written. Leon A + Claire B is a lot more straightforward, features fewer interactions between the cast members, and even has a glaring continuity error. Gameplay is pretty straightforward, fairly predictable, not many jumpscares - and it’s difficult to be frightened when you have enough ammo to clean the entire RPD station twice and keep some spare - but I had fun throughout.

    The “zapping system,” as it’s called by the fans (basically the actions in the A scenario carrying forward in the B scenario), is greatly exaggerated. I can only remember three instances of choices carrying forward (using the cord in the eastern or western wing, leaving the machine gun or the item pack or both to the B character, and registering both characters’ fingerprints to open the secret door in the lab). In addition, the two A scenarios and the two B scenarios do pretty much the same thing and fight through the same rooms with slightly different item placement and enemy encounters. I honestly don’t think there’s enough “meat” to justify playing both scenarios with both characters unless you’re an RE fan and want to see everything the title has to offer. For the others, I’d recommend playing Claire A + Leon B and calling it a day.

    Each scenario took about 2 hours to finish, so it took me 8 hours to complete all four scenarios and 100% the game.

    RE3, on the other hand… Holy shit. Zombies RUN, Nemesis RUNS, and there’s a lot of randomization involved in how items and enemies spawn to always keep you on your toes. Sometimes it’s zombies, sometimes dogs, crows, or hunters - and maybe there’s the Nemesis thrown into the mix as well! The rooms are a lot more dynamic as well: while traversing the same rooms back and forth in search of the key items necessary to go forward, zombies keep pouring in, smashing windows, car doors, and even respawning after being killed. Compared to RE2, where a "cleared" room would stay safe until the end of the game, RE3 always makes a point in reminding you that the dead are in control of the city, not you.

    There’s a decent amount of choices scattered throughout the game that alter how the events unfold, but as with the scenarios in RE2, I don’t think that the changes warrant a second playthrough unless you are a diehard RE fan. Fighting the Nemesis at the RPD entrance allows you to retrieve the STARS card earlier than intended; finding Carlos in the Restaurant or in the Press Office triggers a different Nemesis encounter; and the ending of the Clock Tower and Dead Factory is slightly different depending on your choices. There are other choices as well (some are spelled out by the game, while others are triggered depending on which location you go to first), but for the most part, it's just a slightly different cutscene and that's it.

    Where the game shines, however, is the freedom of choice that the player is given. You can choose the order in which you explore different locations to retrieve key items; you can craft different ammo (and even specialize in one, giving you the ability to craft improved ammo for a specific weapon if you so wish); you can run from the Nemesis or fight it for additional rewards; and with the randomized enemy spawns and placement, even dying and reloading feels like a fresh experience. The improved controls (including a quick 180 turn and a tricky dodge mechanic) are the cherry on top.

    The story wasn’t as interesting as RE2’s, in my opinion. Although I enjoyed the characters, the Ada-Sherry-Annette dynamic from the previous game was more fascinating than whatever the deal was with Nicholai. Despite that, I appreciated the throwbacks to RE1 (although I would’ve loved to see more in the RPD; Jill enters the police department, grabs the lockpick, gets out, never interacting with anyone or reacting to anything, which was a bit disappointing) and the additional insight into Umbrella.

    My time count at the end of the game was 7 and a half hours, slightly shorter than the complete RE2 experience, but much longer than each individual scenario (and as I said, most of the scenarios involve passing through the same rooms and solving the same puzzles, so there’s a lot of repetition involved).

    Overall, I’d give RE2 a 7.5/10 and RE3 an 8/10. Both were very much enjoyable and I’d still recommend them to modern players. Tank controls and fixed cameras may take a short while to grow accustomed to, but the entire game is masterfully built around them and they add to the experience, instead of detracting from it. Listening to the sounds and noises to check which enemies are in play becomes second nature, and before you notice it, you are completely engrossed in the game.

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    21 Lessons learned after running 100 sessions
  • I see the Player vs Player more as a mindset than an actual fight between players.

    Tension and fighting between players are fun and can lead to interesting character development, if there's a narrative reason for them to exist, and for as long as the players are okay with it.

    What I forbid is, the mindset. The players are a team and they need to stay together, act together, and rely on each other. No splitting the party if it's not necessary, no fights over loot, no backstabbing, or anything of that sort. Everyone is entitled to have fun.

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    Unity scraps runtime fee, hikes subscriptions instead
  • Yeah, the price hike is fair, I don't think any developer has any problem with that.

