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Tuesday 9/10 Presidential Debate Megathread!
  • She's been fucking relentless. She spoke to him directly about how terrible he's been, I could hardly stay heated. That shit had to cut deep. She let each point sink in slowly....

    Trump's going to need a burn unit after this...

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    Friend was asked to draw a hand turkey.
  • I hear people say "biblically accurate" all the time, but I always wondered where in the Bible does it actually dictate, accurately, what the hell some of these demonic-looking angels look like?

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    Russian propaganda makes Republicans weird
  • Eh, I'd say willingly believing obvious Russian Propaganda, and then even going so far as to say, *What's wrong with Russia? They aren't our enemy," in an attempt excuse their gullibility, makes them weird.

    Yes, I have had this conversation with obviously gullible people here on Lemmy over the past year. I remember some guy saying how Tim Pool is such an intellectual. How he used to be this super liberal guy from Vice News until he saw the "truth" and became a hardcore Alt-Right nutjob staunch conservative.

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    Ukrainian group says it plans court challenge to prevent release of names of alleged Nazi war criminals
  • Hundreds TO thousands. And crazy people.

    Hell, look at the Arlington Cemetery worker that is scared to press charges because of the threats of crazy people. You tell people that REAL LIFE (descendants of) NAZI'S exist down the street and who the fuck knows what they'll do. People can be monstrous, especially so when you give them a reason to despise/fear/be enraged at someone else.

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    'Some folks need killing': Mark Robinson’s 13 most extremist controversies and scandals
  • Mate, you be huffing so much of that Fox News, you done lost the plot. Your a conservative think-tanks favorite sort of stupid - easily swayed by fear and rage, moldable to be whatever zealot they need, and able to parrot a talking point without actually knowing what your talking about. Your a sheep brother. Baa! Lol

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    Breaking: Student shot at Joppatowne HS has died
  • Remember, nows not the time to talk about gun rights. Thoughts and prayers....unless this was a foreign minority, in which case we need to be enraged and angry about how immigrants are ruining this country. You know the ol' song and dance.

  • Russia is signaling it could take out the West's internet and GPS. There's no good backup plan.

    The electronic communications and navigation systems the West depends on are vulnerable to Russian attack.

    120 Fraud trial juror reports getting bag of $120,000 and promise of more if she'll acquit

    A juror was dismissed Monday after reporting that a woman dropped a bag of $120,000 in cash at her home and offered her more money if she would vote to acquit seven people charged with stealing more than $40 million from a program meant to feed children during the pandemic. “This is completely beyo...


    Huge News: Safety Studies has shown that graphene can be used without adverse effects. Big for Nanotechnology, Biomedical, and Electrical Engineering New research shows graphene can be developed and used safely - The Engineer

    Research has found that a specific type of graphene, which has ‘huge potential’ to tackle multiple global challenges, could be developed further without acute risk to human health.


    AI has been used for a breakthrough in batteries Liverpool team uses AI for battery breakthrough - The Engineer

    Researchers at the University of Liverpool have used AI tools to aid the discovery of a new solid-state material that rapidly conducts lithium ions.

    0 Chilling Breakthrough: The Science Behind a Real-Life “Freeze Ray” Technology for the Air Force

    A University of Virginia professor believes he has discovered how to create a freeze-ray device, inspired by the Batman villain, Mr. Freeze. Rather than being a weapon, this device is intended to cool down electronics within spacecraft and high-altitude jets. Do you know that freeze-ray gun that

    A University of Virginia professor believes he has discovered how to create a freeze-ray device, inspired by the Batman villain, Mr. Freeze. Rather than being a weapon, this device is intended to cool down electronics within spacecraft and high-altitude jets.

    0 Little bacterium may make big impact on rare-earth processing

    A tiny, hard-working bacterium -- which weighs one-trillionth of a gram -- may soon have a large influence on processing rare earth elements in an eco-friendly way.

    A tiny, hard-working bacterium -- which weighs one-trillionth of a gram -- may soon have a large influence on processing rare earth elements in an eco-friendly way.

    "Traditional thermochemical methods for separating lanthanides are environmentally horrible," said Buz Barstow, assistant professor of biological and environmental engineering at Cornell, the corresponding author. "It's difficult to refine these elements. That's why we send rare earth elements offshore -- generally to China -- to process them."


    [Correction: They are still on blocked list.] Why is still federated with Hexbear and Lemmygrad?


    1 Surprising discovery shows electron beam radiation can repair nanostructures

    In a surprising new study, researchers have found that the electron beam radiation that they previously thought degraded crystals can actually repair cracks in these nanostructures. The groundbreaking discovery provides a new pathway to create more perfect crystal nanostructures, a process that is c...

    Not sure how useful it is yet, but it sounds like with some AI and proper cameras you could use it to completely repair certain components. Theres something similar to this using electrochemical plating to repair microfractures throughout a component - only downside is that it takes like weeks to do it properly (I'll see if I can dig up the paper later)

    0 New Glasses Can Transcribe Speech in Real Time

    Glasses that provide subtitles for conversations could be a boon to people with hearing loss


    Coolest Christmas Gifts for a MechE?

    Looking for some ideas for friends and coworkers. If anyone can think of anything cool, I'd love to see it.


    Engineers: How many other Notes/Specifications can we add to this?

    0 The Rebel Drone Maker of Myanmar

    In a cave in eastern Myanmar, a young engineer who goes by the nom de guerre “3D” is building weapons to fight against a brutal military dictatorship.


    X-Post from OpenAI Instance: How many things can you find wrong with this image?

    0 Researchers create method for making net-zero aviation fuel

    An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a potential breakthrough in green aviation: a recipe for a net-zero fuel for planes that will pull carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the air.

    The proposed fuel is not SAF, it's a combination of magnesium and hydrogen mixed with hydrocarbon fuel. It's estimated to give 8% more range over other existing aviation fuels.


    Need help sourcing viscosity and density vs temperature for JP-8 and other aviation fuels.

    Why is it so difficult to find a good source for this information? I can find half a dozen research papers but no real good centralized source for these things.


    Low-bypass Turbofan Engine - Combustion Chamber Section View

    Picture is from the 2023 Paris Airshow


    MechE's, what would you like to see in this community?

    Hello everyone!

    I'm looking for suggestions in how we can grow and develop this community. We have a chance to develop something interesting and the impetus of this change will rely upon all of us to make it happen. Are there any ideas that you'd like to see implemented here? Community events? Challenges? Support?

    I'd love to see this place flourish, and anything that I can do to draw interest would be fantastic.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
