Qwant et Ecosia vont construire leur propre index de recherche
I don't know how far in the rabbithole I am, but at this point I feel like it's nearly impossible to find a company that doesn't have dirt on it in one way or another. There are alternatives in some domains, but for search engines, it's really narrowed down to Brave (which also have some not very nice people in it) and Duck duck go, which uses Bing. Which is basically pointless to me, not even talking about using UE products, for me, the best way to get some fresh air is to have companies that have their own search engines (so, not Bing or Google, this is why I don't use alternatives like Starpage or Searx) There's Mojeek, yes, but last time I used it, it was...really bad. I still encourage them tho! I'll give it another shot now.
You look for a images
You get recomanded other similar images (thus engaging to a pleasant, but dangerous endless scrolling)
You can pin you images on "boards" (for instance I have one for fashion, illustration, etc)
There's probably a workaround to make something similar available online, but I didn't look info it do far
Baki is an exaggerated, grotesque, manly, gore version of martial arts Its style is also very odd but you can tell Itagaki is good, it's a choice (even tho he had to evolve to this level, he already has strengths even in the weaker beginnings)
I guess you could call it fighting porn. Up to you to see if that's yout thing, but since it reads pretty quickly, you can try for a few volumes.
It's got flaws and is clearly not for veryone, but I love it. So much fun and personality.
I think people hate it because crypto and all, but I use Brave search, to my knowledge (which isn't much) one of the only usable search engine that isn't using Google or Bing.
Oh, I see Well, as long as they still offer the cheaper option I need, I don't really care, it's not the prettiest sales tactic but at least I can still chose
College Student Arrested for Selling Bocchi the Rock! Anime Keychains (She Made Total Profit Of 16$)
I do kind of agree, as I'm making art for myself. But at the same time, maybe that's because I'm not in a situation where I depend on having to sell what I'm creating is what I mean
Haha no I get that. The question is more like, why stay away from Tuta
Do you maybe have some recommandations, even older ones, that you find to be actually good? I like ASMR but have never really dug into it, watched on and off
People not talking about Startmail or Disroot. Not good options?
Huge beginner here, but privacytools.io says Mailbox is encrypted? Is it the "end to end" part? How did you find out they're not? https://www.privacytools.io/privacy-email
I'm sorry, english is not my first language but what do you mean by advising to stay away from Tuta?
College Student Arrested for Selling Bocchi the Rock! Anime Keychains (She Made Total Profit Of 16$)
People need to stop seeing everything in black and white and put themselves in other's shoes. I'm not siding with anyone. I buy and I don't.
But if you were the creator, what would you think about your reasoning?
(now about the title story of this post, this is obviously madness, things gone too far)
Yeah sorry, don't know about Iphones
Probably Ironfox
Ouais clairement, pareil... Ça va être compliqué, va falloir retrouver une alt pour mes contacts IPhone...
Their last post if from 14 days ago, not sure how often they usually post tho
What's the alternative on Android tho? (not saying there isn't one, just that I don't know it if it exists)
Ok so I'm going to get hated for that, but trust me, this is just me being naive and knowing nothing about many subjects. But so, as much as this law can get into excesses and seems really bad, and I clearly don't want it, is it possible to balance the debate and say, objectively, that this can actually be help to help stop narcos which are getting a bit out of hand? Again, I'm leaning left, but I like to see both sides, I think nobody is ever 100% wrong, so I'm wondering what people think about it.
Après quitter la France ça veut dire quoi ? Genre si on dlk l'apk ailleurs on peut toujours l'install ?
(mais oui, loi de con)
Does using a fork like Librewolf and Ironfox keep you safe from this?