I don't understand this post. Salt doesn't mean sodium. NaCl and KCl are both salts, and this is a 50/50 blend with less sodium (Na) for the people who need/want that. Am I missing something?
As stated right there on the label, some of the NaCl has been replaced with taster’s choice KCl. So it was never pure sodium to begin with, due to all that pesky chlorine and now about half of the Na has been replaced with Potassium.
They can't call it a salt substitute because it still has salt. Some people are told to cut down on salt, so would be attracted to something that tastes salty but has less salt in it. I get why it's funny, but it seems reasonable to me.
We Dutch call it “Kalium zout” or Low Sodium Salt. The brand I buy is iodized and has 70% less natrium. And yeah, it is for health reasons, like heart condition, high blood pressure and other medical ailments, or people who want to eat less salt in their diets.
Anyway, what you are looking at is 100% salt and original op (the one on xitter) is an idiot.
While this uses potassium chloride to cut down on sodium, does a mix of sodium chloride and MSG have the same effect? MSG has sodium, but it looks like not much per unit weight.