    The problem is that they broke the trust of developers, and I don't think that they'll ever recoup from that.

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    Flappy Bird returns but now with microtransactions
  • You either die as a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.

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    Hitchcock didn't make Birdemic. This whole sign is invalid.
  • Hitchcock didn't make Birdemic

    No, but he sure wishes he did.

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    Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?
  • For fuck's sake, y'all should stop this "enlightened centrist" bullshit whenever someone is slightly critical of the leftist candidate.

    Trump sucks. It's incredible that he's even allowed to be a candidate for presidency after the shit he's done. He's dangerous for the US and dangerous for the democracy of the entire world. If there's some justice left in the US system, he will lose the elections and he will pay for his crimes.

    Not liking Harris' speech doesn't make me an "enlightened centrist". It just means that I don't think her words were strong enough, or bold enough, to win her new voters, which should be the point of the presidential debate. I think she won because Trump's ineptitude will bleed him some voters, but I'm not willing to credit that to Harris' speech skills.

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    Harris delivered a ‘masterclass’ debate. Will it change the race?
  • Did she? I listened to the debate and she sounded mid for most of it. She spent more time attacking Trump than she did answering the questions she was asked.

    Sure, she fared better than her predecessor, but "not shitting her pants" is a low bar. Trump was definitely worse than her, but again, if the bar is "don't act butthurt when your opponent says your rallies are boring", then congrats, I guess.

    Reading comments from both sides, it seems that the left sees her not being geriatric as a win; and the right thinks that Trump was unjustly treated (targeted questions, live fact-checking, etc...), which is absurd considering that (a) they also asked Harris difficult questions (fracking and Israel, for example, which she did have a hard time answering), and (b) he was given free reign to talk out of order more times than I can count.

    I think Harris "won" because Trump sucked. He sidestepped questions regarding an abortion ban ("I haven't talked with JD about it" fucking lol) and Ukraine ("Do you want Ukraine to win the war?" "I want the war stopped" TWICE in a row, followed by "I know Putin really well" and a rant about the awesomeness of Victor Orban); he repeatedly told lies (post-birth abortion and pets-eating immigrants being the highlight) which were promptly caught by the live fact-checker, and even showed weakness and undecisiveness ("do you have a plan?" "I have concepts of a plan").

    But those are blunders that Trump committed, not something that Harris should take credit for. Nothing I heard screamed of "masterclass" debate, and I doubt that it will give her an edge in the upcoming elections or sway electors one way or the other. After all, the people who lived under four years of Trump's presidency and watched January 6th unfold live, and still call themselves "undecided" are pretty much lying to themselves at this point.

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    Sony announces the PS5 Pro with a larger GPU, advanced ray tracing, and AI upscaling
  • This generation is already pretty weak, and it was hard to justify the original PS5 which, after a whopping four years, still has too few exclusive titles to justify the increased price point. Now they are asking for $700 (and they increased the controller's price, too), but there's still too few next gen titles, and it doesn't even come with basic features like a disc tray and a vertical mount. Not even a better form factor, it's the same old ugly case, but somehow bigger.

    The only premium thing about this thing is the price tag. $700 dollars but €800, because apparently they are dominating the European market so much that they don't even have to try to sell it at an honest price point. With all those money you can just buy a PC. I honestly don't think that many people who are interested in the console market (which, historically, has always been a "low budget" entry into modern gaming) would be willing to spend so much money on one.

    I guess we circled back to the PS3 era, when Sony got drunk with overconfidence. Only, this time they'll get away with it because their main competitor is somehow even more incompetent than them. I wonder if the handheld PC market will pose a threat to their dominance in the future - at the moment, it's a very small niche.

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • Oversexualization. Panty shots, ass shots, boob physics, the same old jokes from the '80s about a guy "accidentally" groping a woman, guys peeping into a girls' space, suggestive poses, barely-disguised fetishes (included, but not limited to, harems, incest and pedophilia).

    It got to the point where a friend would recommend an anime, I'd watch it, and walk away halfway through the first or second episode because it was just unbearable. Friends would tell me to turn a blind eye, but why the fuck should I put up with sexualizing minors in a show? I'd rather spend my time doing something that doesn't make me feel sick.

