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What stands out the most about you?
  • The ADHD.

    Hyperfocus makes me ramble. I've also dedicated an enormous amount of time to an abundance of different "talents" and skills.

    It can make people around me feel like "normies", which is not a self-compliment but an admission of social unawareness.

    I've made a concerted effort over the last decade to remind myself to listen intently when people are talking and be aware of my potential to monopolize a conversation. I feel like it's helped a lot. Connecting with people is important to my mental health. Its always been difficult but its getting easier as I grow older and pay attention to these things.

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    Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • If it was widely known that outlook was the legitimate suffix, there's no need to worry about this. If SAG-AFTRA had their own instance then any actor's account username associated with it would carry the suffix chosen by SAG-AFTRA. for example. would be instantly recognizable as illegitimate.

    This problem already exists in many different forms and is already managed well by the fact that celebrities' real usernames are well known and bullshit posts from accounts trying to fake them are easily caught just by looking at the user name. There are plenty of parody accounts on X with very similar username formats. Is that a major problem for X users? Not from what I've seen.

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    Celebrities will never adopt the Fediverse until usernames are centralized.
  • The fix for this is for the guilds and unions that represent these celebrities to spin up their own instances. The suffix of the username granting the legitimacy.

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    So this guy believes in Nick Cannon, who has 12 children with six women
  • Kid on the bottom right has a backwards hand; thumb on the wrong side. Also a ridiculously long arm. Kid on Dad's lap is a Kuato growing out of his leg.

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Interdimensional Cable from Rick and Morty is outrageous. GTA's radio stations (VCPR was the best) and TV shows are often really funny. The Pißwasser beer commercial from IV always gets me.

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    No thanks
  • "Two men say they're Jesus. One of 'em must be wrong!" - Mark Knopfler, "Industrial Disease", Love Over Gold (1982) - Dire Straits

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • Fair enough.

    For me personally, I love having technology from right before the explosion of Bluetooth integration. For example, I have stereo receivers and other sets of speakers that require that 3.5mm jack for input. Not having that jack on my current phone (Pixel 8) has made it more annoying to use these devices. Also, I still have an iPod Classic that I used to use exclusively in the car but now I have to carry it around more so it can be used with my old stereos.

    Also, I can't stand the bluetooth latency; especially in the car. If I'm parked having lunch somewhere, I can't watch a video without a terrible audio desync.

    I still value the 3.5mm jack.

  • Hey folks. Just finished a tab of the song "Superior" from Extol's incredible "Burial" album. Figured I'd share it here as I'm sure there's a few around here that know of Extol's greatness. If you want a .gp8 version of the file, just let me know.

    Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots
  • Y'know this guy seems intelligent enough to come up with this scheme, but not intelligent enough to keep a low profile. I honestly don't understand that.

    Personally, I'd do the math to pay myself a living wage with this so that my actual work salary is nothing but a cherry on top; manage it so it seems like hype is ebbing and flowing in a natural way. If you ever figure out a way to break the system like this, you should never act in a way that draws attention to yourself.

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    Fruitopia Vending Machines
  • I couldn't stand this shit as a kid. I want a drink that will quench my thirst, not one that will make me more thirsty due to the metric fuckton of sugar in it.

  • What outside wing thing? How to dinner time? How to exit tub (sphynx)? 4am zoomies land speed record? How to second dinner time? How to outside?

    Post what you think your cat's search history would be!


    Linux newbie, here. Does this seem reasonable or normal? That's a lot of downgrades and deletions. I feel like if I click confirm I'm gonna nuke my system. Am I right to be concerned here?

    I do have backups in case of any issues, but still... I'd rather not spend the time to rebuild.


    I was just reading this thread...

    ...and it got me thinking about something that I've wanted for a long time. Why is it that keyboards have not evolved to have dedicated copy/paste keys left of the main board? I'd love to see an additional column of keys left of Esc->Ctrl configurable as macros at least. I do a lot of copy/paste for work. The current shortcuts arent terrible or anything but they're not exactly comfortable. I'd rather move my whole hand to the left for a macro key than contort to hit the current shortcut.

    What do you think?


    ...relative to Reddit's size?

    I see so many posts and comments voicing disappointment with Lemmy's lack of massive expansion.

    I too want to see Lemmy gain more users, but I do not want it to grow to Reddit's size. If Reddit is the yardstick, I'd say that a population that large attracts a lot of negative behaviours; degeneration of discourse, amplification of echo chambers and hive mind behaviour, etc...

    I started on Reddit in 2010 and found that by 2016 things were really bad in comparison. A fun and engaging site was experiencing an obvious devolution that persists to this day, accelerated by Spez's enshittification of the platform. Obviously the fediverse insulates us from that occurring here but I think you get what I mean.

    Do you you think Lemmy is too small? I don't. I've been here since the great migration last year and have had a really good time. I see a lot of familiar names in the comments on a daily basis. It actually feels like a community here. I guess I just don't understand the fixation on the size of Lemmy's user base. Curious to hear your thoughts.

    [EDIT] Thanks for all the responses, everyone! Lots of perspectives I hadn't yet considered.

    123 shouldn't be any longer.

    Neural DSP has paywalled features in it's flagship hardware unit by requiring that you own licenses for the plugins you intend to use on the Quad Cortex.

    For a full-featured QC with all plugin options you're looking at over $5,500 CAD.

    Neural has already demonstrated that they can't be trusted to handle your data ( Now they're treating your bank account as if they're entitled to the contents.

    This functionality has been advertised for years and Neural has made a ton of money off the hype without delivering the service until now. The absolute gall to charge QC owners for features (amps, cabs, FX, etc...) that should have been included with the unit in the first place is absolutely outrageous.

