Skip Navigation BlackRock Is Not Ruining the U.S. Housing Market

The real villain isn’t a faceless Wall Street Goliath; it’s your neighbors and local governments stopping the construction of new units.

I'm not sure how much more blatant the bourgeois propaganda can get. I mean, they are just going completely mask off at this point.

Ah yes, innovation
  • Let me finish those libs' sentence: "Capitalism breeds innovation in new ways to exploit the proletariat and, being the bootlickers we are, we're hoping that saying this is going to lead to us not being exploited as much."

  • Fusion ignition has been achieved

    cross-posted from:

    > More than 50% more energy was generated than was used for the reaction. 2.05 Megajoules in, 3.15 Megajoules out. Let's see how fast the US fossil fuel oligarchs start creating anti-fusion propaganda like they did with fission.

    Elon Musk Gets Viciously Booed by Stadium Crowd at Dave Chappelle Show
  • It's so weird how it disappeared from Twitter. I wonder why that happened.

  • https:// /news/politics/china-beijng-xi-communist-party-1.6617557

    "Chinese Communist Party Congress set to anoint Xi as president for life"

    If you read past the headline, the article goes on to say "We can be almost certain that Xi, as the Communist Party's general secretary, will be appointed for another five-year term," and "Technically speaking, since the term limit has been removed, he can stay in power for life, [although] that may require some formal ceremonies after five years."

    Apparently, a theoretical 5 year term that they aren't even completely sure will happen means for life, and "technically speaking, he can" means he will do so.

    6 South Korea accidentally hit its own base with missile while warning the North

    South Korea launched the domestically produced, Hyunmoo-2 missiles. On this occasion, one of the missiles malfunctioned and landed on one of its own air force bases.

    Hit their own base (trying) to own the tankies. Kim Jong-Un must have telekinesis powers now in addition to necromancy.

    Not a Nazi State having another normal one.
  • They're just trying to kill bugs that all happen to be right in front of them at the same time. No nazis here.

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    Why America is So Damn Big (Johnny Harris is a Propagandist) - Hakim
  • Image of Hakim explaining that YouTube demonetized his video, despite it being identical to Johnny Harris' video.

    Is this the free speech all the libs here are talking about?

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    Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete
  • Yes, Capitalism does in fact create innovation, in precisely the wrong direction.

  • Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete

    Recipients of bionic eyes from Second Sight are starting to go blind after the company behind the technology stopped supporting their products.

    Welcome to Capitalism, where you can lose your vision because some corporation didn't get enough money.

    Why is BadEmpanada such a liberal?
  • Are anglos just permanently brainwashed or what?

    Not necessarily permanent, but very, very hard to get rid of. It is ingrained from birth, and schools try their best to condition you not to question anything. I'm lucky enough to have noticed and resisted the conditioning, but had to pay the price of being extremely stressed in school, which led to burnout and a low GPA, which has repercussions in the future.

    They will try as hard as they can to indoctrinate you, and if they can't, they make sure to make your life as difficult as possible.

    Then, there's the fact that they teach everyone that people who don't agree with the propaganda are evil fascists who want to destroy freedom and democracy, which means that if you reject the propaganda, you get vilified for it. Therefore, the more social a person is, the less likely they will be to reject the propaganda, and a lot of them will be in denial of the truth because they don't want to lose relationships over it.

    It's truly an evil, despicable system that needs to be abolished.

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    Poland to annex western parts of Ukraine
  • So they're lambasting Russia for invading Ukraine while plotting to invade Ukraine? How does this make sense? Oh right, it's only bad if someone the US doesn't like does it.
