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Isn't it weird that we have exactly five fingers and five toes on each hand and foot.
  • The wikipedia article Polydactyly in stem-tetrapods has some explanations on how we ended up with 5 fingers and toes.

    The gist of it is that tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrate animals) evolved from a fish similar to a lobe-finned fish that had 5 sets of bones in each of its fins that evolved into fingers and toes. Some tetrapods have subsequently lost digits but the basal state was five.

    There's a book, Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin that's full of this kind of stuff. Highly recommend.

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    Maui wildfire death toll hits 67 as questions raised over warnings
  • From the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency website

    Hawaiʻi has the largest single integrated Outdoor Siren Warning System for Public Safety in the world. The all-hazard siren system can be used for a variety of both natural and human-caused events; including tsunamis, hurricanes, dam breaches, flooding, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, terrorist threats, hazardous material incidents, and more.

    They test them here every month too. Shameful they didn't sound them when needed the most.

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    Choose wisely
  • And how precise is the telekinesis?

    Also what range. Could you remotely rear naked choke anyone in the world, or just apply a leg press of a couple hundred pounds to their brain stem or some shit? Punch world leaders in the nuts at will? Crash planes by fucking with flight controls? Deorbit satellites? Divert asteroids into earth's path?

    Also, could you double jump or straight fly with it?

    Manipulate roulette balls for quick money or meddle in sporting events you bet on (just telekinetically stuffing basketball shots and putt attempts and shit would be hilarious). Seems like telekinesis would be amazing.

  • [15:04] 6 years to make a handmade FORK I Tool for the field

    The Columbia River Gorge, Washingon State
  • That's not The Columbia River Gorge then I think. It's like, the Columbia River, in a gorge. The Columbia River Gorge is between Portland and Kennewick area specifically. Not that it really matters.

    The geology out there is pretty amazing. Giant fucking lava flows covered everything millions of years ago and then there were cataclysmic ice age floods that carved out the gorges and whatnot. The Columbia river carried something like 13 times the volume of the Amazon River at times during the floods.

  • [52:28] Traditional Cooper - George Smithwick - History and how to make a wooden bucket


    [13:46] Utsushi - in search of Katsuhira's tiger. Part 1


    [25:41] Heritage of Kumiko Crafts