    It also attracts the wrong kind of audience. Since the medium is so keen to produce oversexualized content, that's all people look for and talk about. Any anime discussion thread degenerates into gross memes about "flat is justice", "twincest is wincest", people patting each other in the shoulder while calling the other "man of culture" for sharing their kinks, and shit like that. It's so extenuating that, back when I was interested in the medium, I still actively refrained from interacting with fellow fans because I felt grossed out by them. Fun fact, I had a female classmate back in highschool who was interested in anime, and I thought that I could find common grounds with her, but no, it was the same thing, just reversed (she would only watch anime with sexualised boys).

    The medium also forgot what its name stands for. I haven't seen "animation" in "anime" in years. It's just still frames and more still frames and whenever there's an action sequence, the characters will constantly interrupt them to explain or think about the thing that I'm already watching and needs no explanation, or having flashback sequences, because it's cheaper to animate. The fact that Ghost in the Shell and Akira from thirty years ago had better and more fluid animation than the shit they produce now is just sad.

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    cohost to shut down at end of 2024.
  • Never heard of it, but it sounds like it was a great place. Sad to see it fail against established giants of the internet. I would've been interested in trying it out before the end.

    I think this is a problem that multiple small realities like this (including Lemmy) are facing. There are people interested in them, but they don't know them, so they can't join.

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    If you had to divide your life by one event, before and after, what would that event be and why?
  • Oh boy. Just one?

    I guess I'd go with "signing up to a random online forum back in 2012".

    I was a very shy and introverted kid back then, without friends or social life to speak of. I would spend all my time playing videogames and reading books.

    That online forum gave me a chance to speak to other people while staying "safe" in my shell. Without realising it, I slowly gained confidence and social skills that helped me make friends both online and irl, some of whom I still speak with to to this day. Thanks to one of the people I knew on that forum, I now have a job that I like.

    I wouldn't recommend online forums nowadays to fight depression/lack of social skills, as the internet has become a cesspool. Online chats are breeding grounds for political extremists. But in my case it definitely helped.

    A close second would be having a girl in college confessing to me. I had never really thought about my sexuality back then: it just wasn't on my mind, like, ever (which should've been a red flag, but whatever). She was really nice and wasn't pushy at all, but I knew that I couldn't leave her hanging forever, and I had to give her an honest answer in a relatively short time.

    Well, long story short, I realized I wasn't straight. At first I thought I was bi, then gay, but a few years later I understood that I am ace (again, should've been obvious by the fact that I literally never thought about sex for the entirety of my teenage years, but I'm dumb).

    But seriously, there are so many important moments in one's life, it's difficult to choose only one or two. Watching nature documentaries with my brother as a kid turned me into a huge animal lover, to the point that I'm literally unable to kill a fly because it makes me sick. Thanks bro, those are some of my most treasured memories!

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    Finding Local Groups
  • From experience, I've never been lucky with finding groups of randos willing to play consistently. Campaigns that began this way would always fall into scheduling hell, because people are only there to roleplay, not to spend time with friends.

    I've had more luck with convincing my friends to play. Since we are friends, we already spend time together, so scheduling a weekly game is much easier. We did have a few hiatuses because of work or family-related issues, but for the most part, we've played consistently for the past few years.

  • The Italian town that banned cricket

    Nearly a third of Monfalcone's residents are foreign, and the mayor says the "cultural essence" of the town is in danger.

    “They say cricket is not for Italy. But I’ll tell you the truth: it’s because we are foreigners"

    What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?
  • The brothers Grimm for me. I don't see many people discussing it online, but I enjoyed it. That scene where the horse eats a kid is still distressing to me years later.

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  • There are no mechanics for that, but my DM so cool that he would've allowed it :D

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  • Jokes on you, my Undead Warlock was already dead to begin with.

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    Perseus Confronting Phineus with the Head of Medusa by Sebastiano Ricci
  • Does Perseus keep Medusa's head with him at all times? Like, why did he have it ready to use the day of his wedding?

  • Soulslike Enotria: The Last Song delayed indefinitely on Xbox as dev says it's being ignored by Microsoft

    Enotria: The Last Song, the "summer Soulslike" from Italian indie developer Jyamma Games, has been delayed indefinitely…

    As spotted by Windows Central, though, Jyamma CEO Jacky Greco later went into additional detail on Discord. Following a community manager's statement dismissing speculation the studio had been "paid by Sony", Greco shared his own frustrations relating to the delay. "You can ask Xbox why they haven't answered us for two months," he wrote. "Obviously they don't care about Enotria and they don't care about you... We've Xbox Series X/S version ready, but we can't proceed with submission and release, I spent a lot of money for porting and they decided to ignore us."

