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International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • Someone recently posted on TikTok that trans women are the Karen's of the LGBTQ community and honestly this reply seriously proves it. Sorry people are uncomfortable with having their bullshit claims challenged by science.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • 1.) I am a member of the LGBTQ community as well. There are more letters than just T there. 2.) I did not start with any antagonism. I came in here saying that there is a valid debate about whether trans women should be allowed in physical sports, because there is, but that this ruling on chess is pure bigotry plain and simple. I did not state they should not be allowed to compete, I simply stated that there is legitimate scientific debate as to whether trans women have an unfair advantage over cis women. Ada stated that there is no advantage if you are taking feminizing HRT, and I provided scientifc evidence that this is not true. Sure, I shouldn't have said she was blatantly lying, but there is significant evidence suggesting that even with feminizing HRT trans women still have an advantage over cis women. Others, like LucyLastic have accused me of making stuff up by changing the goal posts to only post op trans women being trans women and curiously no moderator has reminder her of following beehaws rules. 3.) I didn't bring up problems with the regulating bodies because I wasn't trying to start a fight over trans women not being included in physical sports, and was not making any statements for or against it, only again that there is legitimate debate about it. Because there is. The only thing I have argued is that HRT does not eliminate the effects of testosterone on the body especially if the woman undergoing HRT did so after puberty.

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    I need a better body for my job
  • To add to this, I'd recommend practicing your deep squats. Squat deep and stay there. It'll build your leg endurance and becomes a great way to rest your legs.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • It's not that they said something I don't agree with. It's that they are stating something entirely not true.

    Not only to transwomen have higher testosterone levels than cis women but testosterone in the body during birth, adolescence, and puberty all have irreversible effects on the growth of the body and grant trans women a competitive advantage versus cis women because you cannot change the physiology of the body with hormone replacement therapy. This isn't an opinion this is scientific facts. Like I stated in my original post I fully support trans women and believe firmly in the fact they are women. I stand firmly in solidarity with them, enbys, queer folk, black, indigenous, and other POC. But it flat out is an unfair competitive advantage for trans women to compete against cis women in physical sports.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • The estrogen treatment regimens used in transgender women aim to lower testosterone levels to within the female range (<1 nmol/L) [52]. However, hormone therapy alone has met limited success in suppressing testosterone levels, with many transgender women failing to achieve the desired level. In recent studies of transgender women, one quartile failed to achieve any significant suppression [53] and one-third failed to suppress testosterone levels despite achieving desired estradiol levels [54]. Another study reported that only 49% of transgender women showed suppressed testosterone concentrations after 6 months or more of estrogen with the addition of antiandrogen therapy [55]. Notably, Jarin and colleagues show that testosterone levels in transgender women decreased significantly from former male levels, however nearly all participants maintained their testosterone levels above the female range [56]. Whether elite transwoman athletes experience the same difficulties in suppressing testosterone levels with estrogen therapy has not been reported.

    No, I'm really not making things up. This is actual scientific fact.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • Except for the bit where it definitely does. Feminising hrt won't completely undo the effects of puberty on your body growth. Trans women will always have more testosterone than cis women. Hrt brings it down but it definitely doesn't eliminate the advantage entirely and honestly I'm not sure why you are so blatantly lying by saying it doesn't.

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    New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn
  • Make good paying security jobs whose sole purpose is covid enforcement (joking) (maybe) (people who refuse to mask make me angry as fuck. It's such a low effort way to save lives)

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    Report: Potential NYT lawsuit could force OpenAI to wipe ChatGPT and start over
  • I have it on good authority that the writers of the NYT have also read other news papers before. This blatant IP theft goes deeper than we could have ever imagined.

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    adhd gothic
  • Yeah I always thought I was just weird for how much I focus on politics and programming. Recently discovered I have ADHD and it makes so much more sense now.

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    Ohh yeah, EMPRESS drama is BACK!
  • Holy fuck I know you did not just say you can say the fucking n word because of GTA. It doesn't matter how many of your favorite rap songs say it. It doesn't matter if your favorite video game says it. You cannot fucking say it. Jesus fuck are we letting the racists just be on these communities now? Get the fuck out of here you racist piece of shit.

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    International chess federation FIDE: a trans woman "has no right to participate in official FIDE events for women"
  • Yeah but that's dumb (I know you aren't agreeing with it) because trans women are women. It's not like being in swimming where having gone through puberty as a male gives you an unfair advantage.

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    Ohh yeah, EMPRESS drama is BACK!
  • That is absolutely 100% what I am saying and is 100% the truth. You may think it's "retarded" (nice ableism) but that's probably because you are white and don't talk to or listen to black people. Talk to any black woman or black trans person and ask them if they feel white people care about racism. News flash: the vast majority of white people and white progressives do not fucking care about racism unless it's convenient for them to do so.

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    Wobbly Dev - Why am I in the Industrial Workers of the World?
  • I used to be a wobbly. Had to resign after my previous manager was fired and I was left with a choice. Step up or we bring in someone else. I knew that if I stepped up I could use my position to advocate for my employees and did so all the way up to me being let go because I wouldn't stop fighting for them even after my boss would try and get me to fall in line. I hated that I needed to quit the wobblies to do so, but honestly I believe firmly I did more for my people doing that then being in the wobblies.

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    Rant: Worried I'll never get out of debt
  • My sister got into substantial credit card debt in the earlier 2000's when credit cards were given to teenagers like candy. She did the snowball method and also gave herself a treat every time she paid one off she bought herself another pair of shoes (and couldn't buy any shoes without paying a debt off first). It took time but she was able to whittle away at it and got out of the debt.

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    Rant: Worried I'll never get out of debt
  • Yeah I've been a software engineer for 10 years and have never even been asked about schooling which I've never done. Maybe at faang jobs but that isn't even remotely the majority of tech jobs. Software engineering is what you know more than certifications
