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Gang of wild otters mauls jogger
  • I once got to go behind the scenes at a zoo, including their vet’s operating room. They had a bunch of interesting stories about how they tranq and operate on different animals of various sizes, but the worst experience they had was with an otter.

    Poor little guy woke up partway through surgery, panicked, and went fucking berserk. Those little claws left gouges a foot long and an inch deep in the vet. And then, because they’re so small and fast, trying to re-anaesthetize it was a huge pain.

    Anyways, I think about that story a lot when I hear about otters.

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    How many comics need to be sold for a story to be considered a success?
  • So with adjustment:

    If the goal is to make a living wring a serial comic, success would be having C>=A so you can afford to keep making and publishing more comics.

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    Blackjack Game Development Company
  • BR Softech is a leading game grift development company specializing in creating immersive and engaging addictive and predatory Blackjack games. With a team of expert developers and designers sociopaths and ghouls, we leverage advanced technologies to deliver high-quality graphics (to distract users), smooth gameplay (so they don’t notice how much time and money they’ve spent) and innovative features (to hijack users’ brain chemistry into making them spend money on virtual cards). Our solutions are tailored to meet the unique extremely common needs of clients, ensuring a customized gaming grifting experience. Whether for mobile appspredatory scams for children, online casinos predatory scams for adults, or social platforms predatory scams for seniors, BR Softech is committed to excellence in the gaming industry bilking suckers out of as much cash as possible while providing nothing of value to the user or society as a whole.

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    Day 38 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Minecraft 1.5)
  • Man, I remember I got Minecraft right after the Nether’d been introduced. Played pretty constantly until right around the oceans update, and then I got distracted and fell off.

    Now looking at it there’s so much it seems almost unrecognizable.

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    Ukraine attacks Moscow in one of largest ever drone strikes on Russian capital
  • Strategic bombing of a civilian population has only ever hardened that population’s resolve.

    Bombing Moscow or any other city would only increase support for the regime.

    Now, industrial targets that Putin’s cronies make their rubles running? Much more likely to have an impact.

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    After three hours of Bloober's Silent Hill 2, it's unclear who is remaking who
  • Later in the article:

    I'm writing about the Silent Hill 2 Remake in this scrambled, back-to-front, obnoxious way partly to piss off whoever edits this (to be 100% clear, Team Silent are the creators of the original Silent Hill 2, which Bloober are remaking), and partly to make a point about remakes: that they tacitly or openly position the original game as an "obsolete" museum piece in need of replacement, dismissing the old artistic choices as primitive and incomplete, re-defining the old creative parameters as constraints that need to be lifted. It's all in the service of the market's cannibalistic mania for the new, its structural need to ceaselessly bury "the past", often by directly obstructing non-commercial preservation efforts, and sell you Progress that starts to wither and fade the second you peel away the cellophane.

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    There are 27 Empty Homes for Every Homeless Person
  • See, I figured the point wasn’t so much computing the ratio, but the simple idea that homeless people and empty homes shouldn’t co-exist.

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    White men who have been mistreated at work are more likely to notice and report harassment − new research
  • Exactly right. I think the unsaid part here is that white guys are generally dismissing hardship and mistreatment in the workplace until it happens to them. Frankly, it shouldn’t require a personal experience for someone to care about another person being bullied or harassed in the workplace.

    Empathy and allyship should not require shared suffering.

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    Can someone define "liberal" (in its use as an insult) for me?
  • Basically liberalism tends to be capitalist, whereas leftism tends to be anticapitalist. Historically, there’s been a pattern of centrists and capitalist allying with authoritarians and fascists against leftists, so the insult boils down to “you’d support a fascist before you went against capitalism”

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    Louis Rossmann's response to harsh criticism of "Stop Killing Games" from Thor of @PirateSoftware
  • Only if you think the campaign means that companies must pay for the multiplayer servers forever which Ross has said on MULTIPLE occasions is not reasonable and not what he wants.

    Giving players the tools to host their own servers or adding LAN functionality, though? That’s entirely reasonable seeing as that’s how multiplayer always used to work. I mean, there are still plenty of Unreal Tournament servers active today without any involvement from the developer in decades.

    Especially since, if this initiative works, developers will make games with that functionality in mind.

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    Canadian warship passes through Taiwan Strait, drawing China's ire
  • Fun History Fact!

    While the Royal Canadian Navy began WW2 with only 13 ships, by the end of the war it had 1,140 surface ships listed as having been in service giving it the third largest navy in the world!