    A similar statement also appeared on Enotria's X/Twitter feed. After a fan inquired about the "main challenge" holding up release, Jyamma wrote, "Communication with Xbox. The game works fine on Series S and X but we cannot go through the submission process and they can take even two months to reply to us."

    Greco later shared a little more on the issue the studio had enountered, explaining it was unable to open Enotria's Xbox store page and submit the game - something Microsoft's support teams reportedly initially took responsibility for, before further communications were ignored. "We really want to release the game on Xbox ASAP," Jyamma added elsewhere, "but with lack of communication on their side it is a hard task indeed."

    The suggestion seems to be things might be resolved pretty quickly if Jyamma could get a response from Microsoft, but in the meantime, Enotria: The Last Song will only be available for PlayStation 5 and PC when it launches on 19th September.


    I’m posting this because the DnD homebrew community is hosted on a different server than the rest of the RPG network, and some people might not know it exists.

    Universal link: ! Alternate links:

    DnDHomebrew is a community dedicated to sharing and giving feedback on homebrew material for DnD 5e. It doesn’t see regular activity, which is a nice change of pace from the UnearthedArcana subreddit (where low-quality AI-written homebrews are posted daily), but it can get a bit monotonous in the long run. I’ve tried keeping it active over the past few months, and there are other content creators sharing great pieces of homebrew, such as Consort’s playable dragons and magical items. However, I’d love to see more activity from other users as well.

    Please join us if you feel like sharing your homebrew rules, classes or whatever, or if you'd like to spice your games with additional options!

    4 Talisman, the classic board game, is getting a cooperative expansion — a first for the series

    Talisman: Alliances - Fate Beckons is the first cooperative expansion in the classic board game’s 40-plus year history. It’s expected alongside the 5th edition in July.

    I'm a huge Talisman fan but I wasn't aware that a new edition was being released, and I thought that others would appreciate the news.


    This is exciting news for every aspiring game developer! Brackeys, a popular YouTuber who used to make in-depth and very user-friendly tutorials about Unity, is returning after a long hiatus, and will now create tutorials on Godot (for those who don't know, it's a FOSS game engine, but I'm pretty sure that, if you have an account here, you already know it).

    Brackeys' tutorials were (and still are) the best tutorials for Unity, and have helped many aspiring devs (some of whom I know personally, and who later made a career out of it). His return, and the fact that he's now chosen to specialize on Godot, is a game-changer (pun intended) for the accessibility of the FOSS engine. Considering the recent Unity debacle, I'm happy that Brackeys will help people jump the ship, and I'm sure it will be instrumental in its success in the future.


    Some trailers have been shared here, but not all. This is a list of all 35 announcements from the Triple-i initiative showcase.


    Photo by Matt Hatchett from Pexels:


    If I sort a multicommunity by 'Hot', it will show all posts from community 1, then all posts by community 2, etc... kind of defying the purpose of a multicommunity at all. I solved it by sorting by 'New' instead, but I figured I'd mention it here because it took me a while to notice - I thought people were not making new posts at all, while in fact, it was just displaying all posts by a lowly populated community first.





    Dear Pokémon fan game community,

    It is with heavy heart that I announce that the Relic Castle website has been taken down following a DMCA takedown notice.

    Relic Castle has always been a non-profit, ad-free, tight-knit community and we pride ourselves in what we have achieved. Members have felt at home, made friends, and even careers with us. It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that the forum part of this community, which was to turn 10 years old this year, has had to come to an end. With over 20.000 members and 65.000 posts, Relic Castle was a home to many of us.

    The Discord server is not going anywhere, and the site is still visible as an archive using the Wayback Machine.

    Thank you all for being with us this last decade, and thank you for making Relic Castle as awesome and life-changing as it has been for some of us.

    Sincerely, Marin (Owner) & Andy (Manager)


    FAQ: (will update as we can/want to) 1- The website was backed up and sent to me (Cat) right before it was taken down, so nothing is truly lost. 2- TCPI should not be contacted as it was a third party who is authorized by TCPI to supply DMCAs and looks legitimate to us. 3- The DMCA was on the entire site for using "unauthorized copies of copyrighted material", so different from one game being taken down. 4- What will RC staff do next? Is there a new site or will the Discord be expanded? We don't know right now. 5- Put love into the world today


    A post/comment that was published, say, ten days ago, but edited two days ago, is shown as being published two days ago. Would it be possible to display the date as "10d (2d)" or something similar, to distinguish between the two dates?