    In light of this, why on earth should anyone buy a QC for ~$2,400 CAD, when you can get an FM9 for ~$150 CAD more and STILL have more features than the QC even with it's plugin compatibility?

    If you like a walled garden approach and being absolutely fleeced by Neural DSP, then all power to you. I never want to hear a complaint about Fractal's price point ever again.

    2 The Muscles of the Leg and Foot: 3D Anatomy Model

    Explore the anatomy and function of the leg and foot muscles with Innerbody's interactive 3D model.

    So I've been having issues with my right ankle as I've been pursuing a marathon run for the first time at the end of this year. I went to physio, got professional recommendations and yeah, it was fine I guess but I felt like only one of the four exercises I was given was actually targeting the problem areas in any perceivable way.

    My run today left me with more diffuse pain again so I went looking online to see if I could figure out exactly what is going on and booooooy did I find the best thing since sliced bread. I now know exactly what motions are triggering the issues I'm having.

    On this page ( select the "3D Rotate and Zoom" feature of the anatomical display. Zoom in and analyze the tendons and muscular structure in whatever problem areas you may have. Click on the individual parts of the leg to get the name of the structure and related info. Look up exercises for those particular structures on YouTube and with a bit of trial and error you'll likely hit on the exact problematic muscles/tendons you're struggling with. I certainly did. I have three exercises that target the exact problem area as well as providing complementary targeting to the other structures that support the problem area as well.

    I'm relieved to have this available to me now. There's so much free physio content on Youtube, the main problem was always pinpointing source of the issues. I feel like this resolves that issue in a major way for me, personally.

    Of course it goes without saying that YMMV and that professional help might be your best option regardless of this amazing resource. Trust your doctor, but it never hurts to do your own homework before spending the money on rehab.


    Hauntologist "Hollow" | Full Album 2024 - FFO: Mgła and killer drumming in general.


    I'm very new to Linux. Currently tinkering with Nobara and wanted to install st. I was able to successfully install it last night but when I started attempting to patch it for customization purposes I think I messed something up. I had needed to remove st multiple times and re-install so I could start fresh and fix my errors. Now when I attempt to run make clean install I get a host of errors related to packages that are installed but can't seem to be found?

    ``` [astralpath@nobara-pc st]$ sudo make clean install [sudo] password for astralpath: rm -f st st.o x.o st-0.9.tar.gz c99 -I/usr/X11R6/include pkg-config --cflags fontconfig pkg-config --cflags freetype2 -DVERSION=\"0.9\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O1 -c st.c Package fontconfig was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing fontconfig.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'fontconfig', required by 'virtual:world', not found Package freetype2 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing freetype2.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'freetype2', required by 'virtual:world', not found c99 -I/usr/X11R6/include pkg-config --cflags fontconfig pkg-config --cflags freetype2 -DVERSION=\"0.9\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -O1 -c x.c Package fontconfig was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing fontconfig.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'fontconfig', required by 'virtual:world', not found Package freetype2 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing freetype2.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable Package 'freetype2', required by 'virtual:world', not found x.c:15:10: fatal error: X11/Xft/Xft.h: No such file or directory 15 | #include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. make: *** [Makefile:16: x.o] Error 1


    I'm not sure why these issues are occurring now. Could someone help point me in the right direction to troubleshoot? I'm really lost on how to proceed even though the error output seems to be giving me some pretty explicit instructions.

    Thanks in advance :)--


    I've had zero luck finding any info on this. Maybe my search skills are bad :/

    What I'm looking for are mouse skates that create the feel of a mouse on a mouse pad. All the skates I'm seeing are for ultra low friction when used on a mouse pad. Basically, I want to get rid of the need for a mouse pad on my desk for aesthetic and practical reasons and am hoping that someone knows about a set of mouse skates that would facilitate this.


    My heart nearly beat out of my chest on this one! We were already down a player since the start of the game so this match was an uphill battle from the start. We ended up winning the game which felt amazing. This round is the cherry on top.


    Artificial Brain - Glitch Cannon


    Hey folks, just wondering if any of you out there are playing BFBC2 via the Project Rome servers and are having issues logging in.

    I was able to play on the day I installed the feature but ever since I haven't been able to log into Project Rome in-game to play online.

    Anyone else having similar issues? I'm wondering if this is just a me thing...


    After following the instructions provided by NewPipe to download my subscriptions list for import, I get a .zip file with nothing but an HTML file within. No data related to subscriptions at all. If I opt to download an export containing all my Youtube data, then I get a couple of folders for History and another data subset but nothing for subscriptions.

    I thought at first this may have been an issue related to the private status of my subscriptions list on my Youtube account, but even after toggling privacy off for my subs, I still cannot get a .zip from Youtube containing a .csv of my subscriptions.

    Has anyone else had this issue?


    HEAVY BREATHER (Live at Ashby Legion) 07/07/2023

    Two-piece bands are sick! This is way too good not to share. Enjoy!


    On vacation last fall we ended up hiking in the Lauterbrunnen/Grindelwald area. Took this pic on my Samsung A51 after a quick lunch. Other than the A51's limited auto PP, there are no edits or adjustments to this photo. Not bad for a cheap phone, eh?


    Just curious. I'm hearing that a lot of people are using various apps with Lemmy but I'm having such a good experience with the browser version that I don't understand the point of adding an additional layer via an app in between my access to the service. I'd love to hear people's opinions about the pros and/or cons to using an app vs. the browser. [EDIT] I should specify that 90% of my usage is on my phone.