    Ending theme from Xenogears, the most ambitious videogame ever created.

    0 Dungeons & Dragons Publisher Denies Selling Game To Chinese Firm: Here’s What To Know

    Rumors sparked by a Chinese news report suggested that Hasbro may be eyeing a sale of its Dungeons & Dragons IP — but the game’s publisher has denied it.

    "In a Thursday statement to multiple outlets, including Forbes, Wizards of the Coast, the Hasbro division that publishes Dungeons & Dragons and games including Magic: the Gathering, denied the rumors, claiming while the company has multiple partnerships with Tencent, “we are not looking to sell our D&D [intellectual property],” and the company would not comment any further on “speculation or rumors about potential M&A or licensing deals.


    The Speed Daily report also claimed Larian Studios—the Belgian video game company behind the popular Dungeons & Dragons-based “Baldur’s Gate” games—was originally a possible purchaser of the IP but lacked the funding, and has since served as an intermediary between Hasbro and Tencent, which invests in Larian. But in a post on Thursday, Larian CEO Swen Vincke dismissed the rumors".


    Hi, I just want to be sure because it seems like the rules have changed about this topic and I don't see anywhere where it's explained clearly.

    One month ago I posted a meme uploaded on ImgBB just fine. Today I did the same thing and my account has been immediately banned. I contacted the mods via mail and one person was kind enough to reply almost immediately and unban me, which is cool and you guys running the instance are awesome.

    That being said, I'd like such an incident not to occur again. So, can I have a recommendation about image hosting sites that won't get me banned? Is Imgur safe? Catbox? Are there other alternatives? I'd rather not upload pics directly on servers.

    Thanks in advance.

    6 Eda's Owl House

    The Owl House is based on the well known show with the same name. It's unique on many levels as a show and also includes one of the coolest locations ...

    The world is not ready for Lego Eda.

    > "Well, the selection of sets from this review was certainly surprising. Nevertheless, congratulations to the winners! > Of course, this outcome is very disappointing for all Owl House fans. To be honest, I'm not very confident about the chances of success for resubmitting the idea, but I'm not ruling it out either. I'll see what other possibilities there are. > In any case, many thanks to everyone who has supported this idea!" > -Tbrick


    During one of her charity streams, Dana Terrace released the audio for a supposedly cut episode featuring three characters (Hunter, Luz and Lilith) writing their experiences.

    Hunter's palisman observations

    Lilith's letter

    Luz's diary entry

    Supposedly, it was cut as it was mostly a "filler" episode, but it does unveil some new information about the characters. In particular:

    • Lilith's letter contains a mention of her being Aro/Ace, which is never mentioned in the show!
    • Meanwhile, Hunter spends some time with Flapjack, and his observations contain a foreshadowing of Belos belonging to the human world, as he's the only one who knows what a flapjack is ("Damn you, pancakes!" may be the funniest line in the entire series - I'm sad it was cut!).
    • Luz's diary contains the least amount of notable information: the only new piece of info is her mom being lactose intolerant, and a foreshadowing of Amity and Willow "working out some things", which eventually happened off-screen in an unfortunately cut scene in S02 EP18 "Labirinth Runners" (I'll talk about more dropped/cut plot points in another post).

    Luz's diary also contains enough evidence to put these entries in a narrow time frame: she mentions "seeing my mom in the rain", but also that "Philip" is a smart dude, indicating that she hasn't uncovered his identity yet. This means that these entries are being written between S02 EP10 "Yesterday's Lie" (the episode where Luz talks to her mom) and S02 EP16 "Hollow Mind" (where Luz discovers Philip's identity). Depending on how much you want to read into Luz calling Philip "smart", the time frame may be shortened to S02 EP12 "Elsewhere and Elsewhen", where Luz meets a very unpleasant Philip.










    A reupload of The Owl House's S02 EP16 (Hollow Mind) portraits. While these are 100% canon, they are never fully seen in the show, as they are hidden in the background and oftentimes covered by the characters. The pictures provided were uploaded by Rebecca Bozza in her Twitter account after the show ended.

    If you are part of the fandom, chances are you have already seen them, as they provide the full extent of the main villain's backstory. This is merely a repost to provide a way to look at them outside of Twitter.

    Source: 01-04, 05-08, 09-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-27

    I've also created a full Imgur album, in case you have trouble opening the pictures in your Lemmy app: LINK
